Until the situation with his brother is resolved? He is compromised.
He's made very public pronouncements about not being able to say anything about this story, although he expects the rest of the network to fully cover it.
Chris Cuomo says he ‘obviously’ can't report on his brother Andrew Cuomo for CNN
RadioActive wrote:
He's made very public pronouncements about not being able to say anything about this story, although he expects the rest of the network to fully cover it.
Chris Cuomo says he ‘obviously’ can't report on his brother Andrew Cuomo for CNN
You think they would have kept Trump's brother in the 9pm slot for four years and not cover Trump?
cash wrote:
RadioActive wrote:
He's made very public pronouncements about not being able to say anything about this story, although he expects the rest of the network to fully cover it.
Chris Cuomo says he ‘obviously’ can't report on his brother Andrew Cuomo for CNNYou think they would have kept Trump's brother in the 9pm slot for four years and not cover Trump?
Good question, but Trumps brother isn't a journalist and wouldn't have a prime time show five nights a week. He could have been a guest occasionally but not hosting a show. Cuomo talks about a lot more than just his brother Andrew and NY state politics. Trumps brother would be only talking about one thing and would never last 4 years.
RadioAaron wrote:
Also he's dead.
Good reason to take him off the air.
cash wrote:
Until the situation with his brother is resolved? He is compromised.
It's one single issue for which Chris, rightly so, should abstain. Zero reason this calls for Chris to be furloughed.
paterson1 wrote:
cash wrote:
RadioActive wrote:
He's made very public pronouncements about not being able to say anything about this story, although he expects the rest of the network to fully cover it.
Chris Cuomo says he ‘obviously’ can't report on his brother Andrew Cuomo for CNNYou think they would have kept Trump's brother in the 9pm slot for four years and not cover Trump?
Good question, but Trumps brother isn't a journalist and wouldn't have a prime time show five nights a week. He could have been a guest occasionally but not hosting a show. Cuomo talks about a lot more than just his brother Andrew and NY state politics. Trumps brother would be only talking about one thing and would never last 4 years.
It is similar to the Julie Chen - Les Moonves situation a few years ago.
It's hard to express how deeply disappointed I am that it wasn't the downplayed elder genocide that condemned Fredo's brother, but his lecherous behaviour. I'm not trying to take away from the latter, but the former should've been more than enough.
time is running out for this guy
cash wrote:
time is running out for this guy
What may save Chris is the fact he's not reporting for CNN. He does a opinion based news show, not a newscast. I laugh every time I see "journalists" get all upset about these shows, but facts are Chris and Don's shows in the evening are very opinion driven news talk shows... not in anyway a newscast or reporting. Anderson walks a fine line, because he still does a bit of reporting... I'm not defending the shows and programming decisions of CNN, but had Chris been a reporter or anchor of a newscast, yes... I would likely expect them to pull him off the air. On a opinion based talk show? Doubtful. Chris made the smart decision to avoid this topic on his show since these issue broke. Journalists get very upset about this type of thing, but once a journalist walks over to opinion talk shows, I think it's hard to say that some how his credibility is tarnished... because it already was the moment he started that format of show.
cash wrote:
time is running out for this guy
This opinion piece comes from a Rupert Murdoch rag. LOL. Perhaps the author should tune in to Faux News sometime to see what real corruption looks like.
Dial Twister wrote:
cash wrote:
time is running out for this guy
This opinion piece comes from a Rupert Murdoch rag. LOL. Perhaps the author should tune in to Faux News sometime to see what real corruption looks like.
MSNBC is saying Fox News is being sued for One Billion Dollars...
