SOWNY » Anybody Want To Produce At 640?? » January 26, 2025 10:49 am |
RadioActive wrote:
jughead jones wrote:
Heather Purdon quit to work for Brad Bradford. Chris Chreston quit to work in Markham's city hall.
I'm trying to think of a similar situation and the only one I can come up with is John Scholes, who left Q107 after 19 years on air, but still hosts the paid program The Employment Law Show on sister station AM640 and also on Bell's CFRB. (I believe a TV version is also on Global during the weekends.)
Scholes hosts the Employment Law Show on 640, 1010, a TV version weekends on Global and CTV, and a separate weekday program on CP24. And the Disability Law Show for the same firm. Another former 640 producer, Ryan, continues to host a paid program ( once a month on the station.
SOWNY » Why Is One Of The World's Major Sporting Events Not On Toronto Radio? » October 30, 2024 11:50 am |
mace wrote:
paterson1 wrote:
The Voice was on first spot on CTV2 and that includes anyone watching on NBC Detroit which has CTV2's signal. When something isn't simsubed like Tracker, the CBS Detroit station might show up in the top 5 on Sunday when they run the program. CTV has football on when CBS runs Tracker and have been running it at a different time and day. Again this is what is showing for viewers watching on Bell Fibe.
This is timely, I just checked what is trending now in the top 5. Fibe is showing CP24 Dayside in first spot, followed by CNN Newsroom, CTV with The Good Stuff, Judy Justice on City TV, and Let's Make A Deal on CBS Detroit. Nobody is simsubing Let's Make A Deal.This sounds like a very cool feature. How long has it been available?
What guarantee is there that this feature is legitimate, and not something Fibe (and other streamers) manipulate or revise to drive traffic to particular programs?
SOWNY » Six Televised Leafs Games Will Air On Amazon Only This Year » September 24, 2024 10:25 am |
RadioActive wrote:
The future is here. Are you ready for it?
As Canadian hockey viewers brace for shift to streaming-only service, Prime Video hopes to woo them with Big Tech’s touch
It appears the theory that Marek was ultimately jumping to Amazon is without merit.
SOWNY » Giant FM & Country 89 Knocked Off Air After Transmitter Vandalism » September 4, 2024 9:15 am |
Johnny B wrote:
Looks like every first draft of a news story these days is handled by AI...this is brutally written...even for a Terminator T-1000.
This version is much more succinct, and avoids the hyperbole in Giant's reporting:
SOWNY » before the Internet, there were... books » August 23, 2024 10:21 am |
In Phase, what is "CTV: The Television Wars" about?
SOWNY » Jerry Agar Gone From CFRB For Next Two Weeks » May 23, 2024 10:44 am |
RadioAaron wrote:
RadioActive wrote:
it's worth noting that I think this may be the first time he's ever hosted a radio show himself.
.On RB, maybe. He was a frequent fill-in host on CFRA.
He hosted a show, 7 - 10 p.m., on CFRA for a few years in the mid-to-late-2010s.
SOWNY » Are A.I. Talk Show Callers The Next Thing? » February 26, 2024 9:54 pm |
I have no problem with this whatsoever. As newsguy1 said, some jocks have done this for years by enlisting the services of friends, family or coworkers. While I'm not a fan of AI integration in some aspects of society, this isn't the most shocking application of the technology. Wasn't this concept at the core of Phil Hendrie's show?
SOWNY » Is "Zonecasting" The Next Big Thing For FM Radio? How Does It Work? » February 1, 2024 12:44 pm |
paterson1 wrote:
Newspapers started this type of geotargeting about 12 years ago for advertising on their websites. An advertiser could have their ad show up on a newspaper website in specific zones of a city, other cities, or only a few blocks around the store. Many had customized ads with specials and offers to test the response. This sounded interesting and for the advertiser cost effective but in reality didn't really work that well for most of them.
Maybe radio will be different.
Paterson1, why/in what ways did it fail?
SOWNY » Is The T.O. Star Using A.I. To Generate These Articles On Its Website? » December 26, 2023 11:30 am |
RadioActive wrote:
Here's an example of a list article posted on the Star site that credits "Open Team Data." Do you think it's AI generated or was there some human intervention here? I honestly don't know. But it's a question worth asking.
100% generated by generative AI (GAI). You can tell by the short, focused sentences it employs. And this line, found at the end of the article: "This story was automatically generated using data from Environment Canada."
Hopefully, at the very least, these articles are reviewed by a pair of human eyes before being posted, as opposed to automatically generated and made live online before any check for accuracy.
For multi-layered, investigative reporting, it will be extremely hard to replace flesh and blood human journalists with AI. At least, impossible with GAI. God help us if we ever achieve true AI.
