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May 2, 2019 11:19 am  #1

Is social reaching it's tipping point...

Quesnal B.C. Mayor Bob Simpson is quitting Social Media and he was one of the early adopters. 

But, this being the case, I am sensing social media channels like Facebook (especially with Federal Government calling them to task last week), Twitter and Instagram have hit a tipping point, where individuals are taking a break if not quitting it for the purpose of Self Preservation!

John Moore, CFRB's morning man, did the same after his month off and his managing through his father's Alzheimer's...

Here is the article on Mayor Bob Simpson, but let me ask this, has social media reached a point in it's growth, that it is now about to trend downwards?

Chime away! 


The world would be so good if it weren't for some people...

May 2, 2019 11:39 am  #2

Re: Is social reaching it's tipping point...

Given that I never signed up to FacePalm, Natter, or the other anti-social sites, I guess that places me on the bleeding edge now. WhooHoo.



May 2, 2019 11:45 am  #3

Re: Is social reaching it's tipping point...

Moi aussi


May 2, 2019 3:01 pm  #4

Re: Is social reaching it's tipping point...

The mayor is spot on. Facebook is overrun by bots, paid trolls and people who are intensely angry and hateful and/or who are faking anger and hatred in order to further civil division and political unrest.