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October 7, 2019 7:22 pm  #1

Debate On a Little Early

Why would the only English national debate where all leaders are taking part be on at 7pm eastern time? 

Seems early since it makes it more difficult for a lot people from Saskatchewan to BC.  In Sask. many people are just getting off work and in Alberta, BC, Yukon, NWT most are still into their afternoon. 

Wouldn't it have made more sense for the debate to begin at either 8, 8:30 or 9pm?  

Looks like the debate consortium has made it more difficult for about 11 million Canadians to watch the debate. 

Last edited by paterson1 (October 7, 2019 7:24 pm)


October 7, 2019 8:50 pm  #2

Re: Debate On a Little Early

Centre of the universe, one might say...

Last edited by Glen Warren (October 7, 2019 8:57 pm)


October 7, 2019 8:59 pm  #3

Re: Debate On a Little Early

Agreed, Ms. Delacourt was way out of her element.


October 7, 2019 9:15 pm  #4

Re: Debate On a Little Early

On a bit early wasn't the only surprising thing.
Omni 1 & Omni 2 were covering the debate but no credit given...CityNews didn't even bother to do a "Sister station" shout out at the end of their newscast.
Instead, they simply encouraged tuning in at 11PM to catch the highlights.

You'd think Rogers would want Citynews viewers to check out something they own rather than CTV or whatever else out there...NO? 


RadioWiz & RadioQuiz are NOT the same person. 
RadioWiz & THE Wiz are NOT the same person.


October 7, 2019 9:18 pm  #5

Re: Debate On a Little Early

If the debate had started at 8 or 9pm, CTV wouldn't have been able to simsub All Rise and The Good Doctor. Can't have viewers watching those shows on those oh so evil U.S. networks.


October 7, 2019 10:34 pm  #6

Re: Debate On a Little Early

Glen Warren wrote:

Centre of the universe, one might say...

Didn't Bob Dylan once call Ottawa the asshole of the universe? Maybe I'm wrong ... but I do vaguely recall...


October 7, 2019 11:04 pm  #7

Re: Debate On a Little Early

Nice that the debate was done in front of a live audience. But why wouldn't the set be facing the people.  All of the leaders had their backs to the audience. Overall the crowd was very well behaved.

To me the format seemed too rushed, and I don't think we need to have five moderators.  Not sure the BQ needs to be in the english national debate since they can't win any seats outside of quebec. TVA didn't allow May or Bernier in their debate because they had no seats in quebec.

Lisa Laflamme did a good job as a moderator and I agree Susan Delacourt was out of her element.

Starting to wonder if print journalists are the right choice to moderate a television debate. I like Paul Wells as a writer or even a guest panelist, but he, like Delacourt was lacking as a moderator on the City tv leaders debate a few weeks back.

     Thread Starter

October 7, 2019 11:15 pm  #8

Re: Debate On a Little Early

Well they sure didn't miss anything.  Rosemary Barton; in my opinion; from CBC was by far the best moderator of the evening.

Two major debates.  The first one I understand why it was done in quebec; as it was done in French.  BOTH however done in the province of Quebec.  There are other provinces you know.

Last edited by AMFM (October 8, 2019 7:35 pm)


October 8, 2019 7:43 am  #9

Re: Debate On a Little Early

I intended to watch the whole debate but couldn't get past the first half hour. When Sheer's 'answer' to the very first question didn't even address the question but he used the time to attack Trudeau... I knew it was going to be  a waste of time. 

I have never believed any leader should be a part of the debate if the party is not running a full slate of candidates across the country which would rule out the Bloc leaders (but we can't offend Quebec can we). Bernier was mostly a waste of air time but he has a full slate of candidates, but I wonder if he's playing with a full deck... and May is green, we get it.

I thought  SIngh was the most at ease and made some great points but the format was just too convoluted I just couldn't get too deep into it, waiting for the newscasts to boil it down for me. 

