CNN has cancelled Reliable Sources.
No great loss, speaking for myself. Howard Kurtz created a great product each week and Stelter followed up with increasing levels of mediocrity.
Brian Stelter Leaving CNN, ‘Reliable Sources’ Cancelled | TVLine
Last edited by Media Observer (August 18, 2022 3:03 pm)
Yeah, but now we'll lose the dueling media shows sniping at each other in the same time slot Sunday mornings. It was fun to watch CNN & Fox cannibalize their on-air counterparts!
I don't think I've watched his show, but seeing him on other CNN programming, I never liked his on air presentation. His voice bothered me. While the content he was talking about was good, his voice ruined it.
Stelter is doing his final show even as I type this. Pretty unusual to let someone who has been fired go on air and do a last hour.
Compare that to what CTV did to Lisa LaFlamme.
RadioActive wrote:
Stelter is doing his final show even as I type this. Pretty unusual to let someone who has been fired go on air and do a last hour.
Compare that to what CTV did to Lisa LaFlamme.
Not to defend Bell, but the two aren't comparable really. Brian's show was cancelled, and that's why he was let go. The long running Reliable Sources is finished today too.
CNN has posted Stelter's final sign off, further proof there's no animosity between the two sides.
Note that about halfway through, he takes his IFB out of his ear. (For those not familiar with the term, IFB stands for interruptable foldback, that little earpiece all reporters and anchors wear so that they can hear instructions from the control room in the event of something changing or a countdown to black, etc.)
I'm guessing he didn't want to hear what they had to say about timing or it was simply distracting him. He finished his final message mere seconds before fadeout. After 30 years, one of CNN's highest rated shows was over.
See it here.
Interestingly, Fox's competing media criticism show, "Media Buzz," didn't bother to mention its longtime competition until the very end of the show (they ran in the same time slot) with host Howard Kurtz noting he helped start the CNN program three decades ago and that he wasn't going to gloat, just wished them well. But he reminded viewers that unlike Stelter, he'll be back next week.