SOWNY » Who Richard Syrett Says Influenced Him To Get Into Radio » December 19, 2023 12:51 pm |
Syrett was one of my first mentors where the production of talk radio show content was concerned. Sharp mind, soft-spoken off-air as John D stated.
I will always remember Richard lamenting his role in defiling episodes of beloved black and white classic TV shows and sitcoms (like McHale's Navy) back in his youth. He revealed to his listeners that he once had a job in Toronto where he 'colourized' the shows. I can't recall if he altered the original version of these shows, or if he was merely tampering with copies. At any rate, he said it was a regret he likely still harbours years later!
SOWNY » Stephanie Smyth Gets A Shot At Hosting Talk Radio » November 24, 2023 10:34 pm |
I did some digging and found the details about Smyth and Smyth's two-day tango in December 2006.
Wow. While I can't for the life of me remember what I ate for dinner last night, it appears that I can recall obscure holiday talk show line-ups from nearly 20 years ago. What a skill!
SOWNY » Stephanie Smyth Gets A Shot At Hosting Talk Radio » November 24, 2023 10:26 pm |
RadioActive wrote:
She's been a news director, a news anchor, and a guest commentator. And next week, Stephanie Smyth will be something else - a talk show host. The longtime broadcast pro will be taking Kelly Cutrara's place on AM640 Monday for the show that airs from noon - 3 PM.
Smyth should be comfortable behind that mic - she used to be the station's news director and has also served in that position at CityNews 680 and Global.
Stephanie did some very limited talk show fill-in work during her time as news director at AM640 Toronto in the mid-to-late 00s (likely within the 2006-07 time period). In fact, she was paired with the venerable Dick Smyth on at least one of those occasions when subbing on Stafford's afternoon drive show.
SOWNY » Bob McCown on impact of worsening strokes » November 7, 2023 10:43 am |
The Toronto Star's Bruce Arthur shares an update on The Bobcat's condition following a series of strokes. Here is a link to the article, trapped behind a paywall:
SOWNY » Metroland seeks bankruptcy protection, lays off 605 » September 15, 2023 9:44 pm |
Hansa wrote:
They're legally entitled to severance so Metroland may be forced to pay it out. I don't know if bankruptcy protection exempts Metroland from that responsibility.
Unfortunately, bankruptcy does change the game when it comes to severance packages:
SOWNY » MP3 player recommendations » August 31, 2023 8:26 pm |
RadioAaron wrote:
RonaldS wrote:
I'm actually replacing a many years-old iPod Nano whose battery has diminshed capacity.
Anything but a direct replacement will be a disappointment. Apple nailed it with that one.
Agree completely with the iPod Nano opinions here. One of Apple's greatest products. The one I have is 10 years old and still running strong. In fact, my son now uses it every night to listen to a favourite podcast. Perfect size, battery life, and sleek design.
SOWNY » Court Gives Thumbs Down To Competition Bureau Appeal of Rogers/Shaw » January 31, 2023 10:14 am |
Was just served this ad online:
Shaw suggests that this acquisition is happening solely for the benefit of the Canadian public, and that it will miraculously result in increased competition (somehow). And that it will "clear a path towards lower prices," as if Rogers hasn't had the power to slash prices up to this point in time.
Also, Rogers good, Bell and Telus bad.
SOWNY » The Most Irritating Phrase In Talk Radio » August 28, 2022 9:25 pm |
g121 wrote:
Personally, i find radio people whining about callers saying "an extra six words" is irritating .. i'm not joking either. over a course of an hour show, what is that? .. all of a collective minute?
LOL, geez .. chill & be glad you actually had callers/listeners : )) ..
Fair enough! But, as per my response above, it's about more than just those extra six words cutting into the clock. The potential for radio gold is being eroded and undermined behind the scenes.
SOWNY » The Most Irritating Phrase In Talk Radio » August 28, 2022 9:21 pm |
RadioActive wrote:
I've written about this before, but it keeps making more and more of a comeback on talk radio stations (if it ever diminished at all) and it's one of the most irritating things you can hear.
It happens with nearly every random caller they take to comment on a topic, and they should ban it immediately. If only that were possible. The phrase that doesn't pay is "As I was just telling your screener..." after which the caller launches into the subject he or she called about and presumably detailed to the producer.
I realize a lot of this is nervousness on the part of the listener, but there must be a way to get them to realize no one cares what they just told the screener, no one knows that they talked to the screener and it ruins the magic of radio somewhat to even acknowledge that there is a screener in the first place.
I'm not sure how you stop it, because it's becoming a bad habit and a crutch for too many. And as I was just telling my screener, I wish there was a way to make that happen.
Having worked in talk radio for years, I concur. I alway cringed when I heard a caller take to the airwaves and immediately announce "I was just telling your screener." Whenever I heard that, it meant that I, or the producer working with me, failed during the screening process.
