Well, this should be fun to watch. Members of Parliament, who have been looking at cellphone and Internet pricing for a while, have ordered Rogers CEO Tony Staffieri to appear before them, after a CBC investigation appeared to show some strange price increases for customers with supposedly locked-in contracts.
He tried to get around it by sending a subordinate but the Committee refused to take no for an answer. I believe defying the demand to appear is considered a serious offence.
"The issue that prompted the request to hear from Staffieri was a $7 price hike for every Rogers TV box in a household but one ($12 for newer customers), which unleashed a wave of frustration from the company's customers across the country.
Hundreds of people wrote to Go Public, many saying they were misled into signing contracts they thought guaranteed a regular monthly price for the duration of the agreement — unaware of a clause in the contract that allows Rogers to increase prices for various services."
Still to come - possible appearances by the muckety-mucks from Bell and Telus to answer similar sudden price increase queries.
Staffieri must make his personal appearance within the next seven days. I can't wait to hear the answers.
Rogers CEO summoned to Ottawa after avoiding questions about price increases in contracts
When I was with Rogers, it was the discounts there we guaranteed for the duration of the contract. It was clearly written in the fine print that price increases on the base amount "might" occur.
Same with Bell, my current provider
I know Rogers as a company deserves the flack they receive, but , I would like to point out that Edward and Suzanne Rogers this week donated three million dollars to the community of Elliot Lake to finish the arena there and to help the local hospital. Suzanne was born in Elliot Lake, her father died there in a mining incident when she was very young. I heard her interviewed on the Sudbury CBC morning show this week, she still goes yearly to visit her fathers gravesite. I almost bought a home there this year, but my wife was concerned of the lack of cardiac Dr's in that area, so we bought in Chelmsford instead.
Reluctant Rogers exec. Tony Staffieri was forced to appear before the Commons Committee Monday over allegations his company was misleading customers with price increases despite their having agreed to a contract.
Staffieri did not impress MPs when he told them certain items weren't covered by that guarantee.
"...hundreds of Rogers customers say they're outraged after their bills for internet, TV and home phone jumped, even though they'd signed a contract, believing they had a guaranteed monthly price.
Rogers can charge customers more for things such as rented TV boxes, thanks to a clause in the contract.
"I'd like to know why you think that's OK," Nova Scotia Conservative MP Rick Perkins asked. "And how many other buried costs do you have that you can jack up, and rip Canadians off on?"
It was not an easy day for the Rogers honcho, but he wasn't alone - a Bell chief was also present and had to endure similar questions about why his company jacks up prices in a way consumers can't quite understand and weren't aware they'd signed up for.
It appears the CRTC will also be looking into these so-called standard business practices.
Rogers CEO in hot seat as MPs grill him over contracts customers call unfair and misleading
Unfortunately, there are only 2 providers...Bell and Rogers. They should be taken to task. We need more providers.
Why is it that whenever I read or hear of some sketch behaviour by a cable provider, it usually involves Rogers? Sure, Bell isn’t much better, but it always seems to be Rogers at the forefront of shafting their subscribers. They are truly a dodgy bunch! That’s one reason I dropped them.
I guess I am one of the fortunate customers. I have been a Rogers customer for over 30 years and have had reliable service with very few issues during that time period. Any issues that have arisen have been resolved in a reasonably timely manner. Admittedly, I am guilty of being staunchly resistant to change and had to be dragged kicking and screaming from the Digital to the Ignite era. The switch was much easier than I had anticipated. Would I ever switch to Bell? Doubtful. Similar packages and pricing to Rogers. Also similar horror stories to Rogers.