I noticed that Chris Coumo has been off all week and Anderson Cooper and other anchors have been filling in for him.
radiokid wrote:
cash wrote:
time is running out for this guy
What may save Chris is the fact he's not reporting for CNN. He does a opinion based news show, not a newscast. I laugh every time I see "journalists" get all upset about these shows, but facts are Chris and Don's shows in the evening are very opinion driven news talk shows... not in anyway a newscast or reporting. Anderson walks a fine line, because he still does a bit of reporting... I'm not defending the shows and programming decisions of CNN, but had Chris been a reporter or anchor of a newscast, yes... I would likely expect them to pull him off the air. On a opinion based talk show? Doubtful. Chris made the smart decision to avoid this topic on his show since these issue broke. Journalists get very upset about this type of thing, but once a journalist walks over to opinion talk shows, I think it's hard to say that some how his credibility is tarnished... because it already was the moment he started that format of show.
I sure miss those days when Larry King did his own "Live" shows weeknights! RIP Larry!
Bentwater wrote:
I changed my viewing habits in the midst of this turmoil. Audience #s will affect CNN's decisions.
Why? US News networks are all opinion in Prime Time anyway.
Scorpio42 wrote:
I noticed that Chris Coumo has been off all week and Anderson Cooper and other anchors have been filling in for him.
I may be wrong, but I thought he said something about taking the week off for March break. He has teenage kids and maybe wanted to spend some time with them.
paterson1 wrote:
Scorpio42 wrote:
I noticed that Chris Coumo has been off all week and Anderson Cooper and other anchors have been filling in for him.
I may be wrong, but I thought he said something about taking the week off for March break. He has teenage kids and maybe wanted to spend some time with them.
Very uncomfortable crossover at 10 between Cuomo and Lemon. They do their usual joking around and then Lemon goes to the lead story which is about Andrew Cuomo and the pressure for him to resign.
No. It's bad enough his brother is being tried in the court of public opinion. He hasn't been charged yet. The case has yet to go to court. Call me old-fashioned. Now...... go after family members. Slow down.
I've noticed the absence of any comments from the senior female correspondents; although there have been rumours that they have been unhappy with CNN management, since the first revelation earlier this year of Chris' involvement.
I can live without CNN, but when I had to choose with Rogers between CNN and the CBC's Documentary Station, my $2.00 went to CNN. I still get Fox News and all the rest by streaming, but who has time for truck loads of bullshit from south of the border? I can barely stand CNN! To think, it was about 40 year-ago that I met a gal at a party and mentioned CNN, an all news network. No, we weren't sleeping together. But she agreed that such an idea would be watchable. Duran Duran isn't on the charts and CNN has changed. They used to cover shit like toddlers caught in water wells back in 1987, then came 1990! Just type in "Scud Stud" to find a famous Canadian broadcaster. Times have changed since then.
Andrew Cuomo resigns. Chris must be relieved.
A victim of the Court of Public Opinion. I remember a day; when you had to be formally charged. Had your day in court. The found Guilty or not Guilty.
You won't see Chris Cuomo on CNN for at least a week or two - but the network insists it has nothing to do with his brother. According to CNN media watchdog Brian Stelter, who hosts "Reliable Sources" on Sunday mornings (a show about media and news coverage) Cuomo had a vacation booked off months ago for this time period.
He insists it's a coincidence that the star anchor is taking time away just as this story is heating up, but that it was all previously arranged before it reached this boiling point. He also notes that any rumours that Chris Cuomo has been fired or suspended aren't blatantly false, although the network is well aware that's going to come up when his show airs this month and he's not on it.
What happens after he returns (presuming he does) is another story.
AMFM wrote:
A victim of the Court of Public Opinion. I remember a day; when you had to be formally charged. Had your day in court. The found Guilty or not Guilty.
How far back are you going? Nixon wasn't charged and he resigned.
To my point. Court of Public Opinion. Like Cuomo, he had no other choice but to resign. Tell you what. You get all the boards, and I'll get the nails. We'll board up all courtrooms and have people being tried on TV. What a plan. BTW, I'm NOT saying Cuomo is not guilty. I just don't like TV reporters discussing his; or any other case without using the word, ALLEGEDLY. The word allegedly must be used; before a formal charge and being found guilty in a court of law.
Last edited by AMFM (August 13, 2021 10:48 am)