This is kinda Mufferaw Joe's thing, but ...
Does it matter if a commercial is good or bad?
Hiring-site Indeed has at least 2 TV commercials on the air right now that are mini-masterpieces. In my opinion they hit a home run: 1) I like them 2) they engage me emotionally, and mostly importantly 3) I REMEMBER the name and what they're "selling."
For some time I've wondered the effect crappy commercials are having on audience erosion. Stop sets are interminable and usually loaded with total drek. And usually on extremely high rotation! If you have the misfortune of living in an area with a JobShop franchise you know it's not uncommon to hear one of their uber-annoying commercials twice in 15 minutes. (In JobShop's case the sad thing is their commercials used to be wonderful with the legendary genius Dick Orkin at the helm.) This can't be good for audience retention.
Of course all of that is beside the point: does it matter if commercials are good or bad?
There is a current radio ad that, as part of their website, that actually SPELL the name of our Country: "c-a-n-a-d-a"!!! I have no idea who or what they are, I just find that bizarre.
(And, dear gentleman with the "pop-up" store: it's NOT a pop-up if it's there for months on end. Okay? Fab-u-lous.)
Advertising, in all forms, represents a hefty tax on civil public discourse, and in some better universe it wouldn't exist.
That said, I have no idea what the 'Look after yourself. Promise Me.' lady is hawking, but I do know that her statement makes me irrationally angry. Who the fuck is she to make such a demand?
What about "copy fatigue"? When will Frank Leo, 800-Junk, that men's diet guy, your pillow, etc same copy since forever be changed? It's the same-old, same-old for a long time now. While we're at it, can we please say bye bye to random riffs from business owners babbling about whatever pops in their minds. Pretty please with fragments of your pillow on top.
Potentiometer, you're post rivals mine anytime, I have actually been thinking about this topic...and was wondering if anyone ever goes to Harold the Jewelry buyer or Mortgage guy...or who would ever trust Oliver's Jewelers to sell stuff for cash...
These ads are brutal and my own personal trust factor of either of them is negative zero...
I am curious as to what others think of these kinds of ads, they must work or they wouldn't be on...unless their ego's are bigger than the National Debt?
Good post!
Last edited by Muffaraw Joe (November 7, 2019 9:24 pm)
Some of the best TV ads right now are for Maple Leaf, especially the one that has the parent asking the kids if they made this mess. The last clip of the two little brothers covered in paint is classic. Will it sell more cold cuts, yes but Maple Leaf is also using the ads to raise the profile for the company. These ads will likely win some international awards because they are very human, and people will relate to them.
I don't have a lot of time for bad national or agency ads. Especially if they are pandering or trying to redo something that has already been done. The IKEA ad "the people are coming, the people are coming" is not original at all. Just a rework of an ad about animals at a zoo getting ready before the zoo opening.. because "the people are coming". This ad originally came out in the early 70's. So in my mind, a lazy agency ad. IKEA does have some good ads however.
Oliver Jewellers I give credit to because Lawrence Oliver, along with Super Fan Nav are sort of local characters and in some minds local legends that are unique to Toronto. Oliver is smart that he has a lot of ads in the bank that he rotates, Still like the old "I'm the cashman" ad with the dancing ladies.." Oh, Yeah!
Nav, with his tie in with the Raptors, has become a star in his own right and I am sure all of this will sell a lot of vehicles at his dealership. But Nav has a lot of dimensions to his popularity, humour, successful business immigrant of colour who wears a turban, community involvement, love of basketball and the Raptors, fitness for young people etc.
I thought the Korry Clothier ads on radio with Saul Korman were well done and it showed Saul as not just a businessman but also a good guy in the community, always talking about Greektown and events, even promoting other businesses on the street. Tom at Tom's Place is trying to do the same thing, with less success. But at least he is getting better, I can get through his ads with Oakley now. Couldn't listen to him before.
Another clothing store on radio that was good and I haven't heard them for a while was Browns.."because it fits".. Are these ads effective, absolutely. People tend to remember unique individuals or characters (Mel Lastman) NOBODY!!!.....Whether the ads remain effective depends on the business and how they treat their customers, and if they deliver on what they are advertising.
Good or memorable ads create the interest, the top of mind awareness and initial traffic, after that it is up to the advertiser. Good advertisers understand this. If advertising is done correctly the client can reap the benefits for a long time.
Alas, Lou Brown's clothing store closed in 2017. But his son Robbie, has opened his own store catering to the same clientele. I'm way out their demographic, but when those ads came on, I sometimes would listen for the tag line: "Because it fiiiiiiits".
As for Russell Oliver, I'd be afraid to walk into the place.
Wonder whatever happened to Saul Korman and Jack Berkovits. I haven't heard their ads on Toronto radio for ages. There are ads for the new Kitchener Omni Jewelcrafters but they are done by other voices although Berkovits was doing them during the grand opening.
And one last thing. Why does the OLG advertise at all? All they really need is a 10 second blurb if they want to highlight the next jackpot for whatever lottery. I understand that some people only play when the jackpot is what they consider "big". (never got that philosophy) But really, either you play or you don't.
