Friday night at 9pm I was monitoring the TV coverage of events in Ottawa. CBC’s The National special edition provided the most complete, comprehensive coverage anchored by Ian Hanomansing. For three hours, only one
commercial break. With one of the reporters, you actually felt as if you were moving through the crowds at street level.
Outstanding coverage. CTV’s national news at 10pm and 11pm did not break format covering this story as well as
other world events. Otherwise CTV’s coverage was also very thorough but not as good as CBC. During the same
time period from 9 to 12 coverage on the U.S. news channels was virtually non existent. This was major news in
Canada’s capital yet being ignored by Uncle Sam’s media. On the other hand, BBC World News provided intermittent
coverage with their own correspondents in Ottawa for a substantial period of their hourly newscast.
Today, as far as local radio coverage is concerned, other than news headlines, both 1010 and 640 were asleep.
I agree both CTV and CBC coverage has been pretty good with lots of reporting on scene and analysis. CTV as well has had long stretches with few commercials. I am talking about their news channels and not the regular networks. The news channels have had pretty much wall to wall coverage since Tuesday.
The US networks have all given this story a fair bit of coverage over the past three weeks CNN hasn't had as much since from the US standpoint not much has happened and they are more wrapped up with the Russia/Ukraine situation. The evening newscasts on CBS, NBC and ABC had been giving the story a lot of coverage.
Fox News predictably has been misinforming Americans both on air and on their website. Trudeau controls Canadians bank accounts! Horses trample protesters in crowd! Martial Law declared in Canada! Canadian government takes freedoms away on a whim! Canadian State News (CBC) suggests Russian forces behind trucker convoy! Canadian state media (CBC) hiding information from Canadians! And many more. Fox News many opinion hosts like Tucker Carlson have been salivating about this story for weeks now.
I have found it interesting that Fox initially was using a lot of CBC stories and video and crediting CBC on the Fox news site. Seems that before they sent their own reporters to Ottawa, Canada's state broadcaster and CBC reporting was fine.
I find BBC news generally gives Canadian news and stories more of a priority and usually more detailed reporting than most US networks. And BBC is straightforward and just reports the story with facts and not opinion. Months ago they did an excellent feature on COVID comparing Canada and the US and why Canada was fairing so much better with a third of the death rate seen in the US and far fewer COVID cases per million.
grilled.cheese wrote:
I was watching YouTube live streams from people directly on the street.
Twitter is the Coles Notes version and many of the terrific reporters on the scene are tweeting moment by moment.
It's still going to take 6-8 weeks before the story behind the story comes to the surface. Authorities tracking the money, building their legal cases, etc. Whoever breaks that, CBC, CTV?, the Toronto Star?, will win the day.
for awhile on friday, global had a helicopter in the area with the raw video on youtube. a different perspective from CBC and CTV.
grilled.cheese wrote:
I was watching YouTube live streams from people directly on the street.
I've been watching the Twitch feeds (essentially a non-pro digest of both protest live streamers and 'mainstream' news coverage). And puppy-cam footage to round it out.
I'm astounded by the ease with which Fox News, Rebel News and the rest have corrupted the minds of people and removed all common sense.
The ignorance flowing out of the lips of so many legal 'geniuses' is something to behold.
is it time for every media corporation to get serious and come up with a good strategy about the personal safety of reporters and production teams when they're on the job?
splunge wrote:
for awhile on friday, global had a helicopter in the area with the raw video on youtube. a different perspective from CBC and CTV.
How close can a civilian-owned helicopter legally get to hover over downtown Ottawa? What about civilian-owned camera-equipped drones? Not very close according to those in the biz-nez
betaylored wrote:
is it time for every media corporation to get serious and come up with a good strategy about the personal safety of reporters and production teams when they're on the job?
Absolutely. Like, yesterday. Especially TV crews... god help you if any of these alt-right "freedumb" yokels spot you with a camera and/or mic. Here in the Ottawa Valley, CTV Ottawa (CJOH) has a younger reporter whose main beat is Renfrew County, and the other day, he was at Arnprior's Antrim Truck Stop, had his camera rolling, and a bunch of these idiots swarmed him and pulled their usual B.S. spiels, e.g. "fake news", "MSM are liars", "you must be a Democrat/Liberal" and so on. The reporter, Dylan Dyson, handled the situation very well, and as I've said before, I'm not the biggest fan of CTV or Bell, but in this case, I would rather see the reporters, photogs etc. get through this whole ordeal unscathed.