A bad producer will allow a caller to yap for minutes as they share their detailed thoughts on the subject, pouring their opinion and emotions into that initial conversation. The caller will then have to essentially "reenact" the conversation to a lesser degree with the host. By that point, and depending on how long they wait on hold, they've already vented a bit, and a great deal of wind is out of their sail.
A good producer will spend only 15 seconds or so with a caller before either "racking them up" (putting them on hold for the host) or dropping their call (either politely and quickly if they're good peeps but just not what your looking for, o
SOWNY » Entercom, One Of Biggest Radio Owners In U.S., Is No More » March 30, 2021 11:53 am |
Peter the K wrote:
When I first saw that, I saw "audacity".
Aside from a piece of free software with that name, the term itself may not be the best thing for listeners to think of when it comes to media.
I did the exact same thing. Had to read it more slowly to determine that they hadn't just ripped off Audacity's name! Overall, it's an awkward name for one to quickly comprehend.
SOWNY » Subtle Changes At Funny 820 & GNR640 » March 9, 2021 5:06 pm |
grilled.cheese wrote:
Fjiri wrote:
grilled.cheese wrote:
I have quite a few entire shows of Staff et all saved in my archive, including commercials and news broadcasts.
Is this archive localized on a single, physical hard drive, or is it part of the cloud?
My man; Currently they are sitting comfortably on my hard drive but can be uploaded to Dropbox if requested.
I recall Michael's blood pressure rising after being grilled about how he came to know the tale of 'Wrong Way' Corrigan.
SOWNY » Subtle Changes At Funny 820 & GNR640 » March 9, 2021 1:10 pm |
grilled.cheese wrote:
I have quite a few entire shows of Staff et all saved in my archive, including commercials and news broadcasts.
Is this archive localized on a single, physical hard drive, or is it part of the cloud?
SOWNY » Former CTV Talk Show Host Succumbs To COVID-19 » May 11, 2020 9:20 am |
SOWNY » HD Radio In Toronto » January 15, 2019 10:38 pm |
tvguy wrote:
The issue with HD, as I understand it, and perhaps some engineers can weigh in, is that the digital (HD) subcarriers add about 10% (additional RF) to the existing envelope of RF going into the antenna. Across the FM band, at the CN Tower, that's a significant amount of additional RF into a very old antenna. I had been told that the Master FM antenna, was "maxed out" in terms of the amount of RF that it can handle. (not just a combiner issue). Consider that CHFI operates at 44 KW ERP, CBL-FM 38 kw ERP and there are several other high power (grandfathered) Class C stations. I also understand that a typical Nautel transmitter (HD) may consume more power than an older analog transmitter. So there may be an electrical upgrade (plus standby power generation) required for all stations to transition to HD & HVAC upgrades. My recollection is that the master antenna at the Empire State Building which was quite old, also required a major upgrade to transition NYC stations to HD. I also understand that with CKFM (and initially for CHUM-FM), the RF for the HD digital subcarriers, is routed into a separate antenna, so the HD component by-passes the Master FM antenna. I recall that Scott Fybush did a comprehensive article of the NYC Empire State Building master antenna system a few years back.
One might speculate that from a status quo situation, various stations that use the Master FM antenna could reduce the Analog ERP, while adding HD Digital subcarriers, but that would impact their analog coverage, which no general manager would likely choose to do.
here is an interesting article on the Empire State Building antenna rebuild - by Fybush:
SOWNY » Virgin radio cleans house » November 22, 2018 8:11 am |
RadioAaron wrote:
Today I learned! At the very least it allows them to merge and minimize Bad News Days.
Now THAT is true! lol Better to do it all in one shot, ride that wave for a short while, and then walk away like nothing ever happened.
SOWNY » Virgin radio cleans house » November 21, 2018 11:33 pm |
RadioAaron wrote:
I agree completely! I didn't word it as well as I could have.
A) Call it a layoff = Standard severance, hard to fight
B) Dismissal without case = You can fight for more than standard severance. That's what I meant by lgeal issues.
They combined B with A in this situation to weaken the morning show's case that they were fired without cause.
Sorry, still wrong!
A layoff is a dismissal without cause (unless the employer can prove that the employee did something horrible and inexcusable, at which point they could argue a for cause dismissal, which is considered "capital punishment" in employment law).
There is no such thing as a "standard severance". There are severance minimums under the Employment Standards Act. But under common law, the fact that somebody was laid off as part of a larger, group layoff does not affect the amount of severance that they are owed.
Severance is based on your age, position you had, salary you earned, length of time at the company. Sometimes an employment contract can limit the amount of severance you are owed when your employment is terminated.
SOWNY » Virgin radio cleans house » November 21, 2018 11:04 pm |
RadioAaron wrote:
The FM in only in the logo, and not actually part of the name.
