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SOWNY » Looking for regular podcast guest » January 14, 2024 9:37 pm

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I'm launching two podcasts very shortly, dealing with aging businesspeople and professionals.. Is aging liberating or is it a slippery slope to irrelevance?
A second topic is BOTTOMS UP. The event that was thought at the time to be horrific (missing my flight to my brothers wedding), only to have it become a pivotal great moment in life when the plane goes down.
I'm looking for an articulate and smart person to co-host or guest on a regular basis... Tx

SOWNY » He Was Gone..Now He Is Back! » February 15, 2021 9:08 pm

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Omni had delicious bagels

Are they no more?

SOWNY » He Was Gone..Now He Is Back! » February 15, 2021 7:24 pm

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Word on the street that they're bringing Berkovits back. He was fired, so he'd be eligible to do fill in work.

SOWNY » Moderater RadioActive » June 6, 2018 9:45 pm

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"I have absolutely no idea what the moderator does"

RA, the moderator, acts responsibly, and refrains from attacking Jack Berkovits for no legitimate reason (the fact that Jack Berkovits is gainfully employed being no legitimate reason)
Can't wait for Iain to return and we get back the real RA.

SOWNY » JB's shillings » June 4, 2018 6:17 am

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Did you hear his show yesterday?  One of his claims : lines are loaded, but call anyways. He covered two topics in two hours:" The election and the Wily Wynne's ploy to steal a coalition by" conceding "  and the appropriate punishment, if any, for a father guilty of forgetting his child in a vehicle in Burlington.
he then gets dozens and dozens of callers, nonstop, to  call in -  all shills presumably. He runs his show the way he runs his business. RA, you were always right about him.

SOWNY » Congratulations. » May 18, 2018 11:15 am

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Hey, Jack berkovits has requested that I inform all the Sownyites that he has just been blessed with a new status - GREAT GRANDFATHER- to a beautiful baby girl, born in Israel. He's of the opinion that having accomplished this milestone, he should be treated with a new level of respect, for no reason other than the fact that he got here. He also wants all to understand that given his new status, he's hoping that Sownyites will cut him some slack, allow him his shill, his political incorrectness, his unabashed over the top exaggeration and hyperbole, and any other crimes he's prone to commit. He also asks that I wish all Sownyites great health and happiness.

SOWNY » RIP, Wayne McLean » May 10, 2018 10:13 pm

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cGrant wrote:

BoredOp wrote:

Samaritan wrote:

Was that really necessary?

So in death we're not allowed to discuss somebody's faults? Nonsense.

Not a comparison, but I seem to miss knowing all about Hitler's many positive traits. Again, not a comparison.

Are you effing for real?  Get back under your rock. Why are you allowed to post on this forum. Get a job. Oh, you must have tried.

SOWNY » Jully Black's new show on Newstalk 1010 starts @ 10pm tonight » May 10, 2018 7:56 am

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Your's too, or yours?
And let's get one thing straight :
The only reason I'm here is that I have replied to YOUR bait.
You've had a wonderful time with your obsession with me.
The things you've said herein over many months are libelous, and I will hold you responsible and accountable.
You hide behind your anonymity, but that won't last forever, I won't allow it.
You've had your day and say.
As for my being condescending and superior, I guess you're really upset and feeling down about being unemployed.
Get over it.
And no, you won't be blocking me. You're hooked.
I'm coming for you and your pals.

SOWNY » Jully Black's new show on Newstalk 1010 starts @ 10pm tonight » May 9, 2018 6:57 pm

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Highlight of the entire week, Sundays 5-7pm.Global news radio 640AM. Yes?

SOWNY » Gord Martineau » May 9, 2018 3:34 pm

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That's just plain unfair.
I was minding my own business, oblivious to the vile **** I goings herein. I was pulled in by RA's obsession with me, and I'm loving this place.
it's exhilarating to be the sole employed contributor to this forum, and I'm confused as to why I'm being ignored, or worse.

SOWNY » Gord Martineau » May 9, 2018 7:26 am

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They wouldn't give him a script.

SOWNY » RIP, Wayne McLean » May 6, 2018 1:36 pm

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Was that really necessary?

SOWNY » Newstalk 1010's 'brand manager' slags other stations in tweet » May 3, 2018 8:01 pm

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Ahhhh, but you have my contact number, don't you?  So, out up.  I dare you.  Let me do what i must do. Coward.

SOWNY » Newstalk 1010's 'brand manager' slags other stations in tweet » May 3, 2018 5:41 pm

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Please provide your contact info and I will bring it on. Aren't you a brave little anonymous coward!

