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C an't R eally T olerate C ommunity
I don't understand the outrage they're trying to whip up all over social media. Determining the inability of a market to support another station follows well within the CRTC's scope.
They seem to be implying corruption of some sort. If the incumbent can prove it's struggling they usually don't license a competitor. It's pretty cut and dry.
It appears this story isn't over. The station has launched a page on its website urging listeners to write to the CRTC and complain about the denial decision. It even includes suggestions on how to write the letter and divides its would-be correspondents into various categories - i.e., businesses, area residents, local musicians, etc.
I doubt it will do any good - the Commission has already determined there's no room for another FM outlet in the city, but perhaps they're hoping a bombardment of emails will get them to reconsider.
I've seen requests from stations for listener intervention before, but usually before a ruling is made. I can't recall a campaign quite like this one.
"The CRTC’s decision is wrong not just because the economy clearly can sustain us (we’re right here, guys, and have been for five years) but also because the CRTC believes the finances of a large, southern company should be prioritized over the value we bring to Yellowknife as a station owned by people who live here."
Cabin Radio needs your help to get on FM. Here’s what to do.
They’re ensuring they will never get a favorable ruling in the future.
The CBC takes up the story.
CRTC decision on Yellowknife's Cabin Radio prompts outcry, campaign
This story, while a long way from GTA radio, keeps getting more interesting. The station now says it will reapply to the CRTC, with the backing of a local politician, asking the Commission to change its mind about granting it an FM licence.
They've also sent a long letter outlining the mistakes they believe were made in arriving at the original decision that there wasn't room for another outlet in the market.
And they've even cheekily set up a website with the moniker CabinRadio.FM just to emphasize their point.
So what happens if the CRTC decides to enforce its two year waiting period before anyone can try again? According to the station:
"Cabin Radio said it would explore “other options."
Whatever that means.
Cabin Radio relaunches bid for FM licence in Yellowknife
The appropriate methods for getting reconsideration of a decision is to petition the Federal Cabinet to direct the CRTC either set aside the decision or have it reconsidered, or alternatively apply to the Federal Court for leave to appeal. The latter can be a costly and drawn-out process.
The least contentious approach, without rubbing the Commission's nose in it, is to wait the nominal two years after the decision to reapply.
I doubt that the Commission will entertain a new application immediately after their decision, as this would set a dangerous precedent, not consistent with past practice.
I'll give them this - these guys are not giving up. Although it's clear they will likely never have many friends at the CRTC regardless of whether they get their licence or not.
N.W.T.'s Cabin Radio asks Federal Court of Appeal to hear its case against CRTC
"Cabin's court filings argue that the CRTC erred, misled and stalled throughout its decision-making process.
"The process followed by the CRTC is a story of administrative neglect and bungling that has resulted in real prejudice to the applicant and the community it serves," reads Cabin's memorandum of fact and law."
They're back!
Despite taking the CRTC to court and openly disagreeing with the Commission over a refusal to grant them a licence, the folks from Cabin Radio in Yellowknife have reapplied to get their Internet presence onto an FM frequency.
The existing station in town, owned by Vista, has opposed the idea of another outlet in the city, saying the market can't sustain it. Yet their words don't quite match their actions.
"Vista Radio had told the CRTC that giving Cabin Radio a licence would hurt the viability of True North FM. However, Vista Radio also applied for a second FM licence in Yellowknife at the same time."
Talk about a lack of credibility!
Cabin Radio submits new application for FM licence
This story hasn't gone away. In fact, there's an update and it involves the courts and the CRTC.
But even if Cabin gets the appeal of the "no room for more radio stations in Yellowknife" decision, the Commission has previously indicated it wasn't going to hear any applications for new stations as it attempts to work out the rules surrounding Bill C-11 and how it will apply to broadcasting.
So Cabin may be waiting for a long time yet.
Interesting also is the local backlash against Vista Radio, which is standing in the way of any new radio competitors in the city.
Cabin Radio's 'fiercely loyal' fans show support for Yellowknife station as it fights for FM licence
Well, this is certainly a reversal of fortune. After turning down Cabin Radio's repeated requests to become a real over-the-air station in Yellowknife (traced on this thread), the CRTC is now seeking applicants for - you guessed it - a new radio station in Yellowknife.
What changed their minds?
"Cabin Radio filed a new application revealing that circumstances had changed since its original application. Specifically, the COVID-19 pandemic and the wildfires in the Northwest Territories have highlighted the importance of having increased access to radio content in the north.
In light of the change in circumstances since Cabin Radio’s application in August 2019, including the impacts of major events, the Commission considers that the market is not as well served as it could be and that it should issue a call for applications for radio stations to serve Yellowknife."
That's quite a 180 - from no business case to an almost urgent one in just a few years.
If Cabin Radio, which has served the community for years online and has, from what I can see, done a very good job with limited resources and dedicated employees, isn't given this licence, it will be a massive injustice. But the CRTC has been known to make odd decisions before.
The deadline for applications is May 13th.
CRTC Announcement
It looks like all these years later, Cabin Radio will finally get one more kick at turning its Pinocchio online station into a real boy, with a licence hearing at the CRTC - but not until Feb. 11, 2025. Worth noting that Vista Radio has also applied for a new station in Yellowknife.
Could there be room for two more? I can only imagine the complaints if the latter gets a licence and the former, after so many years of trying, is shut out again.
CRTC Hearing Announcement
Bit of a dangerous gamble from VISTA. By applying for a second station they’re undoing their own principal argument against the other guys.
147k in CTD is a big # for a 500 watt station.
Business must be good up north!
$147K in CCD from Cabin Radio over 7 years is $7K more than Vista. That said Cabin has been operating in the market since 2018 and no one has gone broke. RadioAaron has it right.
Last edited by Bristol (September 19, 2024 2:57 pm)
This is mostly a local board, but the story of Cabin Radio continues to be fascinating. They're the online-only station that serves Yellowknife and they've been trying to get an FM licence out of the CRTC for years.
Their latest application will go before the Commission on February 11, 2025, but the station has announced it's received an amazing 400 interventions on the call for a licence, most of them solidly in favour. That is simply astounding for a place that's not currently on the air and can only be listened to online.
The deadline for submission ended on Monday. The list, which you can see here, goes on for pages and pages and pages.
One of the naysayers is Vista Radio, which owns an FM in the market. But its response seems contradictory. One the one hand, it argues there's no room in the market for another player. But at the same time, it's applied for a second station there. Talk about having your cake, etc.
It's a pretty unique situation and I can't recall one quite like this ever coming up before. But given the overwhelming support Cabin has managed to garner, it might be hard for the CRTC to say no to them this time.
Hundreds of people file comments supporting Cabin Radio’s FM bid
RadioActive wrote:
It looks like all these years later, Cabin Radio will finally get one more kick at turning its Pinocchio online station into a real boy, with a licence hearing at the CRTC - but not until Feb. 11, 2025. Worth noting that Vista Radio has also applied for a new station in Yellowknife.
Could there be room for two more? I can only imagine the complaints if the latter gets a licence and the former, after so many years of trying, is shut out again.
CRTC Hearing Announcement
After all these years of following this story, Cabin Radio gets one last kick at the can on Feb. 11, when a CRTC panel journeys to Yellowknife (in the middle of winter, no less!) for a final decision on whether this online entity deserves a Canadian radio licence.
This is a very interesting hearing to watch, if only because, as RadioAaron has pointed out in this thread, Vista says there's no room for a second station in the market but also says if the Commission does hand one out, they want it!
For its part, Cabin is trying hard to rally public support, featuring this story on its website.