SOWNY » Some Observations » September 15, 2022 9:48 pm |
turkeytop wrote:
I'm from a non- broadcasting background. Radio is not my profession but is my passion. If any of my comments are off topic or offensive, someone please let me know.
My sentiments exactly!!!!
SOWNY » Is The TV Coverage Of The Queen's Death Becoming Over-The-Top? » September 14, 2022 9:42 pm |
Bill Dulmage wrote:
True. Thank you. Memories fade with age. Regardless, he still joined the Canadian Army and swore that he would be faithful and bear true allegiance to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II Her heirs and successors.... that was the point.
... and a well made and deserved point it was! I remember well taking the oath and I was damn proud of it. I fully get the memory thing Bill. It took me awhile to recall the year we did the command ceremony. I tell you honestly, thank God for Internet resources!
SOWNY » Is The TV Coverage Of The Queen's Death Becoming Over-The-Top? » September 14, 2022 8:43 pm |
Bill Dulmage wrote:
I am a fan of The Queen (not so sold on the new King - we'll see). Always have been. I get the admiration for The Queen from my late mother. Never really sure what dad felt toward the Monarchy, but he did serve in the ROYAL Canadian Army for 12 or so years. My brother is not a fan of anything Royal. On the day QE II passed, I watched CBC News Network. Since then I've been watching CBC World News. I don't know what the Canadian channels are doing. I do know in listening to some U.S. radio that a lot of Americans are ticked off about all of the Queen stuff on US cable, especially on Sunday when it was felt that they should have been covering 9-11 events. If I were American, I think I would be upset. I just moved from Cobourg to nearby Port Hope on September 1 and have cable for the first time in about 20 years. I am glad I have access to all the news channels, especially BBC World News - at least on this occasion. It's something like 12 days of mourning. That's a long time, so it can be wearing thin for many. For me, as long as it's not just a repeat of older material over and over, I am okay with the coverage. BBC WN takes breaks to cover a few other stories - Ukraine in particular. NO, I do not have the TV on 24/7!
Actually the Canadian Army is the only branch of the Canadian Forces that does not use the prefix "Royal". This is due to Commonwealth militaries taking their lead from the British. In the U.K, New Zealand, Australia and here, only the Naval and Air Forces carry the prefix.
Many Army regiments in all the nations however, do carry the prefix and I served in one for 6 years. Mine was one of only four to have then Prince Charles made our Honorary Colonel in Chief in 1978. While the ceremonies over 4 days were a once in a lifetime experience; I can tell you that the couple of months of rehearsals was no joy...especially when wearing Scarlett tunics and a Bearskin!
The following link explain the history of the British
SOWNY » The Star: Too Many Cuts At Bell Media Threaten Broadcaster's Future » September 14, 2022 6:50 pm |
Tomas Barlow wrote:
If Bell did a remake of the Odd Couple they'd only have one guy on it and brag to the shareholders about how much money they saved.
A perfect summation of the situation.
SOWNY » New Buffalo Bills Radio Affiliate Is In - Wyoming? » September 9, 2022 2:06 pm |
RadioActive wrote:
I once moved into my large oven.
I was Home on the Range....
SOWNY » Politically Incorrect Songs » September 6, 2022 7:38 pm |
betaylored wrote:
Came so close, pun intended, to playing this on-air during an afternoon show, but decided I didn't want to get eighty-sixed by my PD.
You made the right call...LOL!
SOWNY » Is CTV's Your Morning The Worst Morning Show On TV? » September 4, 2022 4:47 pm |
Glen Warren wrote:
Media Observer wrote:
I remember CTV N1 and its 15 minute segments. It was an easy way to get a quick news update; but barring a developing story you wouldn't watch it continuously, as the same pieces were repeated for several cycles.
The all time king, and the one that stated the format was Ted Turner and CNN2, or CNN Headline News...
"Around the world in thirty minutes... This is Headline News"
That brings back memories. With a 30 minute show you had a good selection of news that didn't feel like it was being crammed into a short timeslot. It was a great source first thing in the morning and when returning home from work in the evening.
SOWNY » Is CTV's Your Morning The Worst Morning Show On TV? » September 4, 2022 2:51 pm |
I remember CTV N1 and its 15 minute segments. It was an easy way to get a quick news update; but barring a developing story you wouldn't watch it continuously, as the same pieces were repeated for several cycles.
