580 CKWW Windsor seems on a very extended open carrier. It's now 6:30 pm Friday. Maybe there's DX underneath or for those close to Windsor on the adjacent channels?
So far I've heard WCHS WV and just now WGAC in GA. Both stations infaded weakly and are relogs.
WGAC Augusta and WCHS Charleston were what I heard in the nightmiddle on Wednesday when CJCL silentwent for a while as 580 was splatter free.
I also managed WXRH TN with country and possible Christmas music // webstream. A MI DXer channelchecked and reported CKWW seeming normal but another DXer accessed a nearby remote SDR and reported stations other than CKWW. I did hear oldies there overnight but quite weakened, even on the west antenna, so my sense is they are having power and/or transmitter issues, and/or were entirely off for a short while, and/or were/are affected by semiauroral conditions, and/or are/were operating at reduced power.