Going back to the Antrim Truck Stop, I highly recommend their restaurant, and their bakery items are so good. Off the 417 at White Lake Road... if you're in the area, give it a try once this "protest" bullcrap eventually fizzles out.
Forward Power wrote:
betaylored wrote:
is it time for every media corporation to get serious and come up with a good strategy about the personal safety of reporters and production teams when they're on the job?Absolutely. Like, yesterday. Especially TV crews... god help you if any of these alt-right "freedumb" yokels spot you with a camera and/or mic. Here in the Ottawa Valley, CTV Ottawa (CJOH) has a younger reporter whose main beat is Renfrew County, and the other day, he was at Arnprior's Antrim Truck Stop, had his camera rolling, and a bunch of these idiots swarmed him and pulled their usual B.S. spiels, e.g. "fake news", "MSM are liars", "you must be a Democrat/Liberal" and so on. The reporter, Dylan Dyson, handled the situation very well, and as I've said before, I'm not the biggest fan of CTV or Bell, but in this case, I would rather see the reporters, photogs etc. get through this whole ordeal unscathed.
Going back to the Antrim Truck Stop, I highly recommend their restaurant, and their bakery items are so good. Off the 417 at White Lake Road... if you're in the area, give it a try once this "protest" bullcrap eventually fizzles out.
Embrace being boorish, uncouth, belligerent, loud-mouthed louts .. someone coined a phrase for these "people" .. ah, deplorable, that's it ..
Forward Power wrote:
betaylored wrote:
is it time for every media corporation to get serious and come up with a good strategy about the personal safety of reporters and production teams when they're on the job?Absolutely. Like, yesterday. Especially TV crews... god help you if any of these alt-right "freedumb" yokels spot you with a camera and/or mic. Here in the Ottawa Valley, CTV Ottawa (CJOH) has a younger reporter whose main beat is Renfrew County, and the other day, he was at Arnprior's Antrim Truck Stop, had his camera rolling, and a bunch of these idiots swarmed him and pulled their usual B.S. spiels, e.g. "fake news", "MSM are liars", "you must be a Democrat/Liberal" and so on. The reporter, Dylan Dyson, handled the situation very well, and as I've said before, I'm not the biggest fan of CTV or Bell, but in this case, I would rather see the reporters, photogs etc. get through this whole ordeal unscathed.
Going back to the Antrim Truck Stop, I highly recommend their restaurant, and their bakery items are so good. Off the 417 at White Lake Road... if you're in the area, give it a try once this "protest" bullcrap eventually fizzles out.
Check out what happened when CTV's Glen McGregor was doing a live hit with MSNBC in the U.S. I believe some of that profanity hit the air across America, while another "protestor" was spitting on him. Shameful. Especially for demonstrators who claim they just want to be able to do their jobs. I guess that doesn't apply to others who want the same thing.
CTV's Glen McGregor On MSNBC
paterson1 wrote:
=12pxFox News predictably has been misinforming Americans both on air and on their website. Trudeau controls Canadians bank accounts! Horses trample protesters in crowd! Martial Law declared in Canada! Canadian government takes freedoms away on a whim! Canadian State News (CBC) suggests Russian forces behind trucker convoy! Canadian state media (CBC) hiding information from Canadians! And many more. Fox News many opinion hosts like Tucker Carlson have been salivating about this story for weeks now.
Trudeau and Freeland have outright said they would seize the bank accounts of the protesters. That's a big part of them pushing the Emergency Act. Trampling is maybe an overstatement, but people were clearly hit by a horse. The police themselves have confirmed a woman has suffered serious injuries as a result. CBC's Nil Koksal did ask on-air if Russians could be behind the protest. They were smart enough to not republish that elsewhere (suggesting it might've been a conspiracy of Nil's creation alone), but that doesn't mean it didn't happen. Outside of Martial Law (no one's being gunned down), the rest of what you're claiming is misinfo is going to vary by personal opinion.
betaylored wrote:
is it time for every media corporation to get serious and come up with a good strategy about the personal safety of reporters and production teams when they're on the job?
