Jerry Agar just mentioned that John Tory will be hosting the Moore In The Morning show tomorrow.
Even though it's great that John Moore gets another long weekend, for some (many?) listeners this means there's won't be a "sweet sweet Friday!"
As John Moore would say, govern yourselves accordingly.
Last edited by betaylored (October 17, 2024 11:40 am)
I will be listening elsewhere!
I am not that big a fan of John Tory, but I happened to be listening this morning when he utterly crushed Agar over the issue of the barbeque restaurant owner fined for defying the COVID lockdown rules.
Agar made the ridiculous comment that people can march through Toronto calling for the deaths of Jews, and not get fined, but a restaurant owner just wanting to make a living has to pay thousands of dollars.
Tory told Agar, he can say that because he's a talk show host, but Tory was mayor and along with Primer Doug Ford and PM Trudeau cooperating Toronto had the lowest mortality rate from COVID for a major world city, had fewer cases and the highest vaccination rate.
Agar replied, yeah but it went on too long.
Tory said, maybe a couple of weeks too long.
Agar did not reply.
newsguy1 wrote:
I am not that big a fan of John Tory, but I happened to be listening this morning when he utterly crushed Agar over the issue of the barbeque restaurant owner fined for defying the COVID lockdown rules.
Agar made the ridiculous comment that people can march through Toronto calling for the deaths of Jews, and not get fined, but a restaurant owner just wanting to make a living has to pay thousands of dollars.
Tory told Agar, he can say that because he's a talk show host, but Tory was mayor and along with Primer Doug Ford and PM Trudeau cooperating Toronto had the lowest mortality rate from COVID for a major world city, had fewer cases and the highest vaccination rate.
Agar replied, yeah but it went on too long.
Tory said, maybe a couple of weeks too long.
Agar did not reply.
I caught this and loved it. I think Agar wanted to get into it with Tory but was basically shut down. And I must be one of the few listeners who doesn’t mind John Tory filling in. I also think that Adam Skelly, the owner of the BBQ restaurant that defied COVID protocols, got off lightly with a $15K fine, he should have got time.
I really don't mind John either. Just wish he would make his point sooner and lose the legal sounding talk.
Once in a round table years ago I heard him put Jerry in his place. Agar was on a rant about government and how politicians are all liars, screw people, never do anything worthwhile...blah, blah, blah. Tory just asked that if politicians and government were as bad as he said, then why not run for office and help to make a change.
Agar was dumbfounded, said "duh" a few times as he tried to form a sentence. Tory said it again to him, if things are so bad, run for office, be the change. Jerry then mumbled something about how he could be as effective on the radio with his show and comments.....I believe this was when Tory actually laughed at him.
paterson1 wrote:
I really don't mind John either. Just wish he would make his point sooner and lose the legal sounding talk.
Once in a round table years ago I heard him put Jerry in his place. Agar was on a rant about government and how politicians are all liars, screw people, never do anything worthwhile...blah, blah, blah. Tory just asked that if politicians and government were as bad as he said, then why not run for office and help to make a change.
Agar was dumbfounded, said "duh" a few times as he tried to form a sentence. Tory said it again to him, if things are so bad, run for office, be the change. Jerry then mumbled something about how he could be as effective on the radio with his show and comments.....I believe this was when Tory actually laughed at him.
Tory always talks the talk, but he had many years in top political offices to walk the walk. He didn't, at any level. In fact, Toronto was much worse off after 2-plus terms with him as mayor, before he quit in disgrace. Agar may be a wind-bag, but Tory is a wind-bag who actually could have made an impact and failed miserably.
I always thought Tory did an OK job as mayor, just not as promising as he appeared... plus he torpedoed himself by resigning over a relatively mild scandal.
That said, I would take brunch and a theatre show with Tory over the same with Agar any day.
The thought of having to sit next to Agar for a few hours makes me queasy.
Last edited by newsguy1 (October 19, 2024 3:35 pm)
Since I first saw Tory (as a Rogers executive) taking customer calls on a Rogers Cable show, many, many years ago, one word sums his speaking manner up for me: bafflegab.
