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August 20, 2019 7:41 am  #1

Apple TV teases the Morning Show set to stream in September

Moving right along against Disney...Apple is set to launch the morning show...with Jennifer Aniston and Steve Carrel, a show about trust and honesty in the news media business...

Apple is forging it's way into this now competitive marketplace and with Disney, Crave TV, Prime and such, Netflix is being challenged big time...

There stock has been dropping and this report in July, it is largely due to viewer drop off and now with even more competition at play...

NY Times wrote about the "Giant" (Netflix) share prices tumbling last month...(See link below)

Here is more on the launch of this series on Apple TV...

Oh and here is some video footage too!

My question to the board are the following...

If you were to gaze into your crystal ball, what is the future for all of these streaming channels?

How much (hours per week) do you invest in viewing your fave streaming shows?

What does this mean for traditional TV stations in future? Is this the beginning of the end? 

Enjoy the day Big Yella, I am going to take a bit of a break from posting on here for a while...I will check in, but need to focus my energies on other things the immortal words of Arnold, "I'll be back"!!!



The world would be so good if it weren't for some people...

August 20, 2019 9:29 am  #2

Re: Apple TV teases the Morning Show set to stream in September

There has never been anything remotely interesting to me on Netflix, Prime or the soon to arrive Disney+. I prefer to watch tv series I grew up with. I would gladly pay for a package that included Antenna TV, MeTv and Cozi Tv. Like that would ever happen in the Great White North!  The owners of Dejaview [Corus] and the Friends Of Canadian Broadcasting would go on Spincycle if the CRTC even considered distribution of  those channels here. 


August 20, 2019 9:54 am  #3

Re: Apple TV teases the Morning Show set to stream in September

Mace & I seem to be on the same wavelength lately and I couldn't agree with him more when it comes to Canadians getting the shaft. I understand the need to protect Canadian broadcasters and I admit to some hypocrisy in the statement that follows because I made a fairly good living off of the biz for almost 40 years. 

But as a viewer I absolutely hate the Iron Curtain that has descended on what was supposed to be a relatively open TV system. Back in the days when an antenna was the only way to get anything, it was fine. You could choose whatever station you could receive. 

But when cable came in, all that changed and the government stuck its grubby fingers into everything, leading to protectionist measures that have removed choice from all of us. Want to see Antenna TV? Too bad. You can't get it here. How about the real HBO or Showtime? Nope. Rights issues, you see. (Or don't see.) Feel like watching "This Is Us" off of NBC? Sorry, we'll force you to watch CTV's version, complete with bad editing and extra commercials. 

Remember the days of UPN or the WB? No, because they weren't allowed here. Yes, it's a bit exaggerated, but this is the kind of thing I expect in a Communist country, shuting out or jamming signals. In this case, it's not ideology, it's money. But while I understand it, I hate it. And that's why I still have an antenna.

Imagine if they did this with, say, books. You can't read that novel because no Canadian printer picked it up. We'd be apoplectic and rightly so. But somehow, that same principle has never applied to broadcasting.  

Perhaps one day, when streaming inevitably replaces broadcast TV, we'll finally have what used to euphemistically be called "Open Skies," Canadians will be able to subscribe and watch whatever they want from whatever service or country they want, without concerns about nationality getting in the way. 

And it could potentially happen, if U.S. producers - now almost all involved in starting their own streaming services - decide to stop selling rights to Canadian companies like Bell and Rogers and keep those rights to sell their own stations here with all the programming intact. No more CBS All Access, minus Star Trek or Twilight Zone, because those have been sold to Space or City TV. No more "Billions" or "Homeland" being shown here a year late, because they've already aired ages ago down south. And no more getting gouged by monstrous companies like Bell, which will never stop charging you more and more for what you already get. 

For me, that day can't come soon enough. Although sometimes, I'm not convinced it will ever come at all.   

Sorry for the rant. Now back to your regularly scheduled thread, already in progress. (But you can only read the Canadian version, of course.)


August 20, 2019 1:13 pm  #4

Re: Apple TV teases the Morning Show set to stream in September

Muffaraw Joe wrote:

     I am going to take a bit of a break from posting on here for a while  

Don't Go Breaking My Heart


August 20, 2019 4:40 pm  #5

Re: Apple TV teases the Morning Show set to stream in September

"Ms.C. wrote:

Don't Go Breaking My Heart

I couldn't if I tried


Last edited by Muffaraw Joe (August 20, 2019 4:41 pm)

The world would be so good if it weren't for some people...
     Thread Starter

August 20, 2019 5:08 pm  #6

Re: Apple TV teases the Morning Show set to stream in September

and they wonder why vpn's and kodi add ons are booming


August 20, 2019 5:24 pm  #7

Re: Apple TV teases the Morning Show set to stream in September

In the (near?) future the competition is going to be too fierce for all businesses to survive.
Someone is going to buy out someone, no doubt, to keep competition down...or maybe a few buyouts.


RadioWiz & RadioQuiz are NOT the same person. 
RadioWiz & THE Wiz are NOT the same person.


August 20, 2019 9:48 pm  #8

Re: Apple TV teases the Morning Show set to stream in September

Apple wants $10/month for a small handful of shows.

It sounds insane, but they have herded their flock well.