SOWNY » A Look Back At The Beginning Of Sports Radio In Toronto » September 1, 2022 6:11 pm |
Steve Simmons reflects on the FAN's early days, 30 years ago.
12ft | SIMMONS: 30 Years ago Sports Radio began in Toronto - a chaotic, new opening sound for the city | Toronto Sun
SOWNY » Celebs Call Out Bell On LaFlamme Departure In Globe&Mail » August 29, 2022 9:36 pm |
A diverse and impressive list of signatories.
SOWNY » Prior Bell Media Investigations at CP24 & CTV Newsroom » August 29, 2022 9:33 pm |
RadioActive wrote:
Bell Media president Wade Oosterman has strongly denied charges there was "journalistic interference" over the reporting of LaFlamme's firing in a memo released on Monday.
Who do you believe?
Bell Media calls claims of journalistic interference in covering Lisa LaFlamme’s termination ‘outrageous’
Alternate link:
I don't believe Bell Media; however I think their only priority now is "Protecting the Brand".
Bell Canada risks damaging its brand amid backlash over dismissal of Lisa LaFlamme - The Globe and Mail
SOWNY » Ann Rohmer Files Last Minute To Run For Toronto City Council » August 28, 2022 5:11 pm |
She has withdrawn from the campaign; citing "unforeseen family issues".
Ann Rohmer discontinues Toronto city councillor campaign | CTV News
SOWNY » Prior Bell Media Investigations at CP24 & CTV Newsroom » August 27, 2022 11:34 pm |
Toronto Star reports prior investigations at both CP24 (when Michael Melling was in charge) and CTV's newsroom.
12ft | Before Lisa LaFlamme’s ouster, ‘toxic’ workplace allegations at Bell Media probed | The Star
SOWNY » Why Are TV Ratings In Canada So Secret?? » August 27, 2022 5:22 pm |
paterson1 wrote:
Very interesting article from the Globe and Mail about Canadian TV's slow and secretive release of TV ratings. Currently television ratings for public consumption come out a week after the fact and soon even that won't be happening. I have also felt that the radio ratings are secretive as well and really aren't provided for public consumption either. Numeris is run by the members who subscribe and these are mostly ad agencies, broadcast outlets and networks.
Numeris recently announced that they won't be making the top 30 weekly TV ratings available to the public in a couple of weeks. Also what is interesting after the Globe story is the generally negative comments about the article. Almost as if they were written by someone with a vested interested or from the industry. If there is little interest in media, odd how the Laflamme affair is still the most read on both the Globe and CBC websites.
Here is the opinion piece from the Globe and Mail, it's worth the read. ..
Alternate link:
SOWNY » Hey Toronto! Alberta Wants You » August 24, 2022 9:32 pm |
The ads are part of a $2.6 million campaign launched by the Alberta government; to recruit workers from Toronto and Vancouver.
Province launches ‘Alberta is calling’ talent recruitment campaign |
SOWNY » Leaving Radio On For Your Dog Doesn't Work: Study » August 23, 2022 2:18 pm |
Jody Thornton wrote:
I think you're pooch is still peeved at you when he mistakened Peace Train for "Gravy Train"
SOWNY » Alternative to Apple TV for Tonight's Jays Game » August 19, 2022 10:06 pm |
I actually enjoyed the Apple coverage tonight. Hearing the players and the Home Plate Umpire was also a nice change and Dan Plesac was good in the booth.
SOWNY » Alternative to Apple TV for Tonight's Jays Game » August 19, 2022 7:19 pm |
SOWNY » Alternative to Apple TV for Tonight's Jays Game » August 19, 2022 5:44 pm |
eladb wrote:
YES won't have tonight's game either because it is exclusive to Apple TV+ so they don't have the rights to it, just like Sportsnet doesn't.
eladb is correct. I checked the MLB Yankees schedule and today's game is only available in New York on Apple TV+ and radio.
SOWNY » Brian Stelter Out At CNN » August 18, 2022 3:00 pm |
CNN has cancelled Reliable Sources.
No great loss, speaking for myself. Howard Kurtz created a great product each week and Stelter followed up with increasing levels of mediocrity.
