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July 12, 2019 6:39 am  #1

Is this the end of All Star Games? The mid-summer classic was a dud

I watched a bit of the Baseball All-Star Game on Tuesday and watched a bit of Vlad hitting homer after homer (not Simpson) on Monday night too...but aside from the fact that the Sportsnet feed had Dan Shulman and Buck Martinez announcing and the players were mic'd up, it was not the most compelling thing to watch...

Ratings reported yesterday show that this year's Mid-Summer classic was the lowest rated All Star game in years...

Baseball wants a younger audience, they want new people coming to the game and they want to build up viewership and the listening base too.

My feeling is appeal to where you're strong first...rather than go outside, go within and be more to the fans that are already with you.

Plus locally in Toronto, we saw a lot of new, younger fans when the Jays made the playoffs 2 years in a row...heck I cried at the bat flip...

The other key thing is the league needs parity, to me Boston, NY Yankees, Houston, Atlanta, the Cubs have been in the playoffs for a number of years, and way to go for doing that...but they tend to dominate and other teams have little or no chance, I would like to see a bit more balance and excitement that any team can make it into the play-offs...

Lot's of change is needed for MLB to succeed in both the stands and in the media

Please add your opinions and comments to this discussion.


The world would be so good if it weren't for some people...

July 12, 2019 7:14 am  #2

Re: Is this the end of All Star Games? The mid-summer classic was a dud

They'll probably just rename it to somehow pass it off as a great new idea to draw fresh new attention...all while still being the same gosh darn thing. (give or take...)

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July 12, 2019 8:34 am  #3

Re: Is this the end of All Star Games? The mid-summer classic was a dud

After the 2002 game ended in an 11 inning 7-7 tie because both teams had run out of pitchers, it was decided that commencing in 2003, which ever league was victorious in the All Star game, they would get home field advantage for the World Series. FOX promoted the game as "This Time It Counts" I thought it was kind of a cool idea. The experiment ended in 2016. Now it is back a yawn fest.                                                                                                 Regarding the playoffs being dominated by Red Sox, Yankees, Cubs and [don't forget the Dodgers]: FOX would be quite happy to have all the major market teams in every year. More viewers= more advertising dollars. First pitch times are usually around 8:30. Not many viewers can stay awake until after midnight to watch the games conclusion. Baseball has always been a slow game. [No clock restraints] I really have no solution to baseball's issues. To the uninitiated, watching golf can be most painful. Having played the game [badly] I can watch golf and appreciate what the pros are capable of. The young uns today like lots of action. Basketball is where its at or so it seems.