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November 3, 2019 8:43 am  #1

How To Fix The Wrong Time On SOWNY

It happens every year. Or rather, twice a year – the semi-annual time switch can cause some here to see the wrong time displayed on the board, depending on a number of factors that, frankly, I could never quite figure out.
Some tell me everything’s fine. Others complain they’re now an hour out.
The good news is the fix is, like your friendly neighbourhood moderator, very simple.
At the top of the page, if you're signed in, click on “My Options.” Below your username and email, you’ll find a section called “Timezone Preference.” On the drop down menu, adjust the time by an hour. (For example, Daylight Time can be altered to  -4 AST to get it to show the correct time. Standard Time goes back to -5.)
Go to the bottom of that page and hit “submit.”
That’s it. The time should now display correctly. And hopefully, you didn’t lose that extra hour of sleep getting it done.


November 3, 2019 8:47 am  #2

Re: How To Fix The Wrong Time On SOWNY

Thank you!  Also, does a mobile-friendly version of the Big Yellow Board still exist?  I can't seem to find the URL anywhere.


November 3, 2019 9:11 am  #3

Re: How To Fix The Wrong Time On SOWNY

Not that I know of. I took over the board from Iain Grant, and I'm not sure if he ever set one up or if that's even available on Boardhost. 

I should add that if you're not in the Eastern timezone, you'll have to make the adjustments described above to whatever corrects you to the proper hour. 

     Thread Starter

November 3, 2019 12:02 pm  #4

Re: How To Fix The Wrong Time On SOWNY

Forward Power wrote:

does a mobile-friendly version of the Big Yellow Board still exist?

YES!! There was a sweet mobile version of this board and it functioned perfectly.  Then, one day, it disappeared. It would be mighty helpful if this bug could get squashed. Please and thank you.


November 3, 2019 12:44 pm  #5

Re: How To Fix The Wrong Time On SOWNY


the time is right

Last edited by cash (November 3, 2019 12:44 pm)


November 3, 2019 1:07 pm  #6

Re: How To Fix The Wrong Time On SOWNY

TheConsultant wrote:

Forward Power wrote:

does a mobile-friendly version of the Big Yellow Board still exist?

YES!! There was a sweet mobile version of this board and it functioned perfectly.  Then, one day, it disappeared. It would be mighty helpful if this bug could get squashed. Please and thank you.

I'm not sure about this, but I've put out some feelers (with consent!) from those who might know. I'll get back to you when/if they answer. 

     Thread Starter

November 3, 2019 10:14 pm  #7

Re: How To Fix The Wrong Time On SOWNY

I've enabled a long forgotten setting that may allow for a more friendly response when accessing the site on a mobile device. It seems to have not changed on mine, but I have an older model tablet.

Let me know how or if it works on your phone or device, if you see any change and if you like it. If it doesn't work for most, I can turn it off again. 

     Thread Starter

November 3, 2019 10:48 pm  #8

Re: How To Fix The Wrong Time On SOWNY

Works for me in Chrome on my Android 10 phone... thanks RA!


November 4, 2019 2:21 pm  #9

Re: How To Fix The Wrong Time On SOWNY

Works just fine on my Android phone as well.  Easy to read and log-in.

Thanks RA


November 4, 2019 2:32 pm  #10

Re: How To Fix The Wrong Time On SOWNY

Glad to hear it seems to work well for most. Not sure why it wasn't activated before this, but it's there now.  

     Thread Starter

November 5, 2019 2:04 am  #11

Re: How To Fix The Wrong Time On SOWNY

RadioActive wrote:

Glad to hear it seems to work well for most. Not sure why it wasn't activated before this, but it's there now.  

RA Pretty cool, now we can all decide which version we want to work with. I went into Settings, and clicked on "Desktop Setting", as I will be sticking with the regular friendly yellow SOWNY board, the "mobile-friendly" compact version with the white background feels super claustrophobic to me after the original.😒😣☹️

Last edited by betaylored (November 5, 2019 2:48 am)


March 8, 2020 8:33 am  #12

Re: How To Fix The Wrong Time On SOWNY

Once again, I'm reposting this old thread. For reasons I've never been able to figure out, some users will find the SOWNY Board displaying the wrong hour after the switch to Daylight Time. It happens twice a year, even to your friendly neighbourhood board admin. 

If your message time stamp or your last check in is OK, you can ignore this. If it's an hour early and doesn't reflect the new clock setting, here are the instructions to fix it (at least for the next 6 months.)

At the top of the page, provided you’re signed in, click on “My Options.” Below your username and email, you’ll find a section called “Timezone Preference.” On the drop down menu, adjust the time by an hour. (For example, I’ve been on -5 EST for several months, just get it to show the correct Standard time. In my case, I've altered it to show -4 AST, which fixed the problem and now shows the properly adjusted hour.)
Go to the bottom of that page and hit “submit.”
That’s it. The time should now display correctly.

Hope that helps those who experience this problem twice a year! 

