WBEN has been pre-empting their syndicated Rush Limbaugh feed in the 12-3 slot for the past couple of weeks, in favour of a pattern of daily pressers with Governor Cuomo followed by / enveloped by talk and call-in hosted by David Bellavia.
I have to say the Cuomo-casts are as tedious as any other dailies I have been hearing (Ford, Trudeau, Trump, Tory, et al), but I have enjoyed hearing Bellavia on air again, and have tuned in many days when I can (my wife cannot stand the hiss on the distant WBEN signal here in Toronto, so I can only do so ensconced in my home office, and WBEN is geo-locked in Canada - I need to get this VPN thing happening one of these days)
David was always the saner one when he was co-billed with Tom Bauerle, and now that they are running back-to-back instead of side-by-side, the evidence is ever more clear.
He's the perfect choice when you want to listen to someone enthusiastically sputter half-formed arguments.