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January 8, 2023 8:15 pm  #1

Why They Should Fire Every Local TV Meteorologist in Toronto

[rant] I fully admit this is a rant in the heat of the moment, but I've talked before about how much I tend to rely on TV's meteorological prognosticators. This weekend was their absolute worst showing in years. 

Let me explain. A few days ago, I heard City TV's Natasha Ramsahai mention that the GTA has not had a significant sunny day since the end of November(!) It has been non-stop gloom for over a month, which can lead to depression in some at this time of year. But even for people without Seasonal Affective Disorder, this past December was incredibly dark and dreary and it gets to you after awhile.

And so it was with some relief that I tuned into the weather forecasts on Global, City TV and CTV on Friday, to hear those presenting the forecasts talk with huge smiles and equally large assurances that while Saturday would start out cloudy, the worst was over. They all went to the same 5-day, which showed nothing but sunny skies for the entire week ahead. They said Saturday would start out cloudy, but insisted ol' sol would be prevalent for the next 5 days at least. And the sun would return for good on Sunday.

But then Sunday came and there was nothing but clouds and even a few flurries. Curious as to what happened, I tuned into the weekend weathercasts. The 5-day forecasts now predicted not only endless clouds all week, but rain and snow on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday - with not a glimpse of the sun anywhere in sight. 

What really annoys me most, though, is that not one of the people on the air explained what happened or why they all got it so absolutely and totally wrong. I know 5-day forecasts are hard to predict, but 48 hours? It was like they never said the sun was coming out at all. No acknowledgement that every one of them blew it. Not a single admission of failure or a mea culpa. Just soothing words that they know it's been cloudy a long, long time. And apparently, it's going to stay that way.

The weather is not their fault, but their inaccurate predictions are. And I simply don't believe any of them anymore. And I can't help but wonder where on earth I can get an accurate forecast. 

This was probably the worst weather guess I've ever seen. At the very least, they owed all of their viewers an explanation. Maybe one will come on Monday. But I'm not counting on it. They're all as useless as a dollar store umbrella in the pouring rain. And I'm mighty tired of it.[/rant]


January 8, 2023 8:48 pm  #2

Re: Why They Should Fire Every Local TV Meteorologist in Toronto

Actually the "Dollar store" umbrellas from Dollarama are great in the pouring rain...just as long as there is no wind.
One wind gust and the umbrella seems to be forever inside out or with broken spokes once restored back to normal from the inside out situation.


CityNews 24/7:
RadioWiz & RadioQuiz are NOT the same person. 
RadioWiz & THE Wiz are NOT the same person.


January 9, 2023 7:14 am  #3

Re: Why They Should Fire Every Local TV Meteorologist in Toronto

I second that rant! 


January 9, 2023 9:04 am  #4

Re: Why They Should Fire Every Local TV Meteorologist in Toronto

Don't shoot the messenger. They ALL get their forecasts from Environment Canada.

As an old friend and meteoroligist/ TV weather guy for 30+ years used to say "Don't blame me, I'm just the messenger, talk to the big guy in the sky"


January 9, 2023 9:31 am  #5

Re: Why They Should Fire Every Local TV Meteorologist in Toronto

You're right for the most part, although I've worked with meteorologists who use Environment Canada data but also fashion their own predictions, which can deviate from it.

My beef isn't that they got it wrong. It's that they act as if they never said it was going to be a week of sunshine. I think they owe the viewer an explanation as to why they got it so wrong less than 48 hours out. 

I despise winter. They can't promise me a week out of this gloom and then pull the rug out from us without at least telling us what happened. 

     Thread Starter

January 9, 2023 9:34 am  #6

Re: Why They Should Fire Every Local TV Meteorologist in Toronto

zed wrote:

   They ALL get their forecasts from Environment Canada 

It has been stated (not during a broadcast weather forecast, of course) that global warming has made accurate forecasting beyond (say) 36 hours increasingly difficult


January 9, 2023 10:37 am  #7

Re: Why They Should Fire Every Local TV Meteorologist in Toronto

I wonder if our meteoroligists would have more success predicting weather in Buffalo. How accurate would they be on snow accumulation totals?


