This happened on last night's Jeopardy's tournament of champions show...a contestant writes "We love you Alex" and well the rest is a Hallmark moment for sure and spawned the Hashtag "We love you Alex"
If you watch this break out the kleenex...
Disgusting: nobody seems to be wearing a Poppy. Where's the outrage? How many will destroy their TVs over this?
One afternoon quite a few years ago Alex Trebek did something newsworthy for a Canadian audience and I tried to get a hold of him. Or I "reached out" as they interminably say these days!. Not only was he reachable, he gave my rinky-dink little radio show the best interview it ever had. He said quotable things that gave us some great clips and he made me look great. So when I saw what that guy wrote, I got a little choked up myself.
TheConsultant wrote:
Disgusting: nobody seems to be wearing a Poppy. Where's the outrage? How many will destroy their TVs over this?
Jeopardy is generally taped three months in advance, which means the episodes airing now were recorded in August.