The old TV Guide was famous for articles about celebrities, reviews from Cleveland Amory and most importantly, listings for the shows that were on that week.
The one thing you'd almost never see mentioned was anything about DX-ing, the hobby of looking for distant signals. So when this story appeared exactly 55 years ago, I remember being a) a lot younger! and b) very surprised that they would actually do a story on it.
I didn't realize it until I saw the author's name that's he's also become something of a DX legend. Glenn Hauser has been hosting "World of Radio" on various shortwave stations for decades. In 1969, he took time off from searching for signals long enough to write this story.
Sadly, with the coming of HD and digital, none of this is really possible anymore. But it was a lot of fun while it lasted!
On TV I used to see WEDU come in from Florida when E-Skip happened up until 2009. Now if I see any kind of TV DX, it is usually just Northern Ohio at best. I also have to rescan just to see that. It's not very much fun anymore.
A rotor helps a great deal as well. It allowed you to null ch 2 and 4. Back in the 1980's, WPBT, WEDU and WTVJ made regular summer appearances on my parent's 20" Sony.
I have had E-skip via an old B&W TV and an Insignia digital converter that looks a bit like a cable set-top box or modem that I picked up in the US when analog went to digital. I haven't had a lot of stations because I haven't put time into it during skip openings. I also don't have a tower here at my DX site, or good TV antennas, and digital benefits greatly from having both at the receiving en. I didn't really need these with analog. but I have had enough DTV skip signals to see a few decode, like KNOP 2 Nebraska, and others up to channel 6. But, honestly, digital TV just hasn't held my interest. If I had a killer tower and a killer hillside to work from, then I might be into it. But AM and FM are already more than I can handle. I already record more than I have time to listen. Adding TV to the mix now would basically remove me from society ...