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January 26, 2020 6:54 pm  #1

Emergence Ratings

I was very surprised looking at the ratings for the Emergence on CTV and ABC. The show is fairly heavily promoted on CTV but is tanking terribly on ABC.

Last Tuesday the show (not a repeat) only had 1.98 million viewers on ABC, the week before on CTV 1.02 million. Now in fairness the ABC numbers are 18-49 while Numeris is total viewers.

ABC's highest rated program last Tuesday in prime time was The Connors with only 5.41 million viewers, and the network averaged 2.87 million viewers 18-49 on Tuesday evening.  

Here is how all networks stacked up ratings wise in the US for 2019.


January 26, 2020 7:14 pm  #2

Re: Emergence Ratings

Air time might be a factor.
Emergence is up against FBI most wanted. (previously may have been up against NCIS New Orleans?) 
I'm not sure what to suggest as an ABC program up against FBI most wanted, but I do believe that moving Emergence to another day (up against something else) will bring in better, or slightly better ratings.

CityNews 24/7:
RadioWiz & RadioQuiz are NOT the same person. 
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January 26, 2020 8:09 pm  #3

Re: Emergence Ratings

Yes FBI Most Wanted did a lot better with 6.55 million viewers on CBS at 10pm and NCIS won the night at 8pm also on CBS with 11.23 million. The whole evening for ABC was not good, a bit better for NBC.

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January 26, 2020 8:41 pm  #4

Re: Emergence Ratings

I like this show and the only thing that might save it is online viewing the following days after the original broadcast. That is now a major factor taken into account by networks trying to decide whether to renew a show on the bubble - which this one is. 

I'm not sure what it is about over-the-air sci-fi tinged shows, but for the few that succeed, there's a litany of failures you don't seem to see in other kinds of genres. The history of TV is littered with them, and as usual, they almost always end on cliffhangers that are never solved.

In the case of "Emergence," the producers promised they'd reveal the mystery behind Piper, and they mostly have. Of course, they've introduced new plot twists that will never be revealed if the thing doesn't return. (Unless a Netflix-type service picks it up.)

The decisions on what gets renewed and what doesn't mostly come in May. So we may not know until then if there's a re-emergence of Emergence.


January 26, 2020 10:40 pm  #5

Re: Emergence Ratings

I PVR this show and am way behind. My favorite show on TV is currently Ray Donovan altho the latest season just wrapped last weekend. The caliber of acting on this production is just simply astounding. Eddie Marson as Terry Donovan  portrays a Parkinsons sufferer so well it is hard to believe he is not stricken with this disease in real life. Also the fact he is actually British and speaks in role with the Boston accent is also very convincing. It's a dark show subject wise, but so well produced . It is said there will just one more season to finish the series. 


January 27, 2020 12:37 am  #6

Re: Emergence Ratings


They have this to say:

"Will ABC cancel or renew Emergence for season two? The ratings have been dropping and weren’t all that great to start. The show does better in delayed viewing but I have doubts that that will be enough to save Emergence from being cancelled. I’ll update this page with breaking developments. Subscribe for free alerts=14px on Emergence=14px cancellation or renewal news."

Last edited by Radiowiz (January 27, 2020 12:52 am)

CityNews 24/7:
RadioWiz & RadioQuiz are NOT the same person. 
RadioWiz & THE Wiz are NOT the same person.


January 27, 2020 12:59 am  #7

Re: Emergence Ratings

According to, after week 17, Emergence is ranked 71st out of 104 series. It's direct competition, FBI:Most Wanted is 15th and New Amsterdam is 35th. The lead-in for Emergence is Blackish which is sitting at #72. Most Wanted follows #4 FBI while New Amsterdam airs after #12 This Is Us. If ABC pulls Emergence for the February Sweeps, I suspect it will never return.


January 27, 2020 1:07 am  #8

Re: Emergence Ratings

mace wrote:

According to, after week 17, Emergence is ranked 71st out of 104 series. It's direct competition, FBI:Most Wanted is 15th and New Amsterdam is 35th. The lead-in for Emergence is Blackish which is sitting at #72. Most Wanted follows #4 FBI while New Amsterdam airs after #12 This Is Us. If ABC pulls Emergence for the February Sweeps, I suspect it will never return.

New Amsterdam is renewed already and will air right into 2023 ( ) 

I have to agree that unlike a show "in 35th" a show not doing nearly as well might vanish. 


CityNews 24/7:
RadioWiz & RadioQuiz are NOT the same person. 
RadioWiz & THE Wiz are NOT the same person.


January 27, 2020 5:52 pm  #9

Re: Emergence Ratings

Well at least the cast and crew on New Amsterdam have some job security for a few years!  I wonder how much weight streaming and the 7 day viewing numbers really count. It increases the numbers for the show but doesn't do much for the advertisers. And networks care about the advertisers.   With recording most people will zip through the commercials even though some newer formats now make that a little more difficult.  And with steaming many people will wait anyway and watch a bunch of episodes later rather than week to week. 