Last edited by zed (October 8, 2019 7:43 am)


October 8, 2019 10:12 am  #10

Re: Debate On a Little Early

I actually watched/listened to the whole thing. (At one point, I took my dog for a walk and heard it on the radio.)

When I got back home, my phone rang. And irony of irony, it was a Forum pollster! But she wasn't asking anything about the federal election. Instead she wanted to know something about my satisfaction level with water services in my city, which I found very odd. 

I politely declined to take her survey, telling her I was watching the debate and would be happy to answer her questions when it was over. Her response made me laugh out loud. "Yeah," she said, "If I were home now, I'd probably be watching it, too!"


October 8, 2019 10:20 am  #11

Re: Debate On a Little Early

mace wrote:

If the debate had started at 8 or 9pm, CTV wouldn't have been able to simsub All Rise and The Good Doctor. Can't have viewers watching those shows on those oh so evil U.S. networks.

Bang on! 

RadioWiz & RadioQuiz are NOT the same person. 
RadioWiz & THE Wiz are NOT the same person.


October 8, 2019 2:07 pm  #12

Re: Debate On a Little Early

I tuned in sporadically but kept tuning out because (hopefully by coincidence) every time I tuned in the talk was revolving around climate change.  Kind of makes me wish I had stuck around to see if they would get around to talking about real issues.

The 6 person debate format was also a major turn off.  Too much noise from those who, quite frankly, won't really matter.  I know it's considered improper to exclude anyone these days, so maybe they they should consider a two-debate format.  Anyone polling under 20% gets into their own debate, while those over 20% can join in the adult conservation.  At least this way, nobody (not even the Rhinoceros and Communist party if we're being all inclusive) would be left out.


October 8, 2019 3:26 pm  #13

Re: Debate On a Little Early

I tuned in at the beginning (who was that Ronnie Radio guy doing the intro? lol) and saw an audience member ask a scripted question he had memorised, then saw JT reply with a scripted answer he had memorised. Tuned out and  watched a couple of Treehouse of Horrors and then listened to some more on the radio. I am uber-engaged politically, but it was unbearable even for me. In all, I think I caught about 15 minutes of it. Brutal.

Last edited by potentiometer (October 8, 2019 3:27 pm)


October 8, 2019 7:00 pm  #14

Re: Debate On a Little Early

Peter the K wrote:

.. every time I tuned in the talk was revolving around climate change.  Kind of makes me wish I had stuck around to see if they would get around to talking about real issues.

Climate change is not a real issue?

Guess you haven't been paying attention.


October 8, 2019 8:43 pm  #15

Re: Debate On a Little Early

One big flaw in all three debates so far (Maclean's, TVA and last night) not one word has been mentioned about the military. Canada spends over $25 billion per year on the military and we are planning to buy a bunch of new fighter jets in the next few years. That is if they can figure out our ridiculous procurement system, or if the government, or. whoever wins on Oct 21 doesn't change the goalposts again.

The media has been very poor at reporting, anything regarding the military, other than than scandals. 25 billion per year is one of the biggest expenditures for the federal government. The US is quickly moving away from being the free world's gatekeeper, militarily times are changing and Canada needs to be ready and in gear for this.

So I say shame on the media and all political parties for this big gap in the election dialogue so far.


     Thread Starter

October 8, 2019 9:37 pm  #16

Re: Debate On a Little Early

My biggest problem I have with these debates is candidates talking over one another. I watched an exchange between Trudeau and Scheer - couldn't understand a word either of them was saying - and changed the channel. There should be a way to return to the civility of the first debate in 1968:

"Life without echo is really no life at all." - Dan Ingram

October 9, 2019 7:44 am  #17

Re: Debate On a Little Early

Looks like the ratings for Monday's debate were very high, CTV is reporting that 9.64 million canadians watched the debate on TV with an average of 3.9 million any particular minute.  Another estimated 867,000 streamed, and a further 2,7 million digital video views. So in total about 13 million canadians watched at least some of the debate on Monday. Still believe the english national debate should have been a little later in the evening. 7pm start is too early, especially for the west.

