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November 15, 2016 12:13 am  #1

Radio host Mike Bullard charged with criminal harassment

This may explain his sudden departure from CFRB - and according to the Star, it involves City TV's Cynthia Mulligan. 

Radio host Mike Bullard charged with criminal harassment


November 15, 2016 1:02 am  #2

Re: Radio host Mike Bullard charged with criminal harassment

A temporary setback


November 15, 2016 9:55 am  #3

Re: Radio host Mike Bullard charged with criminal harassment

These issues will be/are being dealt with...but...I wouldn't call it a temporary setback geo.  It's going to take some time.  Mike's going to need some professional assistance here.  Then we'll see.  What will this do to his ability to find further employment moving forward?

Bell promotes this mental health campaign of theirs every year.  That said...we'll see if subsequent actions will measure up to their words.  Or... ... ...Is it all just for show?


November 15, 2016 10:35 am  #4

Re: Radio host Mike Bullard charged with criminal harassment

He doesn't exactly seem to be remorseful or taking responsibility. 


November 15, 2016 10:52 am  #5

Re: Radio host Mike Bullard charged with criminal harassment

Stories like this seem so insular and easy to judge when you don't know the person.   The most you have to go on are a few lines in a newspaper and you read it, roll your eyes, make a decision, and move on to the next story.  I do it all the time, and believe me, I'm not judging anyone else for doing exactly that.

But in this case I know, and like the subject of the story.  We worked together at XM and again off and on @ 1010.  As the article does suggest there are many issues at play here, some deeply emotional.   

This is where being in 'the public eye' sucks.  If it was just 2 'regular'  individuals they'd hopefully be able to resolve the issues between them privately, and serious personal issues can be addressed in an office, rather than on the front page of a newspaper.   People have difficulty going through these situations every day without having the added crushing pressure of public scrutiny and employment issues to deal with.   I'm guessing there are many of us, me included, who've gone through wrenching emotional breakups, but they were private and didn't involve 'investigative reporters' from the Star calling to find out more.  (Seems the only skeletons the Star is incapable of 'investigating' are their own.).  

I do understand that I'm a cog in the machine that causes the 'crushing public scrutiny'.  The irony of this post isn't lost on me.  As I said, it's easier when it's just another unknown person in a generic story.

I'm not suggesting it's not open for discussion but I wish it wasn't.  It's an incredibly difficult discussion to have, fairly,  with such limited information from both sides.


Madness takes its toll.  Please have exact change.

November 15, 2016 11:32 am  #6

Re: Radio host Mike Bullard charged with criminal harassment

A temporary setback


November 15, 2016 12:14 pm  #7

Re: Radio host Mike Bullard charged with criminal harassment

I agree with ig.  It's hard to live your life in a fish bowl.  Hopefully this gets resolved quickly to satisfaction of the two of them.

- Not an industry person.  Just a guy with a love of Toronto radio. 

November 15, 2016 12:49 pm  #8

Re: Radio host Mike Bullard charged with criminal harassment

Oh come on, if the cops knock on your door and warn you to stop doing something, you stop doing it. He's not some over excited 20 year old. 


November 15, 2016 1:21 pm  #9

Re: Radio host Mike Bullard charged with criminal harassment

Hansa wrote:

Oh come on, if the cops knock on your door and warn you to stop doing something, you stop doing it. He's not some over excited 20 year old. 

It's a little more complicated than that. "Mental health issues" is in play. 
He'll most likely get some help and show up next on Bell's "Let's talk" day, letting us all know he's okay.
(I'm strictly guessing. This is not meant to be an attack on Mr. Bullard)

CityNews 24/7:
RadioWiz & RadioQuiz are NOT the same person. 
RadioWiz & THE Wiz are NOT the same person.


November 15, 2016 7:55 pm  #10

Re: Radio host Mike Bullard charged with criminal harassment

Those who have NOT had to deal with friends or family with mental health issues should count themselves lucky.  You can't image the pain and suffering these people feel.  It is very difficult to see our loved ones suffer.  It is hard for non-suffers too.  If indeed Mike Bullard is in this situation then he deserves our compassion and empathy.