     Thread Starter

January 29, 2020 10:27 am  #10

Re: Emergence Ratings

One of the creators and producers of the show is from Western New York, which is why The Buffalo News has taken special interest in it. The article below contains this little nugget of hope for its "Emergence" from cancellation.

"The big thing Fazekas is going to grapple with soon is whether “Emergence” will get a second season. She doesn’t expect ABC to make a decision until May when the so-called upfronts announcing the new season are held.

“Creatively, we get great feedback,” before citing the numbers.

She said the ratings for “Emergence” seven days after it airs are up 80% and it grows to 133% 35 days after it airs."

ABC's 'Emergence' is the real thing as show ends first season


January 29, 2020 1:50 pm  #11

Re: Emergence Ratings

Well I hope the show is renewed in May, it is well done and popular here. Last ratings on Numeris last week Emergence came in as the 24th most popular show with just under one million viewers. So it is tracking much better for CTV than on the originating network ABC.

But even with a 133% increase after 35 days brings viewership up to only 4.6 million viewers based on the last rating. And that doesn't really do much for the advertisers, and this will be a big factor whether ABC renews it or not. There is a chance it may rally in the next few weeks with upcoming repeats and improve the numbers, this often happens with shows that just need a little more time to find their audience.

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January 29, 2020 3:32 pm  #12

Re: Emergence Ratings

The TV Grim Reaper seems pretty confident that the show is dead and I don't disagree. Anything beyond Live+3 numbers are almost worthless for ad-supported TV, so it's a bad sign the producers are hawking those digits. 


January 30, 2020 9:12 am  #13

Re: Emergence Ratings

Retaw wrote:

The TV Grim Reaper seems pretty confident that the show is dead and I don't disagree. Anything beyond Live+3 numbers are almost worthless for ad-supported TV, so it's a bad sign the producers are hawking those digits. 

...but maybe the problem isn't the show itself.
Maybe the problem IS what it's up against. 
I honestly don't know...I'm just throwing it out there that maybe more people prefer to watch New Amsterdam.
Try another day (as in, not just a new time slot, move the show to another day and see if that helps any...)


CityNews 24/7:
RadioWiz & RadioQuiz are NOT the same person. 
RadioWiz & THE Wiz are NOT the same person.


January 30, 2020 10:41 am  #14

Re: Emergence Ratings

Radiowiz wrote:

Retaw wrote:

The TV Grim Reaper seems pretty confident that the show is dead and I don't disagree. Anything beyond Live+3 numbers are almost worthless for ad-supported TV, so it's a bad sign the producers are hawking those digits. 

...but maybe the problem isn't the show itself.
Maybe the problem IS what it's up against. 
I honestly don't know...I'm just throwing it out there that maybe more people prefer to watch New Amsterdam.
Try another day (as in, not just a new time slot, move the show to another day and see if that helps any...)
Changing nights could work with a good lead-in. However, a Friday or Saturday move could be fatal as those two nights are generally the least viewed.



January 30, 2020 10:52 am  #15

Re: Emergence Ratings

mace wrote:

Changing nights could work with a good lead-in. However, a Friday or Saturday move could be fatal as those two nights are generally the least viewed.

Saturday nights are traditionally the burn off nights to eliminate remaining content of a cancelled program.
Friday...I DO NOT recommend putting Emergence up against the Blacklist, which returns in March.

Last edited by Radiowiz (January 30, 2020 10:53 am)

CityNews 24/7:
RadioWiz & RadioQuiz are NOT the same person. 
RadioWiz & THE Wiz are NOT the same person.


January 30, 2020 11:47 am  #16

Re: Emergence Ratings

This is totally off topic, but since this thread is about a network TV show, I just want to note that tonight, Thursday, is the final episode of "The Good Place," one of the most unique and bizarre shows ever to get the greenlight from any U.S. TV outlet.

It combined a great cast with amazing writing and dared to delve into philosophy, existentialism and the meaning of life - all without ever alienating or talking down to an audience and without ever being anything but hilarious. You barely even realized what you were learning. 

While it was never a huge ratings smash (few network shows are anymore) and it takes a few episodes to see what  it's trying to do, it's one of the few whose creator knew when to call it quits, bringing it to an end of his own volition after just four all-too-short seasons. And if there's ever been a greater character than Jason Mendoza in the last decade I don't know who it is. 

For those who appreciated this opus and its surreal tone, a reminder that the final episode is 90 minutes long, instead of the regular half hour. I will really miss this show - every week it left me in a Good Place. And there aren't many network TV programs left I can say that about.   


January 30, 2020 11:58 am  #17

Re: Emergence Ratings

Good Place final episode tonight?  No forking way!!


January 30, 2020 11:49 pm  #18

Re: Emergence Ratings

mace wrote:

Good Place final episode tonight?  No forking way!!

OH FORK!! I missed it at 8:30! Now I have to record it at 11:30 because I'll be watching news! 


CityNews 24/7:
RadioWiz & RadioQuiz are NOT the same person. 
RadioWiz & THE Wiz are NOT the same person.