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February 12, 2020 10:35 pm  #1


I received a phone call tonight from Numeris if I wanted to participate in the latest radio ratings survey. Of course I said yes. My diary should arrive in 1-2 weeks. As the Pointer Sisters sang " I'm So Excited"


February 13, 2020 3:28 am  #2

Re: numeris

I'm glad you're excited mace. I've done the Numeris diaries two or three times. Completed them faithfully and accurately; even providing a separate page of what I considered constructive comments. Unfortunately, it did not help. Two shows I used to regularly listen to "The Talk Show" on CHOK 1070 and "The Andrew Lawton Show" on CFPL 980 have both been dropped. It seems if I like a show its destined for cancellation.

I commented on the lack of of live / local / innovative content on the stations in my area. Things have only gotten worse; other stations I used to listen to like CJBK 1290 and CKOT FM have increased automation, reduced compelling programming and or adopted cookie cutter music format to the extent there is no reason to listen. I love radio and it makes me sad to say I rarely listen to any of the local stations in the Southern Ontario area. Even in the car I tune around and many times turn the radio off.

Good luck and have fun with the diary, maybe your contribution will make a difference.


February 13, 2020 10:50 am  #3

Re: numeris

Let's hope numeris gets a good return and accurate account of radio listening for those that are filling out the ballots. Good on ya mace give 'em hell! 

I filled out the ballots once for radio and once for television. Much preferred the radio diary, but that was many years ago. TV because of PVR, streaming and all of the many choices for viewing now was very time consuming.

What I enjoyed the most was reading the ballots. When I was in radio management I got down to then BBM twice to read every ballot for our station and listening habits for Grey and Bruce/Owen Sound. Very interesting.

It was enlightening about the comments and what the public thought about the station and personalities. A lot of general comments about not playing enough music, wanted more rock, too much talk, commercials on the station etc. A few talk show hosts were criticized a bit but that is expected. Generally the comments were fair and overall positive.

What was interesting was the out of town listenership which in most cases came from Toronto, London and K-W.   Almost all of this would have been FM cable which everyone pretty much had. Virtually no listening for Buffalo radio except a little for Rock 102, and one of Buffalo's country stations, which was a surprise since Rogers carried a lot of the Buffalo FM stations back then.  Toronto FM showed up well with CHUM FM, CHFI and then Mix 99.9 being the strongest for out of town listenership.  CHYM FM in KW was strong as was FM 96 in London.   


February 13, 2020 1:23 pm  #4

Re: numeris

I think it would be interesting to see how the Buffalo stations do in the Toronto ratings. I am sure some of them would do better than TSN1050. At one time, CHUM FM, Q107, EDGE102 and CKFM showed up, admittedly not very high, in the Buffalo ratings. I believe now the numbers don't get published unless you subscribe to the service. I have noticed that CKLW no longer shows up in the Detroit market numbers. At least according to

     Thread Starter

February 13, 2020 2:20 pm  #5

Re: numeris

mace wrote:

I received a phone call tonight from Numeris if I wanted to participate in the latest radio ratings survey. Of course I said yes. My diary should arrive in 1-2 weeks. As the Pointer Sisters sang " I'm So Excited"

Hey mace:
I also got what was then called a BBM package many, many years ago, when I was, shall we say, between broadcasting engagements. (If you work for a radio or TV station, you’re automatically disqualified from taking part.) So of course, I avidly looked forward to completing the thing.
The first diary I got was for TV, which was a lot of fun. But maybe not for the researchers! This was at the dawn of new cable stations and I recall they asked for a list of every station you could receive during the survey period. It just so happened the diary came during a tremendous period of skip in the analogue days, and I had a rotor on my rooftop antenna. So a zillion stations were coming in, including Erie, Rochester, Miami and more. And of course, I listed them.
It was a weird feeling thinking that I might have even some small influence on what shows got renewed and what didn’t, although I was well aware that it was for Canadian TV only and had no effect on what the U.S. networks did. I recall filling out what I recorded on my VCR (in those days) and when I watched the stuff I taped.
Many years later, I received another diary, this time for radio. It asked me to keep track of what I listened to in quarter hour increments. Unfortunately for them, I’m an itinerant dial changer, so in a 15 minute period, I might switch the station 10 times.
There wasn’t room in the diary to include it all at times, so I noted what didn’t fit on separate pieces of paper. I even started carrying around a notepad for when I was in the car, so I could keep track of what I heard and when. (I really took this seriously, likely more than most ordinary diary recipients would.)  
By the time I sent back the self addressed post paid envelope, the thing was so thick I almost couldn’t seal it! (Small wonder they’ve never asked me again – definitely a case of TMI…) I can only wonder what they made of it.
I also included a sheet of suggestions for various stations although I really doubt they reached their intended targets. But it was fun to spout off anyway! I also remember thinking on some days, “I think I’ll give Mike Stafford a little boost,” deliberately tuning into his then 10AM show on 640, just to give him a slight shove in the numbers.
One more thing, mace. I’m not sure if they still do this, but once you agree (and get your package and twonie (or is it $5 now?) in the mail, they may keep calling you in advance of the survey period to endlessly remind you to fill out the thing. (Because, I assume, too few do.) They may also call you again at the end, so you don’t forget to send it back. Be prepared to possibly be nagged!
Anyway, while for many, this would be a chore to ignore, I found it a challenge and a great deal of fun. I hope you have a similar experience.


