A simple request of all local broadcast news media... and especially CBC.
Please stop with all the hype of the the Raptors and the upcoming game five of the NBA finals.
They haven't won anything yet... Yes, the Raptors may very well win this evening and clinch the NBA title. However, it might go to game six or even game seven.
So STOP, please...
And CBC News Notwork puts Suhana Meharchand out in the thick of it for 14 minutes... no news... just hype...
And out of commercial, Artti Pole is in the studio talking to Canadians living abroad about what the Raptors mean to them as Canadians living in Thailand....
puh lease.....
Isn't Prime Minister Socks giving a commencement address to some graduating class, somewhere in the US that can be carried live for an hour?
Oh wait, that's already been done... (and it wasn't news either).
Sadly, we all pay for this.......
I've had enough of it all as well. My remedy is to switch the channel to CBLFT.
Though it raises the question - If CBC mandate includes uniting the Country (as I believe it does) why is Le Telejournal Midi featuring Andrew Scheer blabbing behind a podium while Suhana Meharchand sis-boom-bahs in front of an arena?
They've given up. 75 years later two solitudes' remain.
Could be's parked the SNC Lavalin affair, for now...
Glen Warren wrote:
A simple request of all local broadcast news media... and especially CBC.
Please stop with all the hype of the the Raptors and the upcoming game five of the NBA finals.
They haven't won anything yet... Yes, the Raptors may very well win this evening and clinch the NBA title. However, it might go to game six or even game seven.
So STOP, please...
And CBC News Notwork puts Suhana Meharchand out in the thick of it for 14 minutes... no news... just hype...
And out of commercial, Artti Pole is in the studio talking to Canadians living abroad about what the Raptors mean to them as Canadians living in Thailand....
puh lease.....
Isn't Prime Minister Socks giving a commencement address to some graduating class, somewhere in the US that can be carried live for an hour?
Oh wait, that's already been done... (and it wasn't news either).
Sadly, we all pay for this.......
Bitter old white man.
CTV also seems to spend 50 minutes of their hour long evening newscast on the Raptors. If I wanted that much team coverage, I would tune in TSN or Sportsnet.
mace wrote:
CTV also seems to spend 50 minutes of their hour long evening newscast on the Raptors. If I wanted that much team coverage, I would tune in TSN or Sportsnet.
Tuning in at 6:00 pm for "news"?: dream on. You are lucky if you see a non-Raptors piece before the 15 minute mark. It's as if the station has changed its one hour news format into a sports and (already heavy) lifetime show; with a few minutes of actual news thrown in as an afterthought. The noon and 11:30 pm broadcasts are no better.
Last edited by Media Observer (June 10, 2019 7:49 pm)
Glen Warren wrote:
A simple request of all local broadcast news media... and especially CBC.
Please stop with all the hype of the the Raptors and the upcoming game five of the NBA finals.
They haven't won anything yet... Yes, the Raptors may very well win this evening and clinch the NBA title. However, it might go to game six or even game seven.
So STOP, please...
And CBC News Notwork puts Suhana Meharchand out in the thick of it for 14 minutes... no news... just hype...
And out of commercial, Artti Pole is in the studio talking to Canadians living abroad about what the Raptors mean to them as Canadians living in Thailand....
puh lease.....
Isn't Prime Minister Socks giving a commencement address to some graduating class, somewhere in the US that can be carried live for an hour?
Oh wait, that's already been done... (and it wasn't news either).
Sadly, we all pay for this.......
It will be over soon. Now take your Ovaltine and have a nice nap.
Compared to the low-key media when the Jays were in two World Series in the 90s?
Hansa wrote:
Compared to the low-key media when the Jays were in two World Series in the 90s?
... or when the leafs actually make the playoffs?
Radiowiz wrote:
cash wrote:
It will be over soon. Now take your Ovaltine and have a nice nap.
Yeah. Sunday. Oakland in 7. Right? Thanks for your input.
