First thing (before 7am) on Saturday morning, Mike Bendixen sends out the following tweet " #Toronto we've got an all new LIVE LOCAL morning show for you. Don't put up with old crap replayed on the radio. Tune in @NEWSTALK1010 (p.s. the other stations old stuff was never good the first time around)"
Smart to keep it plain and vague? Should he have welcomed and named Dave Trafford? Is slagging other stations content a good move?
Why not? Are we still of the belief that thou must never acknowledge the existence of thou competition? That might have been the mindset of the past, but, the truly enlightened know their audience doesn't live in a vacuum. Good on Mike.
betaylored wrote:
Mike Bendixen sends out the following tweet " #Toronto we've got an all new LIVE LOCAL morning show for you. Don't put up with old crap replayed on the radio. Tune in @NEWSTALK1010 (p.s. the other stations old stuff was never good the first time around)"
Is slagging other stations content a good move?
It's all fun & games at the competitions expense until the brass decides that YOUR time has come and march YOU out the door...then stuff like this may come back to haunt you
So WHY would you want to put this kind of thing in writing?
A bit of a bully complex?
Not very bright
unclefester wrote:
march YOU out the door...then stuff like this may come back to haunt you
So WHY would you want to put this kind of thing in writing?
Firstly, Mike IS management! Secondly, he doesn't actually mention any station specifically. What he wrote could apply to the dozens of inbound signals.
Thirdly, perhaps it was different in olden times, but now, radio peeps (yes, even the dreaded competition) are all buds, with thick skin and a generous sense of humour. (Granted, it may have been different in the hallowed days of the Waters-family during Chum 1957, but this is now.)
And, lastly, Mike is a nice guy; he doesn't have a harsh bone in his body.
cGrant wrote:
Thirdly, perhaps it was different in olden times, but now, radio peeps (yes, even the dreaded competition) are all buds, with thick skin and a generous sense of humour. (Granted, it may have been different in the hallowed days of the Waters-family during Chum 1957, but this is now.)
Yes. He's proud of this and bragging a bit. Good for him. And spare me the sarcastic quotes quotes around Brand Manager.
Don wrote:
spare me the sarcastic quotes quotes around Brand Manager.
What sarcastic quotes around Brand Manager? I had none.
A. Sarcasm on 'brand manager' not intended. Various hosts have used the term on 1010 talking about Mike, and at times sounded like they have had quotes around the word, John Moore for example, because it's an unfamiliar term to an extent.
B. Mike comes across on the air during the round tables as an intelligent, well-spoken guy, so I am curious as to why the tweet was basic, didn't mention Dave T. and why he'd even mention the other stations. It used to be thought that you never mention the other guy.
C. Other members of the big yellow board have an extensive knowledge/insight on the radio landscape that exists these days and I want to find out what other people thought of this tweet-as-promo to announce the new morning show on weekends.
D. Some of the contributors haven't worked in radio, and I want to know what they thought of the promo. Some of the threads are very specific, and this one's more opinion oriented.
Last edited by betaylored (April 28, 2018 9:44 pm)
Man, you people really read into what otherwise is a throwaway tweet!
As for Brand Manager, that IS his title FFS. Moore introduces him as such. And Mike, himself, signs his emails that way. Good Lord, navel-gazing at its ultimate best here.
I was fired by the Brand Manager. I think.
Last edited by Samaritan (April 29, 2018 7:58 am)
Samaritan wrote:
I was fired by the Brand Manager. I think.
I was once fired by a music director who'd been promoted to PD because he was the cheapest option. ;)
Last edited by betaylored (April 29, 2018 2:14 pm)
It was a dumb move. Where's he gonna a get his jewellery repaired now?
Samaritan wrote:
It was a dumb move. Where's he gonna a get his jewellery repaired now?
Oh, forgot. No repairs required.
OK, Jack - er - Sam. This one's for you:
Why This Local Jeweler Shines Using Radio
So are we making nice, RA?
Am i no longer unqualified to host a talk show?
Am I a Rabbi, accountant, professor, jeweller, and sometime social worker?
Are my PPM measures uo 150%, as claimed, and killing RB in that time slot?
Was i fired by Bendixen for being too rowdy and too Jewish?
Am i no longer a fraudster and con artist?
Are we good?
Will you be apologizing cause we are good?
Or, do i need to do what i need to do
Last edited by Samaritan (April 30, 2018 9:21 pm)
Samaritan wrote:
So are we making nice, RA?
Am i no longer unqualified to host a talk show?
Am I a Rabbi, accountant, professor, jeweller, and sometime social worker?
Are my PPM measures uo 150%, as claimed, and killing RB in that time slot?
Was i fired by Bendixen for being too rowdy and too Jewish?
Am i no longer a fraudster and con artist?
Are we good?
Will you be apologizing cause we are good?
Or, do i need to do what i need to do
Needy much?
Samaritan wrote:
Or, do i need to do what i need to do?
RA, let him "do what i need to do". I never give in to empty threats and neither should you. Bring it on!
Please provide your contact info and I will bring it on. Aren't you a brave little anonymous coward!
Samaritan wrote:
Please provide your contact info and I will bring it on. Aren't you a brave little anonymous coward!
Ironic. Are we to assume your name is "Samaritan"? Pot calling kettle.
Ahhhh, but you have my contact number, don't you? So, out up. I dare you. Let me do what i must do. Coward.