February 13, 2020 4:42 pm  #6

Re: numeris

mace wrote:

I think it would be interesting to see how the Buffalo stations do in the Toronto ratings. I am sure some of them would do better than TSN1050. At one time, CHUM FM, Q107, EDGE102 and CKFM showed up, admittedly not very high, in the Buffalo ratings. I believe now the numbers don't get published unless you subscribe to the service. I have noticed that CKLW no longer shows up in the Detroit market numbers. At least according to

I think Arbitron stopped listing Windsor stations 3 or 4 years ago. And I am not sure if Numeris/BBM has ever listed Buffalo listenership. I do know that CIDR (The River), CIMX (New Rock 89X) and even CKWW would show up in the Arbitrons for Detroit. Rock 89X being the strongest. Since CKLW is more or less all Windsor/Essex county talk and news  they were rarely showing up.

Last ratings in Toronto was showing about 93.5% local share hours tuned  total encoded radio.  Buffalo radio would be included in the 6.5% share, hours tuned for out of town. Not exact but gives a rough idea, Aaron would know more about this.


February 13, 2020 5:53 pm  #7

Re: numeris

paterson1 wrote:

mace wrote:

I think it would be interesting to see how the Buffalo stations do in the Toronto ratings. I am sure some of them would do better than TSN1050. At one time, CHUM FM, Q107, EDGE102 and CKFM showed up, admittedly not very high, in the Buffalo ratings. I believe now the numbers don't get published unless you subscribe to the service. I have noticed that CKLW no longer shows up in the Detroit market numbers. At least according to

I think Arbitron stopped listing Windsor stations 3 or 4 years ago. And I am not sure if Numeris/BBM has ever listed Buffalo listenership. I do know that CIDR (The River), CIMX (New Rock 89X) and even CKWW would show up in the Arbitrons for Detroit. Rock 89X being the strongest. Since CKLW is more or less all Windsor/Essex county talk and news  they were rarely showing up.

Last ratings in Toronto was showing about 93.5% local share hours tuned  total encoded radio.  Buffalo radio would be included in the 6.5% share, hours tuned for out of town. Not exact but gives a rough idea, Aaron would know more about this.

I know several guys in Detroit that listen to "Coast to Coast" on CKLW as it is not carried on any other local stations, but that's about all they listen to.


March 4, 2020 2:25 pm  #8

Re: numeris

Well my Numeris book arrived today. I start filling out the booklet Monday March 9th. Today, I am answering the seventeen pages of questions in the "tell us about yourself" and "tell us about the products and services you use or have used" sections. No mention of any financial remuneration for my time and effort. One question I did find interesting, and important these days, is whether any of my AM or FM listening is done via the internet or a mobile device.

     Thread Starter

March 4, 2020 4:14 pm  #9

Re: numeris

Do they STILL pay a measly $2 coin for your time?  

RadioWiz & RadioQuiz are NOT the same person. 
RadioWiz & THE Wiz are NOT the same person.


March 4, 2020 4:31 pm  #10

Re: numeris

mace wrote:

Well my Numeris book arrived today. I start filling out the booklet Monday March 9th. Today, I am answering the seventeen pages of questions in the "tell us about yourself" and "tell us about the products and services you use or have used" sections. No mention of any financial remuneration for my time and effort. One question I did find interesting, and important these days, is whether any of my AM or FM listening is done via the internet or a mobile device.

Out of curiosity, mace, are you in Toronto proper or one of the diary markets that surround the GTA?


March 4, 2020 7:17 pm  #11

Re: numeris

I am in North York. probably not far from RA.

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March 4, 2020 7:36 pm  #12

Re: numeris

mace wrote:

I am in North York. probably not far from RA.

OK Thanks! Numeris runs a parallel diary panel alongside PPM. I think they mostly use it as a comparison tool for PPM vs. Diary. It's also the only survey that give any indication of the performance of fringe stations that don't encode for PPM. So, you a part of that.