SOWNY » Newstalk 1010's 'brand manager' slags other stations in tweet » April 30, 2018 9:20 pm

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So are we making nice, RA?
Am i no longer unqualified to host a talk show?
Am I a Rabbi, accountant, professor, jeweller, and sometime social worker?
Are my PPM measures uo 150%, as claimed, and killing RB in that time slot?
Was i fired by Bendixen for being too rowdy and too Jewish?
Am i no longer a fraudster and con artist?
Are we good?
Will you be apologizing cause we are good?
Or, do i need to do what i need to do

SOWNY » Newstalk 1010's 'brand manager' slags other stations in tweet » April 30, 2018 12:41 pm

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Samaritan wrote:

It was a dumb move.  Where's he gonna a get his jewellery repaired now?

Oh, forgot.  No repairs required.

SOWNY » Newstalk 1010's 'brand manager' slags other stations in tweet » April 30, 2018 12:52 am

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It was a dumb move.  Where's he gonna a get his jewellery repaired now?

SOWNY » I. Have time for radio. » April 22, 2018 6:32 pm

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I'm obviously not the politician type.

SOWNY » I. Have time for radio. » April 22, 2018 3:02 pm

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I lost the Nomination for St. Paul.
I'm free to do more radio.

SOWNY » How Much Do Buffalo TV Reporters Make? » April 22, 2018 7:14 am

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On the plus side, the figures are in U.S. funds so that makes it a little better!)

Only if they spend their money in
Canada, don't you THINK?

SOWNY » Rogers Has Two On Air Radio Openings In Toronto » April 20, 2018 5:11 pm

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A swing position at Kiss.  Hhmmmm

SOWNY » TOMNI:S place » April 20, 2018 3:17 pm

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Or a talk show combining Currasco, Tom and Jack, Troikar gems N pants?

SOWNY » TOMNI:S place » April 20, 2018 3:10 pm

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What say ye experts about a travelling trunk show, combining advertising budgets, promoting and cross-merchandising the wares of each of the suit man and the master of everything man?

SOWNY » Jack Berkovits Claims His 640 Ratings Are Up 150% » March 20, 2018 7:47 pm

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RadioActive wrote:

Anyone who’s ever listened to Jack Berkovits knows the man is prone to, shall we charitably say “exaggeration.” In the past he’s claimed to be a rabbi, a teacher, a legal expert (who supposedly rejected admission to Harvard Law School when he was asked a question about defending Nazis in court) and in previous weeks, a marriage counselor. In fact, I’ve lost track of all his supposed expertise.
And he was at it again on Sunday, this time starting off his show with five minutes of braggadocio touting his terrific ratings in the last book. While admitting he didn’t “have the numbers in front of him,” he insists his ratings, especially in key demos, are up 150%.
Is it possible his numbers went up year over year? Certainly. He only started last April, and what was on before him was either paid programming or re-rolls. So whatever the real figures, he had nowhere to go but up. If you’re at .01 on Sundays from 5-7 PM and you wind up with more listeners because you’re live and local, your ratings will almost have to increase.
He also referenced that “station down the dial,” noting their numbers were “way down.” I have no way of corroborating that, and he offered no other proof, but I do know that the Sunday afternoon time period isn’t exactly the most important in radio. Not to mention the overall numbers show ’RB with a 7.2 and 640 with a 1.7. Hardly the stuff of bragging rights!
Not that I would expect anything different from a man who only advertises on the station that carries his show, is always talking about how he has “so many callers, we can’t get to them all” and then rarely gets to any of them, complains about having to pay his workers on stat holidays, and admits to being on vacation in Hong Kong last week and getting up at 6 AM to listen to a reroll of his show online because he wanted to hear himself.
More people may indeed be listening to him. But I can testify that, for the most part, I

SOWNY » Jack Berkovits Claims His 640 Ratings Are Up 150% » March 15, 2018 6:26 pm

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But, unfortunately, I'm no Geo.  But you do know who I am. We've worked together.

SOWNY » Jack Berkovits Claims His 640 Ratings Are Up 150% » March 15, 2018 6:25 pm

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Ouch.  Aren't you the clever one.
that obvious?

SOWNY » Jack Berkovits Claims His 640 Ratings Are Up 150% » March 15, 2018 5:44 pm

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But that's exactly the point.  Of course he's shilling, and that seems to be everybody's issue with him on this venerable board. He gets to live his dream, he entertains the public, and he helps his business.  Seems like a good deal all the way around.  So why this fixation with him?
BTW, I do some analytical work for an agency that dissects the Numeris numbers, and he's not exaggerating. I verified. In fact, our agency has entertained more than one request from advertisers who want to have their spots air on his show, specifically.

SOWNY » Paul Bliss » March 14, 2018 11:35 pm

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Other than Steve Paikin, I can't think of any accused individual who survived accusations since the Harvey Weinstein outbreak. And Mr. Paikin survived only because his accuser is considered a flake.  While it may be true that the presumption of innocence is is foundational in the court system, it's not necessarily the case in the real world. However, we are now operating in a world where in the presumption of guilt is the standard. That's just not good.

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