I thought 680 would be the only one doing live and more importantly local radio coverage on Xmas Eve. Turns out I was wrong. My dog woke me up at midnight to go outside and "use the facilities" (i.e. a tree in my backyard) and I turned on what I thought was CFTR.
Turns out they were simulcasting CKWX, aka 1130 AM in Vancouver. It was a very weird hybrid, even down to the top-of-the-hour I.D., which called itself "News Radio Toronto-Vancouver." The headlines that followed were a strange amalgam of stories, with the anchor reporting about local traffic accidents in Vancouver, right down to the street names, then doing the same for a Toronto fender bender. There were even references to Calgary, so I expect they may have been on that outlet as well.
The only thing local was traffic and weather cut-ins, and often they didn't end in time, leaving them joining the B.C. anchor in the middle of a story.
I'm not sure if they've ever done this before and it was certainly Christmas related. But it was clear you can't be all things to all people when you're trying to be a local newscast. And this thing just did not work. But it must have saved Rogers some money for all the overtime they didn't pay, having only one crew in across the country.
It wasn't until 6 AM that they went back to all Toronto local.
By the way, worth noting that CKGL-AM Kitchener (aka 570 News) wasn't part of this. As they always do, they were airing Infinity Sports overnight, simulcasting with The Fan 590.
There was a bad wind storm on the West Coast, and it was expected to stay rough even today, so I'm wondering if they were planning on having one station overnight doing a network thing. Maybe this time, they thought Vancouver was a place to be. I know in the past, when Calgary was having lousy weather, one night I turned on 680 news, and they were doing it from, I believe, that was during their weekend national experiments
They did the CKWX substitution again early Thursday morning and it was even worse than the earlier effort. I heard the 1 AM (Toronto time) newscast and every story was about something happening in Vancouver - problems at the YVR airport, an accident complete with street intersections I've never heard of, a reminder that Stanley Park was closed for the day, etc. etc. etc.
At one point, they even played a CKWX station idea, reminding you were listening to AM 1130!
Not exactly useful for a Toronto audience, small though it may have been. You might as well have been listening to a streaming feed of the station. What a way to NOT serve your local listeners.
This has now become completely absurd. I just heard the midnight broadcast of "NewsRadio" on CFTR, and there were tons of stories about Calgary, Victoria and Vancouver - but not a single mention of anything happening in Toronto. So the major market in all of Canada has a news station that for the past week has no news about its own city overnight.
I hope this is only for the holidays, because it's now reached absurd proportions.