January 9, 2023 11:02 am  #8

Re: Why They Should Fire Every Local TV Meteorologist in Toronto

This is why it is called a weather forecast.  Nobody promised anything.  Weather changes and can very quickly over the great lakes, always has been this way. So were the forecasters still saying on Friday evening that it was going to be sunny most of (tomorrow) Saturday, all through the weekend, and into the whole week?  Long range and tomorrow's forecasts are two different animals.  Also long range forecasts change most of the time anyway.  Had they all been saying for five days in a row that we were into an extended period of sunshine? 


January 9, 2023 12:43 pm  #9

Re: Why They Should Fire Every Local TV Meteorologist in Toronto

Why do they all feel the need to talk so fast?


January 9, 2023 4:20 pm  #10

Re: Why They Should Fire Every Local TV Meteorologist in Toronto

rje1 wrote:

It's sunny today


Not where I am in North York.


January 9, 2023 4:38 pm  #11

Re: Why They Should Fire Every Local TV Meteorologist in Toronto

paterson1 wrote:

This is why it is called a weather forecast.  Nobody promised anything.  Weather changes and can very quickly over the great lakes, always has been this way. So were the forecasters still saying on Friday evening that it was going to be sunny most of (tomorrow) Saturday, all through the weekend, and into the whole week?  Long range and tomorrow's forecasts are two different animals.  Also long range forecasts change most of the time anyway.  Had they all been saying for five days in a row that we were into an extended period of sunshine? 

Yes, on Friday they were predicting sunny skies, not only for part of Saturday and all day Sunday but for the rest of the week. There were no real clouds in the forecast and they took great pains to note no major storms were on the horizon.

We did get a small amount of sun on the first day of the weekend, but Sunday was not only gloomy but a few flurries were falling. Suddenly, the 5-day forecast had mysteriously changed, going from sunny skies with above normal temps. to cloudy every single day with significant rain Thursday and a mix of rain and snow on Friday. You really couldn't have gotten it more incorrect, unless it was 36 degrees and humid the next day. 

Look, I get that it's not a sure thing when they make a long range forecast (WNBC-TV New York does a 10-day, which seems ridiculous to me) but to get it so very, very wrong with less than 24 hours to go is simply unacceptable. But as noted, I'm less upset about that than that they never take responsibility to say they were wrong - and more importantly, to tell the viewer why. 

Lyndsay Morrison was one of those singing "Here Comes The Sun" on Friday night. Her only concession on CTV Toronto's noon show Monday was "we didn't get as much sun as we were hoping for." No mention that she was one of those who promised not just a brighter weekend but a better week. Would it have killed her to explain to viewers how it went so off the rails? 

Did a front travel farther north than they were expecting? Did something arrive earlier than predicted? What happened that led to them getting it so wrong? It destroys their credibility and now I no longer believe them. The phrase 'you had one job...' comes to mind.  

I realize I'm taking this way too far and it's not that important in the long run. But it's one of my pet peeves. And by the way, here's one more thing to watch out for. It seems when it's going to be terrible weather, they mostly get it right. When it's going to be nice, they always, always, always overestimate. I can't tell you the number of times I've made plans in the early spring anticipating a 22-degree day and then the temperature barely gets close to 10. Check it out come April or May and you'll see it happens at least 8 times out of 10. And never, ever a word the next day about why. 

mace wrote:

rje1 wrote:

It's sunny today

Not where I am in North York.

Thanks Mace. I was going to note the same thing. There wasn't a hint of sunshine on Monday where I am in northern North York. Lyndsey Morrison wasn't working on Saturday, but perhaps her new theme song should be "Ain't No Sunshine When She's Gone." Especially when her (and her colleagues) forecast Withers!

     Thread Starter

January 9, 2023 8:04 pm  #12

Re: Why They Should Fire Every Local TV Meteorologist in Toronto

Average skill set: "Today's weather report is being called off on account of bad weather."

also: in relation to the subject of forecasting, this comedy bit is as delicious as... erm, a stack of ice pancakes?

