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SOWNY » Maybe if an "oldies" format station played these versions... » January 20, 2025 3:15 pm

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...they could make money for their shareholders.

These two YouTube channels seem to have come from nowhere and I have to think AI has something, more than likley a lot, do do with existence. and [url=]



SOWNY » Are Push Buttons Coming Back To Your Car Radio? » January 19, 2025 4:44 pm

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mic'em wrote:

Deep Tracks, what I'm refering to is a small tab that allows the shifter to be put into nuetral without the engine running, that allows the vehicle to be winched or just moved at all . Not all vehicles have the tab in plain view. Some have to have the console removed and then there is a mechanism located under or beside the shift linkages. Also there are vehicles that don't have a release at all , meaning I had to crawl under the vehicles and disconnect the linkage at the transmission, or just hook and drag which I hated doing due to the possibility of damaging the customer's vehicle. All vehicles now with electronic shifters and electric E brakes have no way to put the vehicles into neutral with out power from the battery and the fob to turn the power on. Most tow operators that I am aware of just drag the vehicles onto the bed, or in the case of a wrecker unit, ,use the small dolly wheels to tow. I always strived during my 22 years in towing to treat a customers vehicle like it was my own. I don't think that sentiment exits much anymore with the new generation. This link shows the tab for a Kia Sorento...

Thank you, Mic;em, for your description and provided video. I would never have guessed that you can't now always place a vehicle into neutral.

SOWNY » Are Push Buttons Coming Back To Your Car Radio? » January 17, 2025 9:55 am

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mic'em wrote:

All my vehicles are old enough to still have preset buttons, 1994 Ford F150, 2010 Malibu and 2016 Kia Sorento. I retired from being a tilt 'n' load tow truck driver recently, the modern cars are so full of bells and whistles, they are so difficult to deal with, the majority don't have a neutral release for the transmission anymore. Electronic everything that costs a small fortune to repair. I recall a fellow telling me to change the headlight on his BMW was in the 1500$ range. 

By "neutral release" do you mean the inability to 'pop it' into neutral without having to press the side-button on the shifter? I found this to be the case in my wife's '20 Ford EcoSport when I wanted to take the drive wheels 'off' when coming to a stop on an icy approach to a 4-way stop.. Stupid, stupid idea to take that ability away.

SOWNY » Could This Device Actually Have Worked With A VCR? » January 2, 2025 9:12 am

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RadioActive wrote:

I have my doubts, but back in the days of VCRs and videotape, this gadget was offered to cut out commercials from recorded TV shows. The fact this didn't become a big deal seems proof to me that it couldn't possibly have worked as advertised. (I also have doubts about an offer that tells you to write "Mr. Shelton" - in quotes, no less - for more information.)

It lists a Washington state address, but a closer look at the bottom of the page shows it was actually made in Burnaby, B.C. 

How would this even have worked? 

From 1980:

Back 'in-the-day' when adding wooden (or brown coloured plastic) side panels to a device, VCR/Stereo Receiver/etcetera, would add to the 'prestigiousness' of a device and would cost more - hence the addition of "W"..

SOWNY » Rather an exclusive club - don't ya think? » December 13, 2024 9:22 am

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Samsung TV exclusive access - really? Not owning an actual TV of this brand I have to think my Samsung washer with its 15" round screen won't qualify.

SOWNY » New Canadian Streaming Service [Coming Soon?] » November 9, 2024 10:35 am

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Whatever became of Join TV ? Not much is the answer.

SOWNY » What Buffalo Radio Legend Larry Norton Is Doing Now May Surprise You » October 27, 2024 9:44 am

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canam2021 wrote:

He is doing a Podcast Slick's Open Bar on Spotify and Podbean

 Thanks canam2021 

SOWNY » What Buffalo Radio Legend Larry Norton Is Doing Now May Surprise You » October 25, 2024 7:13 pm

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On a not too dissimilar note, does anyone know what Slick Tom's gotten up to of late?

SOWNY » Tales of the first transistor radio » September 30, 2024 3:35 pm

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I have ZERO way of proving what I'm about to claim - but it's the truth.