It should've been time when Global's reporters were physically assaulted by the left-wing "protesters" years ago. Verbal abuse is nothing new and frankly, should be expected when you're dealing with groups who believe the media are misrepresenting them. Physical violence, unfortunately, shouldn't be too unexpected either. I can't imagine CNN is sending people out without precautions after BLM attacked their Atlanta facilities (which went up for sale shortly after). Just make sure you hire actual licensed security guards, not people who claim to be but aren't and wind up with murder charges after they carry weapons they were asked not to bring.
Last edited by Retaw (February 20, 2022 6:17 pm)
Dial Twister wrote:
I'm astounded by the ease with which Fox News, Rebel News and the rest have corrupted the minds of people and removed all common sense.
The ignorance flowing out of the lips of so many legal 'geniuses' is something to behold.
White Trash Woodstock 2022!!!
Why does Bell and Rogers continue to carry Fox News?
Chrisphen wrote:
Why does Bell and Rogers continue to carry Fox News?
You know they also carry state-owned broadcasters from China, Russia and Qatar, right?
Fearmongering over the availability of Fox News on this country's cable systems has always been bizarre to me. It's never been widely available. I can't speak to every market in this country, but where I'm at, you have to specifically buy news packages that include the channel. It's not like CNN, which you can be saddled with just because you went with the "popular" bundle. I'd argue all of the U.S. news channels should be pushed to higher tiers. They've long become gong shows that have worsened discourse and not just in their own borders. Truthfully, it's all a little too late. You don't need cable to access their garbage.
Last edited by Retaw (February 20, 2022 8:56 pm)
Thanks for commenting Retaw. First off I am not totally disagreeing with your post. However, watch some of Tucker Carlsons posts and comments on this and tell me he is not passing along misinformation and misleading the audience watching.
The truckers in Ottawa do not and did not represent truckers in Canada. They were a very small group of independent haulers that chose not to get vaccinated. The consequences of their illegal activities was made very clear to them over the past weeks and particularly over the past five days. This included freezing of their bank accounts. This is their problem now and has more to do with their lack of responsibility and maturity and much less about their freedom.
Freedom does not include breaking the law because you didn't get your way, intimidating local citizens and attempting to hurt the economy of the country. Your freedoms are no more important than those who live a block from the protest and couldn't go to work, shopping or even sleep at night because of your activities.
I don't think the Emergency Act was necessary, but like the War Measures Act, time will be the real judge of this. I am not sure this is the right time to pass judgement, we will know in the months ahead.
Bell, Rogers, Telus etc. carrying Fox is fine with me. They aren't that popular in Canada, and have been using this as a tool to increase subscribers here. Fox has had an article up all week explaining how to get the network here. That's fine and fair game as far as I am concerned. Fox has been available on cable here for decades.
Last edited by paterson1 (February 20, 2022 9:18 pm)
Retaw wrote:
Chrisphen wrote:
Why does Bell and Rogers continue to carry Fox News?
You know they also carry state-owned broadcasters from China, Russia and Qatar, right?
Fearmongering over the availability of Fox News on this country's cable systems has always been bizarre to me. It's never been widely available. I can't speak to every market in this country, but where I'm at, you have to specifically buy news packages that include the channel. It's not like CNN, which you can be saddled with just because you went with the "popular" bundle. I'd argue all of the U.S. news channels should be pushed to higher tiers. They've long become gong shows that have worsened discourse and not just in their own borders. Truthfully, it's all a little too late. You don't need cable to access their garbage.
If a major news story breaks in the US CNN is still the network of record for many people. If the big one hits Los Angeles what channel will most people turn to on their cable box out of reflex? There's no way it should be on a tier with obscure channels no one watches.
Chrisphen wrote:
Why does Bell and Rogers continue to carry Fox News?
I subscribe to Fox News. I want to see firsthand what they are saying.
The channels name is misleading as it should be called "Fox Opinion". There is no hard news reporting. Carlson, Hannity, Ingraham and others take a "news" item and spin it like no other. I truly believe they are contributing to the growth in distrust of "main stream media" and democracy itself.