Here's my guess - The morning show change was planned a while ago, but they need to wait out the new host's non-compete. They waited for two things to fire the current show 1-The date of the new host's availability gets closer and 2-Wait for there to be another nation-wide set of layoffs so they can claim that the morning show firing was a layoff, not a dismissal without cause. They've protected themselves from a bit of legal trouble.
RadioAaron, you are completely incorrect with regards to a "layoff" not being a dismissal without cause, and therefore allowing a company to avoid any legal issues aka severance payments.
A "layoff" is not a termination for cause. An employee who is "laid off" is still owed severance pay.
SOWNY » The Reason You Didn't See Ken Shaw On CTV News At 6 Tuesday » November 20, 2018 11:26 pm |
Robert Holiday was teaching radio news at Humber when I was in my second year there. I believe it was his last year before retiring in 2006 after at 16 year stint at the post-secondary institution.
I am quite certain that he had fallen out of love with the idea of sharing his wealth of knowledge with the new generation of broadcasters, based on his reaction to our particular class.
At one point, mid-way through the semester, he had clearly had enough of our shit.
There were many in the class who didn't want to be there (parents' money well spent!), and they made that apparent with their attitudes toward the course content, and Mr. Holiday himself.
They also decided that group cheating on a test while Mr. Holiday had stepped out of the class was the best way to earn his respect and admiration. Cheating. On a college radio news test.
When he realized that corners had been cut, he understandably lost his temper, at a moment when the class was awash in loud chatter from the students.
"Shut the FUCK UP!!!!!"
Instant silence. I think one snowflake even started tearing up.
He went on to berate the whole class (and rightfully so), explaining the opportunity we were wasting and the importance of broadcasting. He also suggested that anybody who truly did not want to be in that class should leave immediately. I don't think any of us moved an inch!
I regret that our class was likely the lowpoint in his tenure as a professor.
Mr. Holiday, if you're reading this (I doubt you are), please know that some of us in that class were very interested in what you had to share with the class, and were grateful for time you spent with us.
SOWNY » Meeting Your Radio Idol » October 18, 2018 9:22 pm |
RadioActive wrote:
If you ever worked in radio, chances are pretty good you used to listen to someone who made you want to get into this crazy industry. If you’re lucky, you’ll get to hear him or her on a regular basis. If you’re more fortunate, you’ll get to meet them. And if the stars really align, you’ll discover they’re as great a human being as you always hoped.
That’s what happened to me on Wednesday, when I got to treat one of the guys who inspired me to lunch in the Distillery District. His on air name was the Real Bob James and he toiled in the 70s and 80s at such great Top 40 stations as WGAR Cleveland and WNBC New York, with lots of other stops along the way.
This guy was one of the greatest jocks I’ve ever heard, an inspiration to me of how really great radio can be done. He came to Toronto for his first ever visit this week and he was nice enough to ask to meet me.
We talked about the loss of personality radio, the state of the industry today, some of his amazing career highlights, the fact his high energy approach (which included producing bits and taking requests on the fly) lost him about 5 lbs. per shift, and his post-radio career (he quit the biz at age 40 and went back to college to earn his Ph.D in media studies, followed by a tenured professorship at two prestigious American universities.)
How talented was he? Consider this: in the 70s, the local Emmy winner auditioned for an opening for a TV game show that needed a new host. He played a fake game with fake contestants and aced the thing. But in the end he came in second, as the production company decided to give it to a local L.A. weatherman, simply because he was better known in that market. The winner was Pat Sajak and the show was Wheel of Fortune. If not for that one quirk of fate, he might have been a household name.
But despite that near miss, he never lost a beat and remains as smart, nice and gracious as I could have hoped. (Dale Patterson has an air
SOWNY » Mike Bullard arrested again » June 1, 2018 11:22 pm |
RadioActive wrote:
The latest court decision spells some partially positive news for Bullard.
Former talk show host Mike Bullard sees two charges against him dropped
Is Bullard's lawyer the same Calvin Barry who wound up on the wrong end of the law?
SOWNY » Critic Decries Endless Drop-In Baseball Ads On Radio » May 11, 2018 11:36 pm |
BoredOp wrote:
Sports radio is deadly for this stuff. They sell EVERYTHING.
Dying to see the day when it's "time to check the Pizza Pizza out of town scoreboard brought to you by 2-4-1 Pizza".
Of course, some of it could carry over to "regular" talk radio. "First call of the day brought to you by OnStar, let's get to Gary in the Beach". But you need a smooth-as-butter host to make it much less intrusive.
Would love to hear a host lose themselves in an emotional rant about freedom of speech, or a politician's poor conduct, only to have to wrap it up with "....rant of the day brought to you by HeadOn, apply directly to the forehead, HeadOn apply directly to the forehead... HeadOn........ apply directly..... to the forehead."