- Not an industry person.  Just a guy with a love of Toronto radio. 

November 15, 2016 8:12 pm  #11

Re: Radio host Mike Bullard charged with criminal harassment



November 15, 2016 9:56 pm  #12

Re: Radio host Mike Bullard charged with criminal harassment

What gives me pause for thought is that Mike is (or purports to be) a lifelong teetotaler.  And 99% of the time when you dig down on these types of stories have more than a few empty bottles at the bottom.

I wish all involved the best. I liked Mike's show and listened regularly for periods over the years, more a while ago than recently because of my schedule.


November 15, 2016 10:45 pm  #13

Re: Radio host Mike Bullard charged with criminal harassment

The guy would deliver a painfully unfunny monologue joke on his show and unlike Carson or Letterman who would make fun of it Bullard would get visibly annoyed at the audience and explain the joke like they were the problem.  More than once when Orin Isaacs would miss a cue you got the sense that he was really going to hear about it.  I stopped watching because it got uncomfortable.  He seemed like a jerk not someone with an illness.


November 16, 2016 2:44 pm  #14

Re: Radio host Mike Bullard charged with criminal harassment

Leslieville Bill wrote:

Those who have NOT had to deal with friends or family with mental health issues should count themselves lucky.  You can't image the pain and suffering these people feel.  It is very difficult to see our loved ones suffer.  It is hard for non-suffers too.  If indeed Mike Bullard is in this situation then he deserves our compassion and empathy.

Very true.

I've been watching the beautiful, vibrant woman who is my wife slowly fade away over the last 25 years.


November 16, 2016 7:00 pm  #15

Re: Radio host Mike Bullard charged with criminal harassment

What purpose is served by all the stations and newspapers, to continuously identifying the female victim in this?

Last edited by Centerline (November 16, 2016 7:03 pm)


November 16, 2016 9:02 pm  #16

Re: Radio host Mike Bullard charged with criminal harassment

Bullard burned his bridges rather severely with CTV/Comedy Channel after he bolted to Global, not a good move, particularly as his Global show was quickly cancelled. UPDATE: Global axes Mike Bullard

​It remains to be seen what will happen with Bullard, too, since he burned his bridges on the way out the door at CTV. In an interview with The Toronto Star in November, Bullard accused CTV executives of not giving him the support he deserved, forcing him to drown in corporate politics. He was quoted in the newspaper saying that when he voiced concerns, “The response was always, ‘Mike’s nuts.’ I was the scapegoat for every mistake and didn’t get credit for anything else,” he said.“I used to run a department with 350 people and I have never seen anything in my life as dysfunctional as what I have seen since I got into network television – sales people who don’t sell, producers who don’t produce, bookers who don’t book,” Bullard told The Star, referring to his days as a Bell Canada manager and at CTV.Bullard also lamented the fact that CTV executives almost never came to the set in downtown Toronto and that his own producer missed some shows. He also said he had to pay his own airfare when visiting CTV affiliate stations – a charge CTV senior vice-president Ed Robinson cast doubts on in The Star story.As for his CTV producer, executive John Brunton told The Star in that November article that sure, he missed some shows, because he oversees Insight Productions, which has several other programs to look after, too and had this to say about Bullard: “On this issue of people working for him, you know, leadership starts at the top,” Brunton told the newspaper. “And the dedication and heart and soul that people put into their jobs has a lot to do with the way they are treated. His bitterness is consistent with his bitterness over life in general. So I’m not surprised except that I don’t understand how he thinks his position of bitterness, in any way, is going to help him in his career.”

Bullard must have broken into a cold sweat when his former employers bought CFRB in 2010. 

Last edited by Hansa (November 16, 2016 9:05 pm)


November 16, 2016 10:05 pm  #17

Re: Radio host Mike Bullard charged with criminal harassment

Charlie wrote:

Centerline wrote:

What purpose is served by all the stations and newspapers, to continuously identifying the female victim in this?

Why not identify her?  She is the one pressing charges.  Bullard's name is all over the news.  Let them duke it out in court.  More and more, we are becoming a 'guilty until proven innocent' society.

Because already she's getting online harassment as a result.