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April 21, 2024 8:04 am  #1

When Will The New Owner Start Programming CKOC, CHAM & CKWW?

It's been just over 6 months since Neeti Ray bought Hamilton's CKOC and CHAM, along with Windsor's CKWW. That was in November 2023. But so far, they're still in Bell's caretaker hands with absolutely no on-air changes. How long before he assumes command of what he bought and makes the programming alterations we're all curious to hear?

He's hinted he won't be making any major changes, at least at first, but I'll believe that when I hear it. The real question right now is exactly when will we hear it? Half a year seems more than enough to take over and change them into whatever comes next. 


April 21, 2024 8:49 am  #2

Re: When Will The New Owner Start Programming CKOC, CHAM & CKWW?

While the applications for transfer of ownership were part of a non-appearing hearing on February 8th, the Commission has yet to render a decision.  There were several interventions which expressed concern that the Hamilton stations would be used as a back door into the Toronto ethnic market.
While the response was that it would be "business as usual", the rules allow conventional broadcasters to have up to 15% third language programming. The Commission is probably mulling over the precise wording (in both official languages) to deal with this issue.


April 21, 2024 9:58 am  #3

Re: When Will The New Owner Start Programming CKOC, CHAM & CKWW?

So I take it this means there's no specific date. It could be another year if not more, if I read what you're saying correctly, because the CRTC is not known to work at lightning speed. 

That's good in a way. Funny 820 is my go-to when there's absolutely nothing else on. I will actually miss it. 

     Thread Starter

April 21, 2024 10:18 am  #4

Re: When Will The New Owner Start Programming CKOC, CHAM & CKWW?

RadioActive wrote:

That's good in a way. Funny 820 is my go-to when there's absolutely nothing else on. I will actually miss it. 

I won't. I'm not a fan of American network comedy radio. It needs some (local) Canadian input with a local radio announcer. (In the states they call them CJ's-Comedy Jocks)
Maybe even a music show once a week (or so) with parodies. 

RadioWiz & RadioQuiz are NOT the same person. 
RadioWiz & THE Wiz are NOT the same person.


April 21, 2024 12:13 pm  #5

Re: When Will The New Owner Start Programming CKOC, CHAM & CKWW?

If the application for the ownership change was on Feb 8th then it has been two months.   CRTC usually releases their decisions in about six months, so likely August or September. 

I agree with Radiowiz, Funny 820 should have more local comedians.  Plenty around with Yuk Yuk's and Second City.  Bell has lots of material from Comedy Inc. and other stand up shows. 


April 21, 2024 12:27 pm  #6

Re: When Will The New Owner Start Programming CKOC, CHAM & CKWW?

paterson1 wrote:

If the application for the ownership change was on Feb 8th then it has been two months.   CRTC usually releases their decisions in about six months, so likely August or September. 

I agree with Radiowiz, Funny 820 should have more local comedians.  Plenty around with Yuk Yuk's and Second City.  Bell has lots of material from Comedy Inc. and other stand up shows. 

That would have required creating programming, which was not the point. 


April 21, 2024 12:28 pm  #7

Re: When Will The New Owner Start Programming CKOC, CHAM & CKWW?

paterson1 wrote:

If the application for the ownership change was on Feb 8th then it has been two months.   CRTC usually releases their decisions in about six months, so likely August or September. 

The application wasn't Feb 8, the hearing was. Decision should be imminent.


April 21, 2024 12:33 pm  #8

Re: When Will The New Owner Start Programming CKOC, CHAM & CKWW?

Radiowiz wrote:

RadioActive wrote:

That's good in a way. Funny 820 is my go-to when there's absolutely nothing else on. I will actually miss it. 

I won't. I'm not a fan of American network comedy radio. It needs some (local) Canadian input with a local radio announcer. (In the states they call them CJ's-Comedy Jocks)
Maybe even a music show once a week (or so) with parodies. 

That would be great, but Bell is not going to spend a dime on a station they've already sold. If you remember, when it first started, they actually had brief local features hosted by Mike Nabuurs, aka "The Ambassador of Funny," who used to be on CKOC. He was let go and those segments stopped. They've done absolutely nothing since nor do they have any reason to now. 

It wasn't always that way. In announcing the new format back in 2012 (has it really been that long?) The Hamilton Spectator had this to say, from G.M. Paul Fisher:

"Initially, FUNNY won’t feature local comedians, but Fisher says that’s something that could be introduced down the road.  

The reformatted station kicks off with a contest called So You Think You’re Funny, inviting Hamiltonians to submit videos of themselves cracking jokes. The clips will be posted online, and entrants will compete in a showcase showdown at a comedy club this fall."

