There are many foreign owned services licensed to air in Canada that none of us likely ever watch. Some of them are pretty benign. But others are viewed with suspicion, like RT, a series of channels that essentially parrots the Kremlin in Moscow, or Al Jazeera English, which some accuse of being an anti-Israel mouthpiece.
And then there's CCTV, which is basically the Communist government of China emanating its propaganda onto our cable systems. I've often wondered why the CRTC will let these in but not the many American stations I'm betting most of us would prefer to see.
In any event, here's an argument against at least one of them, as a Canadian human rights activist held hostage in China was forced to make a false confession that got seen here. He complains the CRTC has done nothing about it and will barely talk to him about what he claims happened to him.
Not the kind of story you generally read here, but I found it very compelling - and troubling.
China broadcast my forced confession in Canada — and CRTC does nothing: ex-prisoner
CGTN is on Rogers ch 823 and is "currently not available" Hmmm
CGTN, CGTN Documentary and CGTN French are all in free preview now with Bell Fibe. Were the stations on free preview with Rogers or has the service been pulled? Anyway I am going to look at these a bit during the free preview to see what they are about.
According to wiki these stations are licensed and carried by satellite and cable all over the world. They have their North American broadcast centre in Washington, and another broadcast centre in London. CGTN has 9 news bureaus in the US and one in Toronto.
Since these are ultimately a state run Chinese organization I am thinking it would be the decision of the federal government to pull the service from Canada rather than CRTC. Also it is up to the cable services if they want to offer the stations or not.
I have been watching the English service for about 45 minutes and all of the material so far has been out of Washington and London with a program called Global Business. The production values are good and so far the reports I have seen have been straight forward. All of the presenters and reporters seem to be American or from the UK. The English service so far has a very international feel to it with no commercials just promos for programming.
They're quite professional in their presentation on non-controversial or relatively unimportant issues. But what is their coverage of say, Hong Kong like? Do they even cover it at all? Is there even a pretence made of giving both sides?
How about the coronavirus? Is there any admission about when their country told the world about its existence? Or again, is that simply left out?
That's where the problem lies in my mind. What is the coverage like when it makes the Communist Party look bad? I'm guessing it's either defensive, full of spin or not mentioned at all. And that's where you'll notice the real difference. And given that some of these stations act as trumpets for the propaganda of despots, I'm frankly surprised Canada (and the U.S., where they also run) allows them in.
It can't really be argued they're useful to the large populations from Asia that moved here - most of them are in English or French and not Chinese! So they're aimed at influencing North Americans and presenting some of the worst governments in the world in a positive light - which none of them deserve.
These are not, to my knowledge, must carry. Which makes the cable and satellite companies that show them "useful idiots."
mace wrote:
CGTN is on Rogers ch 823 and is "currently not available" Hmmm
i am getting it
cash wrote:
i am getting it
Please self quarantine and put a mask on. 😷
You actually thought these stations might have been "must carry"?? Please...there was never a question of that, not even close..
To answer all of your questions, just stream them, watch and decide for yourself.
So far their 9pm package The World Today is pretty mainstream, there was one report I noticed out of Brussels and the European Union which was accusing China and Russia covering up and lying about COVID. Also they accused China and Russia of deflecting blame and spreading false information. At the end of the report the Chinese consulate in Brussels replied that the EU should review their information and comments in a more unbiased manner.
Anyway most of the first 20 minutes of their world report has been on the virus and its impact around the world. The station I hate to say has almost a BBC World Service feel so far. Many of the reporters have British accents.
don't foreign feeds with no sim-sub or cancon require a Canadian sponsor to invoke carriage? like how the military channel (now AHC) is connected to Discovery Inc... but still responsible for adhering to canadian standards?
splunge wrote:
don't foreign feeds with no sim-sub or cancon require a Canadian sponsor to invoke carriage? like how the military channel (now AHC) is connected to Discovery Inc... but still responsible for adhering to canadian standards?
I don't think so, never heard of that before. Stations like AMC, A&E and Paramount are the direct feed of the US channel and have no Canadian ownership or programming. You might see the odd promo for Bell or Rogers but all of the commercials are US, and no Canadian produced programming.
Actually same with CNN, there is no Canadian ownership or programming with them or FOX News in Canada.
In the hour or so that I watched CGTN last night there were no commercials, only brief promo breaks for the network or upcoming shows. It would have been the direct feed from CGTN or CGTN America which is based in Washington.
These channels are not to be confused with something like Discovery Channel. In Canada the channel is owned by Bell and 20% by Discovery Inc. Same with Food Channel, Disney, Adult Swim etc. which are all Canadian owned with a minority ownership from the US originating network. All of these stations will likely air about 25% cancon in their broadcast day. However no cancon needs to run in prime time, so most runs usually mornings after 6am.
The latest on this shameful story makes you wonder again what the Communist Chinese government's hold is over various bureaucratic officials in Ottawa. Frankly, it's baffling.
A Chinese broadcaster aired forced confessions in Canada. A year later, the CRTC is still investigating