Does anyone remember those early pocket-size transistor radios, and those slightly larger, that as part of their outside case marking would profess the number of transistors that were being employed? In other words, the more transistors the better. I do.

When I first became interested in repairing electronic stuff I would fix for my friends and family radios that had suffered being dropped - quite often cracking their circuit boards. I would solder-in wire jumpers across the cracked area and see them be made to work as well as they ever did. I found on moore than one occasion a so-labelled "X" number transistor radio that - YES, you could clearly see from the component side that there was a "X" head count of transistors, but upon flipping the circuit board over (o fix the unit) found that one or more of them had ALL of their (3) leads soldered together serving absolutely no purpose in the function of the radio except to fool those who looked inside to believe that they had got what they paid for.

I have to think that the transistors that were found like that were defective production devices but served the purpose of maintaining (visually) the advertised count - just to look good.

So technological truth was usurped my marketing lies.

My Zenith was not one of "those"..


SOWNY » Cinema Box - free movie app on Roku » September 12, 2024 12:11 pm

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I stumbled on this free movie app on Roku and it's kind odd, to say the least.

Available movies include Harold and Maude, Sleeper, and Slap Shot - to name a few of the comedy movies. There are many categories of titles containing movies I've not seen anywhere  else. 

The search function doesn't work well, if it can be said that it works at all. The only way to really find a movie is to scroll through the hundreds and hundreds of available titles. There is no "save" function or "My List" option. When you start to watch a movie and not finish watching, it seems to only remember that you had watched in a a "Recently viewed" option that just goes away the next time, or next day, when you look to continue to watch. I had a number of titles I started to watch last night, so's I could watch at a later time because there is no save option, only to find out all my selections were gone.

As quirky as this app is there is one thing that I really like. There are no ads - period. No self-promotional type - no cross promotional - no nothing.

I'm going to look for more movies to watch when I can watch the complete movie over the coming days/weeks.

anyways, for what it's worth...

There is no signing-up.

SOWNY » What Was Your All Time Favourite Radio? » September 7, 2024 8:14 am

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"On my desk in Florida is my Grundig Satellite 750. It stays in Florida all year and the hot, humid climate is taking its toll. Last year, when we were there, I noticed the volume control was getting a little scratchy."

Open it up to expose the expose its volume control and look to see if you can spray just a 1-second spritz of WD-40 into its wiper/resistive surface area. Work-it back and forth a few times, and voila! 

As a budding technician when I was still just a kid, I got the idea to spray WD-40 into the noisy volume controls of  old B&W TVs and also directly into their turret-type tuners. It worked a treat as well on the exposed surfaces of older AM radio variable capacitors. It was less expensive and more readily available than purposely made cleaner.

If anything were still "repairable" like they were in the old days I know I would still be using it.


SOWNY » What Was Your All Time Favourite Radio? » September 5, 2024 11:19 am

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It had reduction-drive for tuning stations which made it great for "tuning-off" the main frequency just a little to try to improve reception.

SOWNY » Can Anyone Explain This? » August 4, 2024 9:06 am

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Check out this link for info related to LEDs and how they are made to work. LEDs are NOT in a constant ON state. Basically it's Google search results but you get the idea.

The effective strength of the interfering signal being produced by the LED driver circuitry may be causing the AGC in your radio's circuitry to shutdown, or minimize, as it may be fooling your radio into believing the signal is local and doesn't require additional amplification. Which - it is, it's just not the desired signal.

SOWNY » Remember When CHUM-FM Became A Progressive Rock Station? » July 5, 2024 11:16 am

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For a short while they were classical music during the daytime hours until 6 PM, switching to progressive/underground/psychedelic rock at the tick of the hour. They would switch from "music for. or by, longhairs" to "music by, or for, longhairs" - I can't remember which way it was but I know for a fact it was one or the other.

SOWNY » CP24 moving to Channel Nine Court » June 26, 2024 9:00 am

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When the first promotional picture was taken of the truck the "dish" affixed to the roof was not a proper microwave uplink dish. It was in fact a garbage can lid, painted white as a substitute because they couldn't get the real thing in time for the photo shoot.

