I’ve tried to Google this question a few times; but nothing. So. I’ve noticed for quite some time now, Ken Shaw no longer co-hosts the News at Noon. At first I thought they gave him a Summer break. Well it’s the middle of Sept. and Michelle is still hosting alone.
Here’s my question. Do you think Ken has a new contract? After all his service over the years I think he deserves to do just the news at 6. Thoughts?
Last edited by AMFM (September 12, 2019 2:21 pm)
AMFM wrote:
I’ve tried to Google this question a few times; but nothing. So. I’ve noticed for quite some time now, Ken Shaw no longer co-hosts the News at Noon. At first I thought they gave him a Summer break. Well it’s the middle of Sept. and Michelle is still hosting alone.
Here’s my question. Do you think Ken has a new contract? After all his service over the years I think he deserves to do just the news at 6. Thoughts?
I posted this link in a different thread here, but perhaps what's going on in Buffalo might parallel this situation.
WKBW anchor Keith Radford expects to get new deal
I also noticed this today when I was watching, and normally CFTO would have a fill-in anchor for either Ken or Michelle. I've never seen them have a solo anchor at Noon.
I also wonder if CTV is about to cull some of their longest-serving news anchors across the network. Daryl McIntyre, the 6 PM anchor at CFRN/CTV Edmonton for 33 years was forced to take a buyout. His last day is September 13 ( ).
Did Ken Shaw strike a deal to have him work part time, and cut his salary? What does this mean for others long-serving CTV News anchors across the network like Steve Murphy (Atlantic), Mutsumi Takahashi (Montreal), Gord Leclerc (Winnipeg), et al?
grilled.cheese wrote:
I think he's focusing on his car dealership.
Nobody deals like Dilawri.
Is Ken Shaw Lexus actually owned by Ken Shaw of CFTO?
Is Ken Shaw Lexus actually owned by Ken Shaw of CFTO?
patmantim wrote:
Nobody deals like Dilawri.
If you lived in Stittsville, you'd be home by now.
Muffaraw Joe wrote:
Just beyond the Fringe AM and A's...
But, did you know that Dilawri has dealerships in the GTA?
Wow! I had no idea.
I lived in Ottawa during the sixties. Used to see their commercials.
Whenever the family returned from an out-of-town visit along Hwy 7, we'd pass the "'d be home..." Stittsville sign.
grilled.cheese wrote:
I think he's focusing on his car dealership.