I quite enjoyed the couple of segments I managed to catch of John Tory on MITM on Friday and it sounds like he's getting back to the more radio and listener friendly side of his personality. His voice was noticeably more musical and less clipped than in previous and recent guest hosting appearances.
Sidebar: Why does 1010 management always have John Tory filling in for John Moore and not occasionally letting someone else host. Scott Reid comes to mind. He did a good job filling in on the Friday noon show during Amanda Galbraith's mat leave.
There must be any number of talented and suitable on-air personalities that could guest host Moore In The Morning.
Last edited by betaylored (October 19, 2024 4:38 pm)
betaylored wrote:
I quite enjoyed the couple of segments I managed to catch of John Tory on MITM on Friday and it sounds like he's getting back to the more radio and listener friendly side of his personality. His voice was noticeably more musical and less clipped than in previous and recent guest hosting appearances.
Sidebar: Why does 1010 management always have John Tory filling in for John Moore and not occasionally letting someone else host. Scott Reid comes to mind. He did a good job filling in on the Friday noon show during Amanda Galbraith's mat leave.
There must be any number of talented and suitable on-air personalities that could guest host Moore In The Morning.
I agree betaylored. I listened to Scott fill in for Vassey Kapelos a few weeks back and he was excellent. Very relaxed with a good sense of humour. His personality comes across better on radio than TV IMO.
I don't know about filling in for John Moore, but I would like to hear Tom Mulcair take a whole show as host.
He probably does not want to get up at 4 am, though.
But he's so much better as a free wheeling commentator than he was when he was hide bound as a political leader.
And he's got a good voice too.
Seconded. Now that Mulcair is free to say whatever he wants without being beholden to any political entity, I like to hear what he has to say. He spares no one, not even his former party. It's pretty refreshing.
RadioActive wrote:
Seconded. Now that Mulcair is free to say whatever he wants without being beholden to any political entity, I like to hear what he has to say. He spares no one, not even his former party. It's pretty refreshing.
Mulchair brings it. His appearances with Vassy are very good, but I've never heard him talk about anything but federal politics. Being a host requires being able to speak on a wide variety of topics, from the deadly serious to the light and fluffy. Could Mulchair do a segment commenting and taking calls on 'boxers versus briefs'?
Good point. I'd love it if they gave him the chance. He's fairly erudite and experienced on the air, so I'm guessing he might be able to tackle other topics. I hope someday they give him the chance - that is, if he wants to do it.
Thirded. Is there such a thing as thirded? There is now. 😁
Thomas Mulcair's regular appearances on 1010 are always worth listening to.
Last edited by betaylored (October 22, 2024 3:24 pm)
John Moore mentioned on Monday that he was suffering from tinnitus, an annoying "ringing in the ears" syndrome that can drive some people crazy. My sympathies to him, because I can't imagine anything worse for a guy whose job it is to interview others and listen to their replies.
Maybe too loud a headphone setting all those years? Hope it goes away for him or he can get it treated in some way.
RadioActive wrote:
John Moore mentioned on Monday that he was suffering from tinnitus, an annoying "ringing in the ears" syndrome that can drive some people crazy. My sympathies to him, because I can't imagine anything worse for a guy whose job it is to interview others and listen to their replies.
Maybe too loud a headphone setting all those years? Hope it goes away for him or he can get it treated in some way.
After reading RA's news about John's tinnitus I was curious and wanted to know what it involves and the possible treatments. Turns out it's often a symptom of an underlying condition like TMJ, a reaction to certain meds etc. and there's lots of things to do to ideally eliminate the tinnitus or greatly lessen the impact.
I wish John Moore well.
Last edited by betaylored (October 21, 2024 7:02 pm)
Didn't Ian Punnett of Coast to Coast AM fame suffer from the same thing?
John Tory no longer has relevance. He is auditory and psychic effluent that pollutes everything downstream.
I think Scott Reid or Thomas Mulcair would be perfect to fill that empty seat when John Moore is away.
Listener wrote:
I think Scott Reid or Thomas Mulcair would be perfect to fill that empty seat when John Moore is away.
True, Mulcair has a great voice and he’s plugged in to boot!