I honestly find the "Grain Farmers of Ontario" advert (that runs a lot on Newstalk 1010) offensive. If they've got a beef with current Canadian government policy, OK make your case. But to tout Trump as a bar to strive for is so blinking tone deaf. Support Trump & I seriously doubt your ethics/motivations/intelligence. Why would any rational group looking for broad based support willingly step into such a politically toxic quagmire?
I feel the same way about this spot and it's needlessly alarmist. Threatening people that they're going to starve in the middle of a pandemic or that grocery story shelves are soon going to be empty when some people are already at the breaking point? That's just irresponsible. Scaring Canadians won't get them more money - or, by the way, sympathy.
And you're right - love him or hate him, praising Trump in this country is a one-way ticket to failure.
I'm surprised this over-the-top message passed the quality control standards for ads on so many stations. While I understand the farmers' desperation and I agree the feds gave them a lot less than they should have in aid, the spot is misleading and unnecessarily provocative at a time when the world needs less panic, not more.
Yes, what the Grain Farmers of Ontario should be doing is make the ad less political. Easy to do by not mentioning Trudeau or Trump.
What they should say in the commercial would be something like- "Why is the US government helping American farmers with (dollar amount) in aid during this national pandemic, and so far the Canadian government has not offered Canadian farmers any assistance or aid. And the federal government has been pushing us to grow more this year to combat any food supply shortages this summer"...etc.
This now says the same thing and leaves the politicians out of the ad. This would resonate more with the public in my opinion By including Trump and Trudeau in the copy and somehow attempting to compare the two is the wrong approach...too personal and too political..
I never understood the purpose of these ads. Is the listener supposed to get terrified and contact someone? Who? Each of the grain farmers individually and invite them to tea? Or am I to text the PM or tweet the Prez? And say what? That I love grain, whatever the hell that is? Am I for or against something? Anyhoo, I've lost interest because i saw a squirrel.
Tickle Trunk wrote:
I never understood the purpose of these ads. Is the listener supposed to get terrified and contact someone? Who? Each of the grain farmers individually and invite them to tea? Or am I to text the PM or tweet the Prez? And say what? That I love grain, whatever the hell that is? Am I for or against something? Anyhoo, I've lost interest because i saw a squirrel.
What kind of squirrel?
Saul wrote:
What kind of squirrel?
Oh, let me tell you: at first, I thought I saw the most handsome timberwolf off in the distance. As I slowly approached it, still absolutely bladder-leaking terrified due to something about some grain did something to someone or they weren't invited to some party. As I pondered the end of civilization, as predicted by that ad, that wolf was quietly enjoying my left leg. Now I'm terrified that I'll get gangrene because either I ate too many grains or not enough. I am very confused.... and my foot hurts. Will a farmer please help me?
I think Trump is mentioned quite deliberately because of the visceral reaction some people have just to his name. I have no doubt it was done quite deliberately.
I'm always rather amused with my octogenarian mother in law. She absolutely hates Trump but makes a point of watching all the news reports involving him. She's often parked in front of CNN and makes her views known out loud. Reminds me of the little old ladies who used to go to the wrestling matches in days gone by to yell at their favourite heels. (My mother in law's mother was actually one of them.) I can't wait for her reaction when Trump is re-elected.
g121 ..."Support Trump & I seriously doubt your ethics/motivations/intelligence".
I know how you feel
... FDR, Kennedy, Johnson and Clinton were such exemplars of virtue while in office, how can any thinking person stand with President Trump?
Saul wrote:
Will he go against the grain?
And another wave of these "Grain Farmers of Ontario" adverts is assaulting us. People lament on how they find the Tom's Place or My Pillow adverts irritating but, in my view, these GrainFarmer adverts are far worse & truly offensive .. even more so today.
Watching the RNC & see Kimberly Guilfoyle doing her best shouting lunatic Rudy Giuliani impression. Watch Don Jr. extol the virtues of the GOP as being the "big tent" party of diverse opinion & 1st amendment free speech. Yes the same party that calls the press "fake news" & the enemy of the people and has barred several reporters from the White House press briefings The same party that mocks, vilifies & expels anyone who dares utter even the slightest challenge to anything Trump.
This is who the Grain Farmers want to site as the actions to emulate? The party that exacerbated trade issues & farmers plight with their ill advised tariff wars.
How much do all these Grain Farmer adverts cost? Who's really paying for them? Can't think of the last time an advert campaign has turned me off more.