The french edition of the debate will be on tomorrow evening beginning at 8pm, same location in Gatineau.  I believe both CTV and CBC news networks are running the debate with live english translation.

     Thread Starter

October 9, 2019 8:40 am  #18

Re: Debate On a Little Early

g121 wrote:

Peter the K wrote:

.. every time I tuned in the talk was revolving around climate change.  Kind of makes me wish I had stuck around to see if they would get around to talking about real issues.

Climate change is not a real issue?

Guess you haven't been paying attention.

Climate change may be an issue, but not necessarily the MOST important issue in many voters minds. It certainly isn't for me. Prime Minister Selfie seems to think his Climate Change Plan is the only one. My way or the Highway. Anyone who disagrees with his plan for Global Warming oops Climate Change, he will lump in with the Climate Change denier crowd.


October 9, 2019 9:47 am  #19

Re: Debate On a Little Early

mace wrote:

Climate change may be an issue, but not necessarily the MOST important issue in many voters minds. It certainly isn't for me. Prime Minister Selfie seems to think his Climate Change Plan is the only one. My way or the Highway. Anyone who disagrees with his plan for Global Warming oops Climate Change, he will lump in with the Climate Change denier crowd.

My point exactly.  I feel ashamed that a relatively wealthy country such as Canada does not support its current and former military and that there people in this country without access to clean drinking water.   I could go on but (with apologies) we're veering off topic.



October 9, 2019 12:04 pm  #20

Re: Debate On a Little Early

paterson1 wrote:

One big flaw in all three debates so far (Maclean's, TVA and last night) not one word has been mentioned about the military. Canada spends over $25 billion per year on the military and we are planning to buy a bunch of new fighter jets in the next few years. That is if they can figure out our ridiculous procurement system, or if the government, or. whoever wins on Oct 21 doesn't change the goalposts again.

The media has been very poor at reporting, anything regarding the military, other than than scandals. 25 billion per year is one of the biggest expenditures for the federal government. The US is quickly moving away from being the free world's gatekeeper, militarily times are changing and Canada needs to be ready and in gear for this.

So I say shame on the media and all political parties for this big gap in the election dialogue so far.


The Ottawa Citizen published this piece regarding the lack of interest in Military issues:


Last edited by Media Observer (October 9, 2019 12:21 pm)


October 9, 2019 12:33 pm  #21

Re: Debate On a Little Early

Interesting article Media Observer, thanks for passing along. I guess it could be a catch 22. If the politicians or media never really speak much about the military, then the public becomes unaware and then not interested.

I find the media pays attention to the military more when there is a scandal of some sort, but not much the rest of the time. Apparently we likely will be spending some big money on a lot of new equipment in the years ahead, just thought a discussion of the state of the military would warrant some time either in media or in the debates.

As I mentioned before, the US is  backing away from it's traditional role as the military leader of the free world. They have their own political issues with the president, government inefficiencies, unsustainable deficits and seem to be looking inward more than ever before.  Canada and other countries in the g7, g10 do need to be ready when the US may not be at the forefront, and may not take their long standing leading role as they have been since the end of WW2.

     Thread Starter

October 9, 2019 12:50 pm  #22

Re: Debate On a Little Early

paterson1 wrote:

Interesting article Media Observer, thanks for passing along. I guess it could be a catch 22. If the politicians or media never really speak much about the military, then the public becomes unaware and then not interested.

I find the media pays attention to the military more when there is a scandal of some sort, but not much the rest of the time. Apparently we likely will be spending some big money on a lot of new equipment in the years ahead, just thought a discussion of the state of the military would warrant some time either in media or in the debates.

As I mentioned before, the US is  backing away from it's traditional role as the military leader of the free world. They have their own political issues with the president, government inefficiencies, unsustainable deficits and seem to be looking inward more than ever before.  Canada and other countries in the g7, g10 do need to be ready when the US may not be at the forefront, and may not take their long standing leading role as they have been since the end of WW2.

I share your take (and concerns).