The best laid plans and all that...

     Thread Starter

April 21, 2024 5:05 pm  #9

Re: When Will The New Owner Start Programming CKOC, CHAM & CKWW?

RadioActive wrote:

..That's good in a way. Funny 820 is my go-to when there's absolutely nothing else on. I will actually miss it. 

I hear ya RA .. Funny 820 was my go-to late night listening as I like the short skit format.

When CHAM was sold, I assumed Funny 820 would disappear in short order, so I've created my own semi-equivalent.  I've downloaded a bunch of comedy albums from Youtube, separated into individual cuts & I randomize my Comedy playlist each night which is accessible via Upnp to my Ocean Digital bedside internet radio.

Presto, my own Funny 820 .. I'm up to ~550 comedy tracks so far : )) .. 

from following comdians:
@Allen, Jeff
@Ansari, Aziz
@Bodden, Alonzo
@Collins, Bobby
@Dunham, Jeff
@Engvall, Bill
@Ferguson, Craig
@Gaffigan, Jim
@Iglesias, Gabriel
@Madigan, Kathleen
@Mulaney, John
@Papa, Tom
@Peters, Russell
@Pinette, John
@Regan, Brian
@Spade, David
@Sykes, Wanda
@Warren, Greg
@Williams, Robin

Last edited by g121 (April 21, 2024 5:06 pm)


April 21, 2024 5:57 pm  #10

Re: When Will The New Owner Start Programming CKOC, CHAM & CKWW?

And the bonus is that you don't have to listen to anyone you don't find funny. My least favourites are George Lopez and Maria Bamford. For some reason, they allow these cuts to go on and on and on, but a great comic like Steven Wright gets about 30 secs.- 1 minute and then it's over. 

     Thread Starter

April 21, 2024 6:04 pm  #11

Re: When Will The New Owner Start Programming CKOC, CHAM & CKWW?

RadioActive wrote:

And the bonus is that you don't have to listen to anyone you don't find funny. My least favourites are George Lopez and Maria Bamford. For some reason, they allow these cuts to go on and on and on, but a great comic like Steven Wright gets about 30 secs.- 1 minute and then it's over. 

I love Steven Wright's dry as a desert sense of humour. His car answering machine greeting is hilarious. "I'm home now, but leave a message and I'll call when I'm out"


April 21, 2024 6:23 pm  #12

Re: When Will The New Owner Start Programming CKOC, CHAM & CKWW?

RadioActive wrote:

And the bonus is that you don't have to listen to anyone you don't find funny. My least favourites are George Lopez and Maria Bamford. For some reason, they allow these cuts to go on and on and on, but a great comic like Steven Wright gets about 30 secs.- 1 minute and then it's over. 

They seem to cut it by number of punchlines rather than consistent times, and Steven tells like 5 jokes a minute.


April 21, 2024 9:15 pm  #13

Re: When Will The New Owner Start Programming CKOC, CHAM & CKWW?

My favourite Steven Wright joke:

"I bought some batteries, but they weren't included."

Genius, I 'tells' ya, genius!

100+ Steven Wright Jokes

     Thread Starter

April 21, 2024 11:32 pm  #14

Re: When Will The New Owner Start Programming CKOC, CHAM & CKWW?


April 22, 2024 8:51 am  #15

Re: When Will The New Owner Start Programming CKOC, CHAM & CKWW?

The decision also has to be translated into French before publication.  This also delays the process depending on the volume of items which are ahead of it in the CRTC secretariat's "French translation" section.


April 22, 2024 9:13 am  #16

Re: When Will The New Owner Start Programming CKOC, CHAM & CKWW?

tvguy wrote:

The decision also has to be translated into French before publication.  This also delays the process depending on the volume of items which are ahead of it in the CRTC secretariat's "French translation" section.

Aren't the translations was instantaneous, like in the House of Commons?   


April 22, 2024 9:28 am  #17

Re: When Will The New Owner Start Programming CKOC, CHAM & CKWW?

paterson1 wrote:

tvguy wrote:

The decision also has to be translated into French before publication.  This also delays the process depending on the volume of items which are ahead of it in the CRTC secretariat's "French translation" section.

Aren't the translations was instantaneous, like in the House of Commons?   

LOL, union says no.


April 22, 2024 10:19 am  #18

Re: When Will The New Owner Start Programming CKOC, CHAM & CKWW?

RadioActive wrote:

My favourite Steven Wright joke:

"I bought some batteries, but they weren't included."

Genius, I 'tells' ya, genius!

100+ Steven Wright Jokes

 I would kill for a Nobel Peace Prize !


