Every season, one or two new TV shows get the hook early. In this case, NBC's "Sunnyside" - which no Canadian network picked up, which should tell you something - is one of the first to go. But here's what's different about this lost series: NBC plans to show all the unaired episodes (there will be 11 when they're all done) online for free on its website on a weekly basis - just as if it was still airing every Thursday night.
It used to be that cancelled shows couldn't be removed from a network soon enough. And then any unaired episodes would be wasted on a Saturday night for a few weeks in the summer just to get rid of them.
This is the first time I can remember that a major network has taken a flop and continued to run it online for the few fans it may have attracted. I wonder if we will see a lot more of this as time goes on and the web inevitably starts taking more of TV's regular audience.
I also wonder since no one bought it here if Canadians will be able to watch it in this country. I doubt it, but it would be nice.
Sunnyside Cancelled as Remaining Eps Move Online, Will & Grace's Final Season to Fill NBC's Thursday Void
Burning off flops like this isn't as uncommon as you might think. You don't see networks yank poorly rated shows as quickly as they used to anymore. Linear viewership has eroded so much that many choose to instead ride out what was paid for and not order more. But if you've got a total bomb, it makes sense to dump what was finished online to recoup something.
Sunnyside did not get picked up in Canada because the viewers would be expecting the show to be a copycat American version of Toronto's Sunnyside:
Last edited by Radiowiz (October 17, 2019 11:05 pm)
According to TV By The Numbers, NBC's Perfect Harmony could be the second series to get a pink slip soon. Over at CBS, All Rise and Evil have stumbled out of the gate. However, with Evil being a CBS owned show, the Eye network might wait awhile before deciding to swing the axe. ABC does not have any rookie series in danger of cancellation-yet. FOX has only one new series that is under performing, Almost Family.
Radiowiz wrote:
Sunnyside did not get picked up in Canada because the viewers would be expecting the show to be a copycat American version of Toronto's Sunnyside:
I would be surprised if that's the case - I'm betting the vast majority of viewers have never heard of the short-lived Canadian cult classic. But I'll admit that anything's possible.
I think it's more likely that buyers watched the pilot and didn't find it funny, smelled failure and stayed away from it in droves. It's very rare that a U.S. series doesn't get picked up here, given all the cable space to fill. Add to that the fact that the series is (was?) about a group of would-be immigrants trying to get status in the U.S. and leaned heavily on American history and traditions, and I'm guessing the Canadian networks thought it might turn off viewers here.
Either way, it was a huge dud. I watched a few episodes and didn't think it was as bad as the critics would lead you to believe. But I doubt very many people will miss it.