SOWNY » Local Radio In Trouble? Not In Cottage Country! » June 18, 2024 9:36 am

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97.7 MAX-FM "Wasaga Beach" has no presence in the "Beach" itself and hasn't for at least seven years, so the logo shown is very much dated.

At least their website now lists Collingwood first on their coverage list. 

When I last listened, those many years ago, they were doing a kind of simulcasting thing with their Orillia counterpart effectively covering a larger area with the exact same content. So if you were in located between the two areas of signal coverage (which was/is fairly large for each) you really had no alternative to the type of music you wanted but to listen to the one with the better reception - where-ever it was you were.

SOWNY » Listen To A 3-Hr. Music Special Starring WKRP's Dr. Johnny Fever » April 23, 2024 10:43 am

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At just under the first hour mark there is a clip of Mr. N.. There may very well be more.

SOWNY » iHeart's Newest Format: Radio For Pets » April 11, 2024 3:33 pm

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I "tuned in" to hear what sounded like a $10.00 cassette player that was running with a stretched belt drive, and was so bad even stopped twice within the same track perhaps because the tape was rewound too tightly.

Saying that, whoever it is that claims any of what I heard as being soothing to one's pets' ears, let alone a human's, is delusional.

You really have to hear it for yourself - my words don't do justice to describe had bad it is.

SOWNY » Latest Buffalo Radio Ratings » March 29, 2024 9:40 am

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Listening online is almost unlistenable because of the subbed-out advertisements in overly repetitious insertion. I miss hearing the local ads when I was able to tune in to the actual station.I wasn't pleased when Humber College started their broadcasting that kept me from doing so.

SOWNY » New Free Cdn. Streamer Set To Launch Jan. 1, 2023 - But Where Is It? » January 16, 2024 8:32 am

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Well....they're actually "on air", so-to-speak.

Their APP is available on both ROKU and in the Android Playstore - although they are not currently saying that they're now available. Their website still says "Coming soon".

There isn't a single program I recognize, so at this time, at least, they are not just running out of date repeats. None of what I saw enticed me to look any further so IMHO that needs to change sooner rather than later.

SOWNY » The Christmas Songs You Love To Hate The Most » December 18, 2023 10:17 am

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In case you are able to listen to it once, maybe twice - try ten hours worth of listening...


SOWNY » Pluto TV One Year Old » December 18, 2023 9:32 am

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So much for "Canada's Premiere F.A.S.T. Channel" network.

Total no-show in '23. I never once received an email of their progress.

They do claim now that they're launching in Jan '24. 

SOWNY » What Is Your Favourite "Crank It Up" Tune? » December 18, 2023 9:24 am

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I can't listen to Steppenwolf's "Born To Be Wild" the same way anymore...

vs. the way it was, and should have been left...


SOWNY » What Is Your Favourite "Crank It Up" Tune? » December 13, 2023 11:23 pm

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Young Man Blues - the Who "Live at Leeds"
Good Times Bad Times - Led Zeppelin I
Crossroads - Cream "Wheels of Fire"
Big Fat Money - Chickenfoot
Show Me How to Live - Audioslave
Funk #49 - James Gang
Working Man - Rush
Rock and Roll Machine - Triumph

SOWNY » If "Seinfeld" Had Been On In The 1850s... » September 30, 2023 9:13 am

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Check out an AI generated version of Star Wars,

online safety pics

 if it had been made in the 20s...

SOWNY » Back In The Day When Colour TV Was Still New » September 29, 2023 9:58 am

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My dad took me downtown to the downtown Eatons store late that summer of '66 to see the display of colour TVs they were selling, and CFTO provided the source of the signal fed to the display models. The shows themselves were what Channel 9 was going to air as part of their new fall lineup, including Star Trek showing, highlights from what would end up being the series third episode -" Where No Man Has Gone Before". That episode being chosen by CFTO, I have to think now, because its title may have been thought to intrigue and entice new colour TV buyers into actually spending their money.

Our family already owned a colour TV - an Electrohome. My dad liked to buy 'Canadian'. We were already watching Bonanza and Hogan's Heroes in colour, and on rare occasion, if they had not already gone home, my dad's friends would stay and watch as well.

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