April 22, 2024 10:44 am  #19

Re: When Will The New Owner Start Programming CKOC, CHAM & CKWW?

fyshtalk wrote:

RadioActive wrote:

My favourite Steven Wright joke:

"I bought some batteries, but they weren't included."

Genius, I 'tells' ya, genius!

100+ Steven Wright Jokes

 I would kill for a Nobel Peace Prize !

"I'm a peripheral visionary. I can see into the future, but only from the sides."

     Thread Starter

June 21, 2024 8:10 pm  #20

Re: When Will The New Owner Start Programming CKOC, CHAM & CKWW?

The decision on ownership of these stations is coming next week.


June 21, 2024 8:18 pm  #21

Re: When Will The New Owner Start Programming CKOC, CHAM & CKWW?

Finally! Oddly, I was just wondering earlier this week whatever happened to this deal. I will miss Funny 820 when it goes, but am curious to see what he does with his new broadcasting toys. 

     Thread Starter

June 21, 2024 8:25 pm  #22

Re: When Will The New Owner Start Programming CKOC, CHAM & CKWW?

RadioActive wrote:

Finally! Oddly, I was just wondering earlier this week whatever happened to this deal. I will miss Funny 820 when it goes, but am curious to see what he does with his new broadcasting toys. 

"Toys" is exactly the right word. Will be interesting to see specifically how this clown bankrupts himself.


June 22, 2024 9:18 pm  #23

Re: When Will The New Owner Start Programming CKOC, CHAM & CKWW?

I just happened to drive past where the radio stations used to be today. All the logos (Bounce/BNN Bloomberg/Funny 820) have all be removed from the building beside Limeridge Mall in Hamilton. Now I know there is no one on air at two of the stations, but someone mentioned in another forum that Bounce co-host Matt Hayes was working from home. Bounce was sold off separately, but is the work from home thing temporary until the new owner get the go ahead?


June 22, 2024 10:55 pm  #24

Re: When Will The New Owner Start Programming CKOC, CHAM & CKWW?

So let's presume the CRTC gives a thumb's up to the deal and Neeti Ray officially takes possession of the stations he bought. How long before we see any on air changes? I doubt it will be the next day or week, but how soon will say, Funny 820 have its last laugh? It's probably the one station of the three I will miss most, but I will be very curious to see what he does with all three of them. He's certainly had enough time to plan out his next moves. 

     Thread Starter

June 22, 2024 11:16 pm  #25

Re: When Will The New Owner Start Programming CKOC, CHAM & CKWW?

Bounce was sold off separately to White Oaks, along with HTZ FM and Move 105.7 in St Catharines.

But the two AM's he bought were both automated. BNN Bloomberg 1150 would have to change pretty quick since that was just audio of the Bell's BNN TV channel. Funny 820 might have some time to change.


June 22, 2024 11:21 pm  #26

Re: When Will The New Owner Start Programming CKOC, CHAM & CKWW?

And I recall him musing about leaving CKWW alone, but who knows what he might ultimately do with it?

     Thread Starter

June 23, 2024 12:01 am  #27

Re: When Will The New Owner Start Programming CKOC, CHAM & CKWW?

As Andysradio said: Decision next week. The CRTC plans to issue the following decisions and/or regulatory policies in the week of 25 to 28 June 2024. This is subject to change without notice.Broadcasting decisions:• Neeti P. Ray, on behalf of corporations to be incorporated
Hamilton and Windsor, Ontario
CKWW Windsor, CHAM Hamilton and CKOC Hamilton – Change in ownership and effective control
Public records: 2023-0534-1, 2023-0629-0 and 2023-0630-8


June 23, 2024 10:17 am  #28

Re: When Will The New Owner Start Programming CKOC, CHAM & CKWW?

Brad posted: "=12pxNow I know there is no one on air at two of the stations, but someone mentioned in another forum that Bounce co-host Matt Hayes was working from home." 

What about the other morning co-host Sunni Genesco and afternoon drive host, Darrin Laidman???


June 23, 2024 2:51 pm  #29

Re: When Will The New Owner Start Programming CKOC, CHAM & CKWW?

I figure all of the Bounce people are working from home, since they no longer seem to be in the building their have worked out of for decades. That's why I was asking if that was temporary. Bell doesn't want to be pay to rent/lease, the stations have seen sold, so are they just waiting for approval and then going to a new location? Does White Oaks have a studio near by their might join?


June 23, 2024 5:33 pm  #30

Re: When Will The New Owner Start Programming CKOC, CHAM & CKWW?

BOUNCE moved a week or two ago:

The White Oaks deal may take a long time to finalize, and Bell has a duty to maintain the station's ratings and revenue in the meantime.