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SOWNY » What does it take to create A fast channel » January 29, 2025 6:20 pm

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In Case you were curious a bit more on how you create one of those Digital streaming channels you are now finding on those smart TV digital screens or on your streamers screens I found this an interesting read 

SOWNY » The CW Loses Its Only Real Major Sports Event To Fox » January 17, 2025 6:39 pm

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It is division one It is mostly Atlantic Coast Conference So ACC so Duke Clemson and Syracuse are the main recognizable names and they also have NASCAR Xfinity this season most Saturdays starting in February So the golf package was starting to hold them back 

SOWNY » The CW Loses Its Only Real Major Sports Event To Fox » January 16, 2025 9:01 pm

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CW has added NASCAR on Saturdays and now has NCAA college football and basketball So I think they will do fine without the A third rate golf circuit coverage 

SOWNY » Will The OTA Networks Interrupt Programming For This? » January 6, 2025 8:41 pm

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I was away from my television but what time did CFTO and CBC Toronto TV go back to their regular programming ? 

SOWNY » Did Sauga960's Jack Berkovitz Really Give Out His Cell Number On Air? » December 25, 2024 12:29 pm

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RadioActive wrote:

Yes, he did, and given the sensitivities of recent world events, I think he's crazy. But in scanning the Christmas Day dial, I came across a reroll of his show on Sauga960 and heard him actually give out the number on air. I can't imagine that will end well. 

But I suppose you could surmise no one is listening, so it won't really matter. But that's not what Berkovitz says. I also heard him bragging that the ratings for his show, which runs from 9 AM-noon weekdays on the station, are soaring and that they have an ever-expanding huge audience. I find that hard to imagine, given that I've yet to run into anyone who listens to CKNT or even knows what it is. And he does tend to be the King of Hyperbole. 

That said, I'm not sure how he can make that claim and back it up. Perhaps I should call his cell phone and ask him!

I say at least text him. Hasn't he written on the board in the past 

SOWNY » How CFTR Became CKWX Vancouver For The Night On Christmas Eve » December 25, 2024 12:25 pm

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There was a bad wind storm on the West Coast, and it was expected to stay rough even today, so I'm wondering if they were planning on having one station overnight doing a network thing. Maybe this time, they thought Vancouver was a place to be. I know in the past, when Calgary was having lousy weather, one night I turned on 680 news, and they were doing it from, I believe,  that was during their weekend national experiments

SOWNY » Are Internet Radios Still a Thing? » November 7, 2024 7:44 pm

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That's basically what I use my smart speakers for and I do have a few of my older backup tablets and an old smartphone that I use for doing the same things

SOWNY » On This Day in 1924 Ted Rogers Sr. May Have Saved Radio » August 26, 2024 8:38 pm

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As houses at the time were wired only for lighting purposes, the radios sold had connectors enabling them to be plugged into lightbulb sockets.

When did Homes start getting the conventional power outlets for plugging in their own appliances?

SOWNY » the King's plate » August 23, 2024 8:08 pm

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I saw a little bit disappointed that the Kings plate Horse race was not simulcasted on city TV or even shown in a quick replay during the 5:00 newscast It was only on sports net Luckily I did a catch it but I can't easily DVR the sports channels unless I pre-schedule on like The network channels in which I can go back up to 6 hours my cable company is BEANFIELD Metro connect but I am disappointed that a majority of the people Missed the broadcast and I will keep watching for a replay at least on the Sportsnet website.

SOWNY » Bell's Montreal TV Newsroom & Radio Stations All Flooded Out » August 20, 2024 9:21 pm

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I will have to watch them to see if they're less glitchy than the Toronto CTV news broadcasts have been

SOWNY » July 22 CBS Will Air Bob Newhart Tribute Special » July 25, 2024 7:22 pm

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Is it being repeated anywhere I missed it


SOWNY » Is This The Only Cdn. Stn. Still Giving Temperatures In Fahrenheit? » June 10, 2024 4:57 pm

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WBFO Buffalo NPR gives the reading in Celsius for their Ontario listeners From an Ontario weather station in the Niagara region

SOWNY » Exactly 32 Years Ago Today, Tonight Had No Tomorrow » May 22, 2024 4:59 pm

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Did any Canadian stations carry the show?