Brian Stelter Leaving CNN, ‘Reliable Sources’ Cancelled | TVLine
SOWNY » Lisa LaFlamme out at CTV » August 17, 2022 7:25 pm |
betaylored wrote:
this from the Globe and Mail today
Alternate link:
SOWNY » Lisa LaFlamme out at CTV » August 17, 2022 3:23 pm |
Rosie DiManno writes that CTV News Channel anchor Jennifer Burke refused to read the news release announcing LaFlamme's departure. This resulted in her being kept off the air for the first hour of her shift, while Angie Seth was kept back an hour to make the announcement. Burke's decision did not go over well with management and could effect her freelance status.
SOWNY » Lisa LaFlamme out at CTV » August 15, 2022 9:29 pm |
Hansa wrote:
Chrisphen wrote:
ED1 wrote:
This decision was actually made at the end of June, so Lisa has been sitting on this news for like the last month and a half.
I've seen a similar dismissal strategy before and I've never really understood it. What's the incentive for her keeping silent? Extra severance?
According to the *Star article there were several years left in her contract.
SOWNY » An Audio Tribute To Channel 47's Much Missed "All Night Show" » August 15, 2022 7:08 pm |
That link worked. Thanks RA.
SOWNY » Canada Increasingly Becoming A "Real Place" On Streaming Shows » August 15, 2022 7:02 pm |
RadioActive wrote:
From the Globe & Mail:
"For decades, creators of homegrown series shaved off the edges of their Canadian-ness, the better to sell to international (especially U.S.) markets. They filmed in Toronto or Vancouver, but never as Toronto or Vancouver – it was Generic North American City. They avoided glimpses of the CN Tower; they swapped out red mailboxes for blue ones; their characters never uttered tells such as “province” or “prime minister.”
But the author of the linked piece believes that's changing.
“We’re not going to wave the Maple Leaf in every scene,” [says Brent Haynes, head of scripted originals, Canada, Amazon Studios.] “...But we want to tell stories that have to be in the location they’re set...You see all these other countries shooting their cities and making them glamorous, in a way that makes you want to go there. Why can’t we?”
Streaming wars have hit the Canadian TV world. But when is a series homegrown vs. Canadian-ish?
Alternate link:
SOWNY » The Grand coming to you from Hamilton? » August 9, 2022 1:49 pm |
Google Street View (Sur Sagar unit):
[url= ,-79.6018855,3a,75y,227.7h,88.83t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sXEQFnELUt1IsoaDpo_JK6Q!2e0!7i16384!8i8192!4m13!1m7!3m6!1s0x882b3a557fd1b7ef:0x83b4ddaa1b8352a0!2s130+Westmore+Dr,+Etobicoke,+ON+M9V+5E2!3b1!8m2!3d43.7360421!4d-79.602041!3m4!1s0x882b3a557fb1b41f:0xb20a2e4a7da6740d!8m2!3d43.7359166!4d-79.6019884]Toronto, Ontario - Google Maps[/url]
SOWNY » Is Ben Wagner travelling with the team now? » August 3, 2022 11:20 pm |
tvguy wrote:
pre-game he said hw was at tropicana on Wednesday. I also saw him do a stand-up piece on a Sportnet Central sportscat - as for buck they said during the wednesday telecast he’ll be back in Toronto when they return from the road trip.
Buck staying back makes sense, given he lives there. I ended up with the TV on mute for a few innings, as I was fed up with the way they were playing.
SOWNY » Is Ben Wagner travelling with the team now? » August 3, 2022 5:33 pm |
Ale Ont wrote:
I couldn't listen to today's game. CityNews doesn't carry weekday, day games. If Ben was at the Trop it could be some kind of insurance. Matt Devlin called the two games there on TV. Buck wasn't there, although he lives close by.
Although off for this series, he was watching the game from the booth according to Devlin & Tabler. They said he was also on the field pre-game talking tp players and coaches. No word on the rest of the road games,
SOWNY » Mike Filey. » August 2, 2022 5:02 pm |
Media Observer wrote:
Sadly, no mention of his passing; on the Toronto Sun webpage.
Joe Warmington looks back on Mike and Toronto.
12ft | WARMINGTON: Former Sun writer Mike Filey lauded as 'guardian of Toronto’s history' | Toronto Sun
SOWNY » Mike Filey. » August 1, 2022 8:19 pm |
Sadly, no mention of his passing; on the Toronto Sun webpage.