I can't watch the channel for very long. I turn it off in disgust. Funny though, it does remind me of the line in the Howard Stern movie "Private Parts" where Kenny "Pig Vomit" Rushton (Paul Giamatti) says “people hate Stern, but listen because they want to know what he's going to say next”. Ya, that's me with Fox.
I do prefer CNN but they too are caught up in the political agenda and COVID.
paterson1 wrote:
=12pxThanks for commenting Retaw. First off I am not totally disagreeing with your post. However, watch some of Tucker Carlsons posts and comments on this and tell me he is not passing along misinformation and misleading the audience watching.
I'm not going to argue on the specifics of what Carlson did or didn't say because I don't watch his show or really, any talking heads. My issue is with claiming misinfo regarding things that at least in your characterization, didn't seem all that inaccurate with what other outlets had reported.
Truthfully, I've found the federal government's response to this protest to be abhorrent long before they brought out an act whose last incarnation was only used once in peacetime in response to a terrorist group who kidnapped and killed people. I don't know what to say when I read things like this. If these restrictions are meant to protect people then ... I must be too dimwitted to understand the science.
some thoughts worth considering from Justin Ling
Side note: Ottawa seems like an underserved TV news market for a city that size. Sure, every network has a parliamentary bureau, but there's only 3 TV newsrooms that cover local news there (CTV, CBC/SRC, TVA), and only CTV has local news in virtually every major daypart; the other two only have local news on weekday evenings.
I have said this for years. On most stats there are no local shows. During the NFL season no local supper shows. CTV puts a 30 second update sometime during the game.
On the weekends, local radio news is almost non existent. Most programming is repeats of earlier shows.
And try to find out what time it is?
Time - Temperature - Traffic???
Is this radio in the capital of Canada?
What a shame for anyone looking for information. Ottawa has a million plus people.
Unless the CRTC makes it a condition of licence, nothing will change.
ED1 wrote:
Side note: Ottawa seems like an underserved TV news market for a city that size. Sure, every network has a parliamentary bureau, but there's only 3 TV newsrooms that cover local news there (CTV, CBC/SRC, TVA), and only CTV has local news in virtually every major daypart; the other two only have local news on weekday evenings.
It was a shock to see that Global in Ottawa is just a repeater of their Toronto station. No local affiliate or news in the capital. Ottawa/Gatineau has a lot of great radio stations and formats, but I agree with ED1 it's an underserved market for local television. The city of Ottawa has over 1 million citizens, for the Greater Ottawa/Gatineau region almost 1.5 million. It's not like the national capitol region wouldn't be able to fill a local half hour newscast.
City is also just a repeater of the Toronto station.
I never have understood the lack of local TV news in Ottawa, particularly on the Anglophone side. There was that period from 1998-2006 that The New RO/A-Channel provided a third local voice in Ottawa local media, but it got bought by CTV and is merely a CTV2 station now.
Regina and Winnipeg both have more local TV news service than our national capital.
Even in the modern streaming age, it makes no sense that Global wouldn’t have a local newsroom in Ottawa that produces video content.
MJ Vancouver wrote:
I never have understood the lack of local TV news in Ottawa, particularly on the Anglophone side. There was that period from 1998-2006 that The New RO/A-Channel provided a third local voice in Ottawa local media, but it got bought by CTV and is merely a CTV2 station now.
Regina and Winnipeg both have more local TV news service than our national capital.
Even in the modern streaming age, it makes no sense that Global wouldn’t have a local newsroom in Ottawa that produces video content.
CHUM shouldn’t have really wasted their time with the Newnet programming on CHRO, and just made that station THE Citytv station for Ottawa.
As for Global, they really sat on their bums for far too long and not launch a full station in Ottawa when the TV industry had better days. Ottawa (and London) are serious holes in their network. Global has a digital (web only) bureau for Ottawa in addition to the parliamentary bureau, but otherwise they would send the likes of David Akin to chase a major non-political story if it happened in Ottawa (eg. The OC Transport bus crash).
I have faint hope that just maybe Corus will launch a streaming news operation for Ottawa (something like CBS News Detroit), but that’s probably just wishful thinking.