Now, THAT would be delightful to see! Snatching defeat from the jaws of victory. All the long faces on the Jurrasic Parkers. The endless news anchors pontificating What went wrong??? How could this possibly have happened???
what "gets me" is when media types "interview" fans (for several minutes) as if they are talking to "experts" on the game. strategies, overall analysis, etc. from these fans = a cheap way to fill time.
Last edited by the original hank (June 11, 2019 9:59 am)
splunge wrote:
Hansa wrote:
Compared to the low-key media when the Jays were in two World Series in the 90s?
... or when the leafs actually make the playoffs?
Until a few days ago for all I knew or cared, Kawhi Leonard was a Blue Jay.. all the eeeendlessss coverage sure straightened me out until I got run over by the giant media bandwagon, and I had to temporarily shut off the radio and go binge watch season three of Billions.
Listening to the radio today, you could tell certain sports hosts were so over trying to find another angle to talk about the Rapture, erm... the Raptors, besides the evil/not so evil only excited fans reactions to KD's injury, when these veteran radio hosts, as a group, just plain gave up, and started talking about which sports championship trophy is the ugliest, baseball, soccer, football... with the gold garbage can with a ball stuck to the top championship Larry O'Brien trophy the Raptors are trying to win being the agreed upon winner/loser.
Last edited by betaylored (June 11, 2019 10:34 pm)
Glen Warren wrote:
A simple request of all local broadcast news media... and especially CBC.
Please stop with all the hype of the the Raptors and the upcoming game five of the NBA finals.
They haven't won anything yet... Yes, the Raptors may very well win this evening and clinch the NBA title. However, it might go to game six or even game seven.
So STOP, please...
And CBC News Notwork puts Suhana Meharchand out in the thick of it for 14 minutes... no news... just hype...
And out of commercial, Artti Pole is in the studio talking to Canadians living abroad about what the Raptors mean to them as Canadians living in Thailand....
puh lease.....
Isn't Prime Minister Socks giving a commencement address to some graduating class, somewhere in the US that can be carried live for an hour?
Oh wait, that's already been done... (and it wasn't news either).
Sadly, we all pay for this.......
I know. Stop covering what people are talking about. Media should not be a reflection of the community it serves. Let's end this before it becomes a habit. Can't someone do an exclusive hour-long interview with Conrad Black or something?
Last edited by Prod Guy (June 12, 2019 12:01 am)
I love these...another old white man yelling at clouds posts...Viagra and Cialis should advertise here...this is the NBA it or not it's an internationally renowned sports championship...this is the first title contested outside the USA...Toronto is the only team outside the USA...Toronto is the media capital of Canada with the largest population...the team has been embraced nationally...this is historic...sure let's keep talking about SNC Lavelin, or how Trudeau said some shit, or those people from somewhere are going to destroy my country, or that teens and millennials should stay off my manicured about that crap when you're playing bridge at the old people's home...
Speaking of whether the Raptors coverage is way overhyped, has anyone noticed that in a town with two sports stations, there isn't a single place on the dial locally where you can hear what is normally the biggest sporting event in all of Canada - the Stanley Cup Final?
It's come to Game 7, which is a big deal even if no one here really cares about Boston or St. Louis, and there's not a single place on the radio here where you can to listen to it, if that's what you wanted to do.
My how times have changed.
Johnny B wrote:
I love these...another old white man yelling at clouds posts...Viagra and Cialis should advertise here...this is the NBA it or not it's an internationally renowned sports championship...this is the first title contested outside the USA...Toronto is the only team outside the USA...Toronto is the media capital of Canada with the largest population...the team has been embraced nationally...this is historic...sure let's keep talking about SNC Lavelin, or how Trudeau said some shit, or those people from somewhere are going to destroy my country, or that teens and millennials should stay off my manicured about that crap when you're playing bridge at the old people's home...
And they have to endure their talk radio god, mr metaphor John Oakley try and talk Raptors. lol
It's the first time in 25 years that Canada's biggest media market has a team in the finals of a major sporting competition (Sorry CFL, MLS and NLL). This is amplified by the fact that the Raptors are the only Canadian team in the NBA, so more than just Toronto cares.