Annoying ads can be extremely successful. The makers of Wisk liquid laundry detergent developed the "Ring Around The Collar" ad campaign in 1968. It ran for more than three decades. Sometimes it's the spokesperson who brings success to the ad. Jane Withers [Comet's Josephine The Plumber] Jesse White [The original Maytag Repairman] Virginia Christine [ Folgers Coffee's Mrs. Olsen] Jan Miner [ Madge The Manicurist for Palmolive dish detergent] Morris The Cat [9 Lives cat food] Jim Varney [Know What I mean Vern? local ads] I would actually turn the volume up for the "Vern" ads. Sadistically hilarious! There is a VHS tape out featuring all of Jim Varney's ads featuring outtakes. Also, the Dick Orkin ads for various products were must listening for me. There is one ad campaign running now I find completely offensive. The CIRA "Don't Be A Traitor" Choose .ca campaign. The bully tactics used by the law enforcement Government authorities is disturbing to say the least. Pouring maple syrup on a computer, bodychecking a hockey player into the glass, trying to run a woman over with a zamboni BECAUSE they didn't choose a .ca web domain.
Ah, the client who wants to do his/her own commercials. Of course, the oleaginous sales rep is all over that, never once saying to the client, "Maybe you should stick to selling carpet, Shelley, and leave the announcing to the announcers." However, as cited in comments above, some commercials become local classics. On the other hand some will reek for eternity.
@ Tim Brown: as the kids say, ikr? OLG has no need to advertise as much as they do, although as a Broadcaster I say, "Show me the money!" Are they afraid Larry's Lotteries is going to steal market share? And to further echo what you say, why aren't the ads better? Most of the time they're mediocre at best. And then there's the "Happiness is playing bingo" campaign" a few years ago that had a jingle that was EXACTLY the same as Marineland's.
Al the while the people responsible are eating in better restaurants that I do. Hell, they're eating in restaurants, period!
Depending on my frame of mind at the time it airs, I'm loving/hating the tire radio ad with the kid asking "Why?" "Why!" and also "Whyyy" throughout. To give them credit the read of the question as the conversation progresses is pretty good, but I would have chosen a less whiny delivery of "I have to go to the baffroom!"
This is kinda embarrassing, but (gulp) here goes: what is that woman singing at the end of Rogers commercials? I heard a Rogers spot today and I knew what was coming so I turned the volume up a bit and gave the radio my undivided attention and nope, I can't make out the words. Like I said, embarrassing. The answer better be worth it!
potentiometer wrote:
This is kinda embarrassing, but (gulp) here goes: what is that woman singing at the end of Rogers commercials? I heard a Rogers spot today and I knew what was coming so I turned the volume up a bit and gave the radio my undivided attention and nope, I can't make out the words. Like I said, embarrassing. The answer better be worth it!
Please don't hurt me. I'm just the messanger.
Here's the song:
Thanks, Peter. I NEVER would have got that.
(So that means the cheap bastards wouldn't pony up the money for an original jingle? lol)
Don't feel bad, pot, I couldn't understand what the hell she was singing either. (Ever notice a lot of millenials sing and even talk that way? But that's for another topic/rant I'm sure.)
The source was revealed in another discussion group so vaguely remembering that, (and knowing it was an actual song) I did some googling, et voila.
Personally, I rather dislike the song. But I'm just an old fart, what do I matter?
Thanks, Peter. As someone who used to work in marketing, I marvelled at the fact that their jingle only featured two words of a three-word slogan. I couldn't recall having seen/heard anything like that before, but this helps to explain it.
Last edited by Lorne (November 29, 2019 8:51 pm)
fyshtalk wrote:
We need more commercials like this ..from 2017.
Wow! I wish we had a world like that (well, at least after the table was set up in the hallway)
fyshtalk wrote:
We need more commercials like this ..from 2017.
In this day and age, true words indeed!
I miss the Crystal Beer spots of 89-90.. same voice as Junior Mints
I believe that was Vancouver radio legend Fred Latremouille.
a few days ago I heard a radio ad for a home hardware company that starts off with a woman opening the door to a pizza delivery guy, and inviting him in (it sounded like an attempted riff on a porn flick) and then it quickly goes family friendly with "renovations so great, you'll want everyone to see them!" or something like that. Very confusing. I'd have to hear it again to see if it works. So to speak.
Last edited by betaylored (December 2, 2019 4:08 am)
mace wrote:
Annoying ads can be extremely successful
Never in a million years did I think I'd consider hearing the late, great Roy Orbison's "In Dreams" to be annoying, but the frequency that its running with a TV commercial to back up milk farmers + Oreo cookies is too much.
Next time I shop at Longos am going to continue past the dairy case and the cookie aisle and only purchase fresh seafood, tartar sauce and a couple of lemons. THAT should teach 'em a lesson
Last edited by geo (December 18, 2019 5:53 pm)
Toronto is my home town but I haven't lived there in many years. There was a Longo's in the (then) is east end. Is it the same one?
potentiometer wrote:
There was a Longo's in the (then) east end. Is it the same one?
geo wrote:
By the way, there REALLY is a Bruno
There certainly is. I work at his flagship store on Avenue Rd. and he is there seven days a week!
potentiometer wrote:
Toronto is my home town but I haven't lived there in many years. There was a Longo's in the (then) is east end. Is it the same one?
The newest location is Yonge & Sheppard where a movie theatre once stood.
Longos is popping up all over Toronto.