The extended 640 crossover segment on Fridays at 9 am with Greg Brady and Alex Pierson is unlistenable. Neither can complete a sentence without interruption from the other. So today, I thought the hell with this, and flipped over to 1010, just in time to be subjected to a spot called 'Topics with Tory' or something, which features windbag John Tory spouting forth on whatever story John Moore tosses out. Some days, you just can't win.
Last edited by Walter (October 25, 2024 9:23 am)
If I'm listening to 1010 in the morning I usually switch off when Agar takes over from Moore, but the other day I listened for a while because Agar opened with an attack on David Crombie.
It just so happened the day before Crombie had wiped the floor with Agar who was trying to blame Crombie for not immediately ending the residential school program when he became Indian Affairs minister in the 90s.
From what I heard Crombie made Agar look like a complete fool.
Anyway the next day, when Crombie was not there to defend himself, Agar tore into him to supposedly prove him wrong and Agar the wise sage who got it right.
It's sort of like when Trump plays the first round at a new golf course alone and then calls himself the club champion.
(insert weasel sound effect here)
Walter wrote:
The extended 640 crossover segment on Fridays at 9 am with Greg Brady and Alex Pierson is unlistenable. Neither can complete a sentence without interruption from the other. So today, I thought the hell with this, and flipped over to 1010, just in time to be subjected to a spot called 'Topics with Tory' or something, which features windbag John Tory spouting forth on whatever story John Moore tosses out. Some days, you just can't win.
A far cry from the days when Pierre Berton and Charles Templeton used to engage in a short but thoughtful debate every day.
Hebscher and Skelly were instrumental in cheapening debate to "I can be a bigger ass than you." 🤨
turkeytop wrote:
Walter wrote:
The extended 640 crossover segment on Fridays at 9 am with Greg Brady and Alex Pierson is unlistenable. Neither can complete a sentence without interruption from the other. So today, I thought the hell with this, and flipped over to 1010, just in time to be subjected to a spot called 'Topics with Tory' or something, which features windbag John Tory spouting forth on whatever story John Moore tosses out. Some days, you just can't win.
A far cry from the days when Pierre Berton and Charles Templeton used to engage in a short but thoughtful debate every day.
I remember hearing those debates in the car when my dad was driving. Was it on CKEY? Even to a kid with no interest in politics, it was compelling and entertaining radio. A far cry from the dumbed-down dreck of today, indeed.
I can't imagine Pierre Burton saying (dig ding) "It's a great day for talk radio!"
newsguy1 wrote:
I can't imagine Pierre Burton saying (dig ding) "It's a great day for talk radio!"
I've always felt that, if THEY have to say it, it ain't such a great day...
newsguy1 wrote:
I can't imagine Pierre Burton saying (dig ding) "It's a great day for talk radio!"
Or shilling for Frank Leo and Jiffy App.
Maybe Pierre Burton might have enjoyed those tasty endorsement dollars. If only someone had asked.
Binson Echorec wrote:
Maybe Pierre Burton might have enjoyed those tasty endorsement dollars. If only someone had asked.
Back in those days, radio personalities were celebrities, and well-paid. Not like today's hungry hucksters, who'd promote the local drug dealer if there was buck in it. "Hi! I'm Bill Carroll for Wormy's House of Crack!"
Walter wrote:
turkeytop wrote:
A far cry from the days when Pierre Berton and Charles Templeton used to engage in a short but thoughtful debate every day.
I remember hearing those debates in the car when my dad was driving. Was it on CKEY? Even to a kid with no interest in politics, it was compelling and entertaining radio. A far cry from the dumbed-down dreck of today, indeed.
They were on CFRB.
They were political opposites, but their discussions were always repectful and polite.
CFRB also had Bob Hesketh with "The Way I See It."
Last edited by turkeytop (October 25, 2024 3:44 pm)
Walter wrote:
Binson Echorec wrote:
Maybe Pierre Burton might have enjoyed those tasty endorsement dollars. If only someone had asked.
Back in those days, radio personalities were celebrities, and well-paid. Not like today's hungry hucksters, who'd promote the local drug dealer if there was buck in it. "Hi! I'm Bill Carroll for Wormy's House of Crack!"
True. There was also a much thicker wall between newspeople and endorsements. They were more or less forbidden as it might have jeopardized said newsperson's perceived impartiality. "I can't trust what that person says, they use Colgate", was a legitimate fear then.
Even after Walter Cronkite retired he refused to do commercials for anything.
He was a skilled sailor yet he never did an endorsement for some brand of sailboat.
He reported on space for many years but never did an ad for NASA.
And you sure would never have seen him doing an for the Swiffer.
turkeytop wrote:
Walter wrote:
turkeytop wrote:
A far cry from the days when Pierre Berton and Charles Templeton used to engage in a short but thoughtful debate every day.
I remember hearing those debates in the car when my dad was driving. Was it on CKEY? Even to a kid with no interest in politics, it was compelling and entertaining radio. A far cry from the dumbed-down dreck of today, indeed.
They were on CFRB.
They were political opposites, but their discussions were always repectful and polite.
CFRB also had Bob Hesketh with "The Way I See It."
I remembered Berton and Templeton being on CKEY, so I did some searching ... I found that their debate show Dialogue aired on CFRB from 1966 to 1970, when I would have been too young to really be aware of them or at least remember them. They then moved to CKEY, where they continued doing their show until 1984.
Lorne wrote:
I remembered Berton and Templeton being on CKEY, so I did some searching ... I found that their debate show Dialogue aired on CFRB from 1966 to 1970, when I would have been too young to really be aware of them or at least remember them. They then moved to CKEY, where they continued doing their show until 1984.
Thanks for enlightening me. Back in those days I was living up in the Owen Sound area. CFRB had a decent signal up that way. CKEY, not so much. So I rarely listened to CKEY.
Listener wrote:
'Topics with Tory'...why is he even there!
Good question. Maybe they're hoping Rogers will buy the station when Bell finally milks it dry, and puts it on the block.
Pundits and talking heads ain't what they used to be.
And don't get me started on ex broadcasters who decide to go into politics.
Senator Charles Adler?
To paraphrase John Stewart, did we all die of COVID?
Lorne wrote:
turkeytop wrote:
Walter wrote:
I remember hearing those debates in the car when my dad was driving. Was it on CKEY? Even to a kid with no interest in politics, it was compelling and entertaining radio. A far cry from the dumbed-down dreck of today, indeed.
They were on CFRB.
They were political opposites, but their discussions were always repectful and polite.
CFRB also had Bob Hesketh with "The Way I See It."I remembered Berton and Templeton being on CKEY, so I did some searching ... I found that their debate show Dialogue aired on CFRB from 1966 to 1970, when I would have been too young to really be aware of them or at least remember them. They then moved to CKEY, where they continued doing their show until 1984.
I can absolutely confirm their days at CKEY, because I was there at the time. I never met Berton, but Templeton came into my news studio a few times back then. He gave me a copy of a book he wrote, which I still have somewhere but never read.