When I was younger, I was confused as to why our entertainment talk shows would constantly give attention to things like Twilight (Much had multiple in-house TV specials) over film franchises that were far more popular. Then I realized, availability. The Twilight films were popular, but perhaps more importantly, they shot in Canada, making it easier to access for set visits and actor interviews. The Raptors might not be the most important thing going on in our country. But it's important to many and it's an easily told story by the media.
No problem with the continuing coverage , the interest is there.
What I do have a problem with is so called "unbiased" TV reporters wearing Raptor or even Maple Leafs gear ..while covering the story. In the event that a player gets caught up in a scandal , can we also expect to see the same reporters sporting the team the courthouse?
As a longtime TV newsguy but not really a sports fan, I fully understand how big this story is and why it's getting the coverage. But the real question seems to be, "how much is too much?"
Global, for instance, has given the final about 5 mins. or so on their noon newscast, complete with all the usual and predictable angles. (Interviews with the players, fans, the effect on local businesses, Jurassic Park crowds and people coming early, mayors betting, etc. etc.)
CTV Toronto has chosen to go crazy, spending - in one instance - the first 13 minutes of their noon newscast going over every bit of minutiae you can name to squeeze every last nugget out of this. And then, they come back later with even more. If you're really into this, it's probably great. If you're not it's 'OK, bring me some other news, already!'
Who's right? Hard to say. But either way, it's certainly an impossible story to ignore. The question is how much time should it get in a 43 minute (less commercials) show?
Oddly, a former colleague of mine brought up this very topic with me completely out of the blue in a recent phone call. He recently retired and was surprised at how over the top this all was now that he was watching it as a viewer, while admitting that - if he was still producing - he'd likely be doing the exact same thing.
I found it interesting that the perspective may depend on what side of the TV glass you're on.
It's more than a sports story, it's a "good news" story.
With so much day to day downer news, a "good news" story is more than welcome.
Glen Warren wrote:
A simple request of all local broadcast news media... and especially CBC.
Please stop with all the hype of the the Raptors and the upcoming game five of the NBA finals.
What? NO!
At least not if you support Indie 88. lol
They say THANK-YOU!!
Keep up the good work CTV!! Yap away!!
YOU (CTV) do all the yapping! Indie 88 will do all the free hand outs.
The Indie 88 rain gear was clear as day on today's CTV Toronto noon newscast.
Indie 88 hopefully just got some free publicity without having to buy any air time to get noticed. lol
RadioActive wrote:
CTV Toronto has chosen to go crazy, spending - in one instance - the first 13 minutes of their noon newscast going over every bit of minutiae you can name to squeeze every last nugget out of this. And then, they come back later with even more. If you're really into this, it's probably great. If you're not it's 'OK, bring me some other news, already!'
MLSE owns the Raptors, Bell and Rogers own MLSE, and Bell owns CTV and TSN... both channels that will be carrying the game tonight.
There's your explanation.
zed wrote:
RadioActive wrote:
CTV Toronto has chosen to go crazy, spending - in one instance - the first 13 minutes of their noon newscast going over every bit of minutiae you can name to squeeze every last nugget out of this. And then, they come back later with even more. If you're really into this, it's probably great. If you're not it's 'OK, bring me some other news, already!'
.MLSE owns the Raptors, Bell and Rogers own MLSE, and Bell owns CTV and TSN... both channels that will be carrying the game tonight.
There's your explanation.
How does that explain Indie 88 in my face all of a sudden? Are they now in bed with Bell???
Sue Baroo is a Bitch! Stay away from her until Citynews does a proper traffic report.
What's with the frozen screen shot of the CN Tower the whole time Traffic is supposed to be updated?
Too much time needed to talk about Raptors? Geez!
Radiowiz wrote:
How does that explain Indie 88 in my face all of a sudden? Are they now in bed with Bell???
They go there and hand stuff out until they're kicked out.
