An old school journalist files his final story.
Jim Lehrer, Respected Anchorman for PBS, Dies at 85
MacNeil-Lehrer Report ... Grew up watching it with my family (my father, especially, liked it). Good smart intelligent discussion that not only considered multiple points of view but delved into and explored the complexities of issues. Much preferable to the know-it-all ideological rants which seem to dominate the airwaves today. May he rest in a place of great journalistic joy.
It says a lot that the News Hour is still produced in the same editorial style today but is considered to have a liberal bias by most conservatives.
Prod Guy wrote:
It says a lot that the News Hour is still produced in the same editorial style today but is considered to have a liberal bias by most conservatives.
Has there actually been a poll taken on this?
Saul wrote:
Prod Guy wrote:
It says a lot that the News Hour is still produced in the same editorial style today but is considered to have a liberal bias by most conservatives.
Has there actually been a poll taken on this?
Scroll down to #17
Polled as the least biased media organization overall by survey respondents, PBS News was given the second-highest rating by Democrats and those who lean Democratic, with +70. But Republicans and those who lean Republican gave PBS a -22.
Last edited by Prod Guy (January 28, 2020 1:32 am)
I am sure if a similar survey were conducted in Canada, most Liberal supporters would consider the CBC unbiased and does not receive nearly enough government funding. Most Conservative voters would believe it is Anti-American if a Republican is in the White House, is totally biased towards people with right wing political views and funding should be reduced.