Last edited by betaylored (January 9, 2023 8:13 pm)


January 9, 2023 8:36 pm  #13

Re: Why They Should Fire Every Local TV Meteorologist in Toronto

Then there's this line from the BBC's "The Two Ronnies:"

'We'd love to show you the latest satellite shot, but we can't because it's obscured by clouds."

     Thread Starter

January 14, 2023 9:01 pm  #14

Re: Why They Should Fire Every Local TV Meteorologist in Toronto

Well, at least they got the sunshine thing right on Saturday! But I'm still not a happy viewer. The most important part of the weather for me is what they call the "Futurecast," which purports to show when the bad stuff is coming in timewise. 

I'll give credit to the meteorologist on Global's 6 PM news, who had the wisdom to get out of the shot and let the maps speak for themselves. But on City TV, Michelle Mackey always seems to be in the way of the most important part of the information - the timeline. (There's a clock behind her head that indicates hour-by-hour when the front is supposed to move in.) This happens way too often.

Move over, redesign the thing or better yet, get out of the shot entirely. It's no good to show us when a storm is coming if we can't see when that storm is coming! Otherwise, as the still below shows - or doesn't show - the entire thing is useless!

     Thread Starter

January 15, 2023 4:48 pm  #15

Re: Why They Should Fire Every Local TV Meteorologist in Toronto

Which stations have actual meteorologists here in the city anyway? Everybody just gave up and started using the weather network and relying on environment Canada. I've noticed lately whenever there's any weather event that would typically just get covered by the weather people environment, Canada has now started putting out special weather statements more and more To give everybody the heads up even when we don't meet actual warning or watch criteria


January 15, 2023 5:02 pm  #16

Re: Why They Should Fire Every Local TV Meteorologist in Toronto

Global has Anthony Farnell and Ross Hull, who are both meteorologists.

CityNews has Natasha Ramsahai, who also has a degree in the subject. But their others are listed only as "specialists," which is a meaningless "if we say they are, then they are" phrase. (It's a shame, because they used to have actual experts, like Michael Kuss, Adam Styles and Harold Hosein. But those days are long gone.) 

I think CBC TV Toronto uses meteorologists from the Weather Network for their updates.

Only CTV does not have a single one on their local news, as far as I know. Even the long serving (and long gone) Tom Brown and Anwar Knight were never actual meteorologists. Plus, they're the only ones I know who occasionally have their anchors deliver the forecast, usually to terrible on-air results. It's clear their ad libbed weather just doesn't work. 

Does it matter? I think it does. I tend to believe Farnell and Hull far more than I do the people on CFTO. Although sometimes they all get it wrong. 

     Thread Starter

January 16, 2023 1:01 pm  #17

Re: Why They Should Fire Every Local TV Meteorologist in Toronto

CP24 has two meteorologists with Bill Potter and Bill Coulter.  Mika Midolo is a weather specialist who oddly is still doing forecasts from her livingroom.  Looks bad, at least she should be outside. 


January 16, 2023 4:32 pm  #18

Re: Why They Should Fire Every Local TV Meteorologist in Toronto

RadioActive wrote:

Global has Anthony Farnell and Ross Hull, who are both meteorologists.

CityNews has Natasha Ramsahai, who also has a degree in the subject. But their others are listed only as "specialists," which is a meaningless "if we say they are, then they are" phrase. (It's a shame, because they used to have actual experts, like Michael Kuss, Adam Styles and Harold Hosein. But those days are long gone.) 

I think CBC TV Toronto uses meteorologists from the Weather Network for their updates.

Only CTV does not have a single one on their local news, as far as I know. Even the long serving (and long gone) Tom Brown and Anwar Knight were never actual meteorologists. Plus, they're the only ones I know who occasionally have their anchors deliver the forecast, usually to terrible on-air results. It's clear their ad libbed weather just doesn't work. 

Does it matter? I think it does. I tend to believe Farnell and Hull far more than I do the people on CFTO. Although sometimes they all get it wrong. 

CBC still has a handful of meteorologists in their roster, though I'm only aware of the ones in Western Canada.

I've always wondered why CFTO doesn't hire meteorologists (other than the obvious factor of $$).