     Thread Starter

March 8, 2020 12:40 pm  #13

Re: How To Fix The Wrong Time On SOWNY



March 14, 2021 9:38 am  #14

Re: How To Fix The Wrong Time On SOWNY

It's literally "time" for this semi-annual repeat of a message I really shouldn't have to put up. But with the time change and a weird anomaly with Boardhost, you may notice the wrong time displays on SOWNY.  The fix is listed above. The original message was written for the swap from Daylight to Standard Time, so in this case choose the "-4" option above, hit submit and things should be back to normal. 

At least until next Nov. 7th, when we switch things back and I wind up re-posting this again! 

     Thread Starter

March 14, 2021 9:43 am  #15

Re: How To Fix The Wrong Time On SOWNY


     Thread Starter

March 14, 2021 9:47 am  #16

Re: How To Fix The Wrong Time On SOWNY

Sure, but now I have the right time when I am logged in, and the wrong time if I am logged out.
The logged out time is still off by an hour.
I believe this is something you can only fix on your end RA? 
Those who are logged out can not fix the time.

CityNews 24/7:
RadioWiz & RadioQuiz are NOT the same person. 
RadioWiz & THE Wiz are NOT the same person.


March 14, 2021 10:24 am  #17

Re: How To Fix The Wrong Time On SOWNY

Have to admit I never really thought of this, since I have the settings to "remember me" to avoid having to sign in. 

I did make an adjustment to the overall board, but I have to find out if that affects those who are signed in as well. I've notified Boardhost of the issue and hope they'll have some kind of explanation. In the meantime, the settings for the board are at least temporarily at "-04." Check to see if that makes a difference when you're not logged in.  

     Thread Starter

March 14, 2021 12:02 pm  #18

Re: How To Fix The Wrong Time On SOWNY


Last edited by cash (March 14, 2021 12:04 pm)


March 14, 2021 12:18 pm  #19

Re: How To Fix The Wrong Time On SOWNY

logging in and setting your offset to -4 (if you are in the eastern time zone) should make it display correctly either logged IN or OUT

it did for me

typically, these boards run internally on UTC (and therefore never change) and the user sets their own offset to display the correct time, in their time zone

posted at 12:18pm Sunday March 14 (eastern time)


March 14, 2021 12:36 pm  #20

Re: How To Fix The Wrong Time On SOWNY

I'm a big proponent of just staying on Daylight Time all year round and stop this shiftiness. Besides, every year there's at least one thing I forget to change. Generally, it winds up being the clock in my car, which I don't see until the next day. And then there's all those hidden timers I have around the house. 

Better just to set it and forget it, but it can't happen unless everyone (other provinces and states) around us do it, too. And that's asking a lot. 

     Thread Starter

March 14, 2021 12:44 pm  #21

Re: How To Fix The Wrong Time On SOWNY

12:45 DST  (or close enough)....

Last edited by Glen Warren (March 14, 2021 12:45 pm)


March 14, 2021 12:46 pm  #22

Re: How To Fix The Wrong Time On SOWNY

Save this one for the fall....


     Thread Starter

March 14, 2021 1:50 pm  #23

Re: How To Fix The Wrong Time On SOWNY

RadioActive wrote:

Have to admit I never really thought of this, since I have the settings to "remember me" to avoid having to sign in. 

I did make an adjustment to the overall board, but I have to find out if that affects those who are signed in as well. I've notified Boardhost of the issue and hope they'll have some kind of explanation. In the meantime, the settings for the board are at least temporarily at "-04." Check to see if that makes a difference when you're not logged in.  

Thanks! It now shows the correct time, signed in or not. Now those who only lurk here can also enjoy seeing the correct time.   
I'm also happy because I'll see the correct time, signed in or not. 

CityNews 24/7:
RadioWiz & RadioQuiz are NOT the same person. 
RadioWiz & THE Wiz are NOT the same person.


March 14, 2021 5:32 pm  #24

Re: How To Fix The Wrong Time On SOWNY

As long as my message gets posted, I don't really care if the time displayed is off by an hour.


March 14, 2021 8:53 pm  #25

Re: How To Fix The Wrong Time On SOWNY

mace wrote:

As long as my message gets posted, I don't really care if the time displayed is off by an hour.

It was annoying. It teased, made me think I posted something an hour from now as I wondered how that is even possible. 

CityNews 24/7:
RadioWiz & RadioQuiz are NOT the same person. 
RadioWiz & THE Wiz are NOT the same person.


March 13, 2022 6:51 am  #26

Re: How To Fix The Wrong Time On SOWNY

A rerun that unfortunately never gets old. If the time being displayed on the SOWNY Board is wrong when you post a message after the time change on Sunday, here's how to fix it.

     Thread Starter

March 13, 2022 12:39 pm  #27

Re: How To Fix The Wrong Time On SOWNY



March 13, 2022 12:43 pm  #28

Re: How To Fix The Wrong Time On SOWNY

RadioActive wrote:

A rerun that unfortunately never gets old. If the time being displayed on the SOWNY Board is wrong when you post a message after the time change on Sunday, here's how to fix it.

it's not a bug it's a feature 😁

(with everything else we've been living through the past couple of years, it's strangely comforting to see this come up again, some things change, but some don't...)

Last edited by betaylored (March 13, 2022 12:44 pm)