I am sure the trend is the same in trend is happening in Canada...but consumers south of the border are abandoning cable in droves...
Here is the report...
My question today is this...what do cable companies here in Canada and in the U.S. need to do to stem this tide...and bring viewers back?
My feeling is my cable package is boring and there really isn't much worth watching on T.V. I would personally like more interesting choice that is tailored to my true likes and viewing habits...
Please comment away and oh ya, enjoy the long weekend ahead too!
For me, the real aggravation is bundling. Forcing me to take channels that I don't want to meet a dollar threshold is the height of corporate arrogance. When I toddle into my local grocery store, imagine if the store had a policy that you must buy a box of cereal, toilet paper, shampoo, and a head of lettuce, even if all you want is a pound of butter.
I looked at Rogers, Bell, Cogeco, and Shaw choices, and thought, "Why am I putting myself through all this frustration, in the age of streaming?"
Last edited by Dial Twister (August 2, 2019 7:55 am)
Back in the days of C-band, those big 10' satellite dishes, you had options. There was bundling but you could buy channels separately if you wanted. It was the closest to having choice there has ever been, but of course that era is long gone. But as someone who once had one of those so-called BUDs, it was fun while it lasted!
The main reason why I still pay for cable is because I can rewind or pause live TV.
IPTV had a thing called "Catch up" and "Catch up Canada" both being handy if I forgot to record something on my Rogers PVR, but those days are gone or very much limited.
It was nice being able to watch Citynews at 7 pm instead of 6.
If I forgot to record on my PVR, no problem, IPTV Catch up would make the show available.
I miss that.
Rogers should offer a Catch up feature. That would be nice.
Last edited by Radiowiz (August 2, 2019 8:55 am)
Tim Brown 2016 wrote:
If you're location is conducive to OTA reception, there are lots of OTA PVR options.
Here's a popular choice: Channel Master DVR.
I don't think they're making them any more, unfortunately, although I don't know if Save and Replay still has any of them in stock. They're now selling a box that will record OTA but leans more toward streaming. I own two of the old DVR+s and they are absolutely wonderful machines. I have no idea if the new box is as good, but they're not expensive and probably worth a try.
Channel Master Stream+
I'd be surprised if the decline is as pronounced up here. Far fewer SVOD players and some of the ones we do have are even more of a joke than they are down south.
I'm still not letting go of my Rogers PVR box, but I suppose if I ever do, this might be an option:
(for recording shows)
Last edited by Radiowiz (August 5, 2019 4:56 am)