SOWNY » The Greatest Two Minutes In Sports » May 6, 2024 8:15 pm

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city TV had the NBC simulcast this year all three hours

SOWNY » Last Days Of Top 40/CHR On AM Radio From 1992 » March 9, 2024 2:04 pm

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When did each Of the AM stations in Toronto drop top 40 music or current music I believe AM640 was the last to have no music programming in any day part But do we have a date for the last bit of CHR music in Toronto on AM?
Also wasn't Tarzan Dan on M640 near the end of their music run ?

SOWNY » ASK ME ANYTHING » February 10, 2024 7:01 pm

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Are you gonna do anything Extra when it comes to news at your stations now that there is a vacuum in local news with ctv cutting their local noon newscasts?

SOWNY » Documentary on MuchMusic Comes To Crave On Friday » January 29, 2024 12:25 pm

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Is there any indication on when we'll have a new date for the premier?

SOWNY » For Coronation Street Fans Who Go Back A Long Way » November 3, 2023 6:54 pm

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When did they start broadcasting regular episodes in Canada?



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So in years to come, what will happen to these bands? We very much doubt they’ll become a free-for-all, as a badly made AM pirate spewing kilowatts of harmonics audible in the gigahertz is not a desirable outcome for anyone. Instead we’re guessing they’ll languish, forgotten by all but a few enthusiasts polishing their vintage Philco tabletop radios. It’s sad, because we could imagine a vibrant future for an AM band in a world where limited power unlicensed microbroadcast transmissions were legal. This is to some extent already the case in some parts of the world, but if that were to become a more general thing with permissible power in the region of a watt or two then we could see large numbers of short-range stations co-existing across the dial.


SOWNY » Why They Should Fire Every Local TV Meteorologist in Toronto » January 15, 2023 4:48 pm

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Which stations have actual meteorologists here in the city anyway? Everybody just gave up and started using the weather network and relying on environment Canada. I've noticed lately whenever there's any weather event that would typically just get covered by the weather people environment, Canada has now started putting out special weather statements more and more To give everybody the heads up even when we don't meet actual warning or watch criteria

SOWNY » This Friday CBC Marketplace Looks At Bell, Rogers and Telus » January 14, 2023 6:35 pm

Replies: 13

Go to post examined phone plans in 233 countries and found that Israel has the most affordable mobile data at just $0.04 per GB. The report chalks this up to high smartphone penetration and robust competition from providers who "offer huge data allowances with extensive 4G LTE and 5G network coverage."

SOWNY » A note for CFXJ's engineers » November 3, 2022 10:41 am

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CFXJ 93.5

When a station now called today radio can't even get the time right, that is a sad statement. I never realized which station it was setting the clock on my radio and self-setting alarm clock; I assumed it was the CBC.

I don't want to sound like chicken little, but with a time change coming, there will be many Self-setting clocks that will look for re-sync. If the station doesn't want to offer the service properly, they might turn off their clock syncing mechanism. Are there any other stations in Toronto that could provide this service quickly, or is there even a station where these clocks and radios would start to gravitate to with a more accurate time already


SOWNY » The Pirate Radio Broadcaster Who Occupied Alcatraz and Terrified the F » April 17, 2022 12:00 pm

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Go to post  -- He sat at the same ta ble each evening, sometimes with lighting and sometimes without, a cigarette often in hand, a guest always by his side. In the background, the sound of waves rolling against the rocks and the stuttering of a backup generator were constants. Then, with a crackly yet genuine radio connection streaming through the wires from an unthinkable place — Alcatraz Island — he began speaking in a calm, determined voice. The nation was listening.


SOWNY » When Will Newscasters Get Back To "Normal?" » February 20, 2022 12:44 pm

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The last time things felt normal for me was September 10th, 2001
since then, it's "the new normal."

SOWNY » GTA Update Not Secure ... » December 24, 2021 9:13 pm

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look under easier access there keypress lock keys for function keys

SOWNY » CBC Asks CRTC For "Permission" To Show Tokyo Olympics » March 31, 2021 10:38 pm

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it is the described video exemption that is new since 2019 that is  why there is CRTC request.

SOWNY » The Blue Jays are back on TV this weekend! » March 8, 2021 6:52 pm

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Blind, partly blind Blue Jays fans upset with call to replace radio broadcasts with TV simulcast

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