What in the world were the producers of Charles Adler's show thinking on Thursday night? He spent the entire show giving the score in the Raptor game and I mean mentioning every basket and talking about nothing but basketball and the game. Granted it was a big story but if you cared about the game, you were surely listening to it or watching it. Why they'd think anyone would listen to a basket-by-basket recap as it happened is beyond me.
Far better to talk about subjects non-fans would be interested in than concentrate on a game they were almost certainly not paying attention to. It was a pretty bizarre decision.
After it finally ended, City covered the reaction as part of their local news, but went to a commercial during that weird final foul sequence. Global interrupted Colbert for coverage, with 640 airing the audio. So much for Adler. And CBC also had live coverage before midnight.
Meanwhile CTV was stuck, if you will, with the ABC coverage, while the streets of Toronto were going crazy. CFRB carried that network's audio.
All in all, an interesting night in local broadcasting.
mace wrote:
Radiowiz wrote:
cash wrote:
It will be over soon. Now take your Ovaltine and have a nice nap.
Yeah. Sunday. Oakland in 7. Right? Thanks for your input.
Now, THAT would be delightful to see! Snatching defeat from the jaws of victory. All the long faces on the Jurrasic Parkers. The endless news anchors pontificating What went wrong??? How could this possibly have happened???
Next year, if a certain Raptor chooses not to renew...
RadioActive wrote:
What in the world were the producers of Charles Adler's show thinking on Thursday night? He spent the entire show giving the score in the Raptor game and I mean mentioning every basket and talking about nothing but basketball and the game. Granted it was a big story but if you cared about the game, you were surely listening to it or watching it. Why they'd think anyone would listen to a basket-by-basket recap as it happened is beyond me.
Far better to talk about subjects non-fans would be interested in than concentrate on a game they were almost certainly not paying attention to. It was a pretty bizarre decision.
After it finally ended, City covered the reaction as part of their local news, but went to a commercial during that weird final foul sequence. Global interrupted Colbert for coverage, with 640 airing the audio. So much for Adler. And CBC also had live coverage before midnight.
Meanwhile CTV was stuck, if you will, with the ABC coverage, while the streets of Toronto were going crazy. CFRB carried that network's audio.
All in all, an interesting night in local broadcasting.
Isn't there something wrong with broadcasting in this country when a night of sim sub is more important to Bell than bringing viewers the full story of the team THEY OWN winning a championship from THEIR OWN sports channel?
Duplicating an American network's coverage instead of your own is so incredibly cheap and shortsighted. What a total embarrassment.
Prod Guy wrote:
RadioActive wrote:
What in the world were the producers of Charles Adler's show thinking on Thursday night? He spent the entire show giving the score in the Raptor game and I mean mentioning every basket and talking about nothing but basketball and the game. Granted it was a big story but if you cared about the game, you were surely listening to it or watching it. Why they'd think anyone would listen to a basket-by-basket recap as it happened is beyond me.
Far better to talk about subjects non-fans would be interested in than concentrate on a game they were almost certainly not paying attention to. It was a pretty bizarre decision.
After it finally ended, City covered the reaction as part of their local news, but went to a commercial during that weird final foul sequence. Global interrupted Colbert for coverage, with 640 airing the audio. So much for Adler. And CBC also had live coverage before midnight.
Meanwhile CTV was stuck, if you will, with the ABC coverage, while the streets of Toronto were going crazy. CFRB carried that network's audio.
All in all, an interesting night in local broadcasting.Isn't there something wrong with broadcasting in this country when a night of sim sub is more important to Bell than bringing viewers the full story of the team THEY OWN winning a championship from THEIR OWN sports channel?
Duplicating an American network's coverage instead of your own is so incredibly cheap and shortsighted. What a total embarrassment.
Yes and the Simsub Boss at Rogers didn"t return the signals of WKBW and KOMO to viewers until the CTV National News had run for five minutes. Perhaps someone was celebrating the Raptors win too much to do their damn job properly. ABC was still doing post game analysis.