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February 21, 2019 2:09 pm  #1

Tasha Kheiriddin leaving 640

Gone...last show March 1


February 21, 2019 2:19 pm  #2

Re: Tasha Kheiriddin leaving 640


February 21, 2019 3:09 pm  #3

Re: Tasha Kheiriddin leaving 640

She's a huge hypocrite. She's against social programs and government spending except when it comes to spending for autistic children. Why? Because she has an autistic child. While I support such spending I'm disgusted by people who are against social programs except when it personally benefits them.


February 21, 2019 3:25 pm  #4

Re: Tasha Kheiriddin leaving 640

Hansa wrote:

She's a huge hypocrite. She's against social programs and government spending except when it comes to spending for autistic children.

I don't think they hired her for her ideological integrity.


February 21, 2019 5:04 pm  #5

Re: Tasha Kheiriddin leaving 640

Maybe Jodi Decker can fill in! 

Just sayin'

Actually, if I had a preference, I would love to see Arlene Bynon return, she is top notch and I quite loved her when she did the drive home show a few years ago!


Last edited by Muffaraw Joe (February 21, 2019 5:08 pm)

The world would be so good if it weren't for some people...

February 21, 2019 9:06 pm  #6

Re: Tasha Kheiriddin leaving 640

Muffaraw Joe wrote:

Maybe Jodi Decker can fill in! 

Just sayin'

Actually, if I had a preference, I would love to see Arlene Bynon return, she is top notch and I quite loved her when she did the drive home show a few years ago!


I agree Muffaraw Joe, Arlene would be great to hear on 640 again, and it's too bad Lisa Brandt has moved away from London, I'd love to hear her voice on the radio also...

If we're lucky, someone like Peter Shurman will fill-in for a while. The last time I heard him on 640, he was discussing SNC Lavalin, and of all the radio hosts, on ANY of the stations, he has been the only one that I have heard to point out to the listeners the SNC Lavalin tie to highway 407, making the news story and scandal a bit more personal, and relevant for people.

(I think Arlene still has her show on SiriusXM, though I believe she was on-air on 640 over the holidays last December.)

Re: Ed Keenan mid-morning this week... anyone know if this is a PTO kind of situation?


February 22, 2019 9:24 am  #7

Re: Tasha Kheiriddin leaving 640

Can Tasha take Alix Pierson with her?


February 22, 2019 1:29 pm  #8

Re: Tasha Kheiriddin leaving 640

Hansa wrote:

She's a huge hypocrite. She's against social programs and government spending except when it comes to spending for autistic children. Why? Because she has an autistic child. While I support such spending I'm disgusted by people who are against social programs except when it personally benefits them.

Agreed. You can't have your cake and eat it too.

CityNews 24/7:
RadioWiz & RadioQuiz are NOT the same person. 
RadioWiz & THE Wiz are NOT the same person.


February 22, 2019 2:03 pm  #9

Re: Tasha Kheiriddin leaving 640

Hansa wrote:

She's a huge hypocrite. She's against social programs and government spending except when it comes to spending for autistic children. Why? Because she has an autistic child. While I support such spending I'm disgusted by people who are against social programs except when it personally benefits them.

Amen, Brother (or is it Sister) Hansa. Amen. Imagine life without publicly-funded fire, police, military, hospitals, streets, highways, etc.


February 22, 2019 4:07 pm  #10

Re: Tasha Kheiriddin leaving 640

More Great News!! I couldn't stand her.
I hope they put Shurman in 9-12.
Although Arlene is a great broadcaster, her voice hurts my ears after a while.
I can't wait to see what's next.


February 26, 2019 8:41 am  #11

Re: Tasha Kheiriddin leaving 640

Charlie wrote:

With Gurney gone, and Tasha leaving, will that mean plummeting sales of 'My Pillow'?  You can't just replace such shills at the drop of a hat!

Apparently you can. I just heard Alex Pierson shilling for the prized pillow product.

I really wonder - do all the radio personalities who tout the life-changing benefits of this thing actually have to use it to do their ads? If so, it must be the most tested commercial item in history.

Isn't there a law that states people doing such testimonials about how their lives have been changed by some product are actually required to really use it as they say? Or is that just literary licence?


February 26, 2019 11:47 am  #12

Re: Tasha Kheiriddin leaving 640

Corus Entertainment's shares are on a tear.    Back into the low $6 range this morning.    Investors who bought during the past three months and who rely on SOWNY are being rewarded today


February 26, 2019 6:18 pm  #13

Re: Tasha Kheiriddin leaving 640

RadioActive wrote:

Charlie wrote:

With Gurney gone, and Tasha leaving, will that mean plummeting sales of 'My Pillow'?  You can't just replace such shills at the drop of a hat!

Apparently you can. I just heard Alex Pierson shilling for the prized pillow product.

I really wonder - do all the radio personalities who tout the life-changing benefits of this thing actually have to use it to do their ads? If so, it must be the most tested commercial item in history.

Isn't there a law that states people doing such testimonials about how their lives have been changed by some product are actually required to really use it as they say? Or is that just literary licence?

My Pillow is also one of the view products still buying ads on Tucker Carlson's show



February 27, 2019 3:08 am  #14

Re: Tasha Kheiriddin leaving 640

A while back Stafford tweeted about getting a cheque from My Pillow for doing the ads, but chances are it was his usual tongue in cheek sense of humour..... right?

Lots of radio hosts are now singing the praises of a company named Jiffy. I think it's a handyman, erm, handyperson company that does odd jobs around the house. I'm sure you've heard them start to infiltrate the Leo/My Pillow ad space.

Several hosts now have two, sometimes three "I use it myself!" ads running at once.

Doesn't doing a testimonial for more than one product diminish the value of the ad, and maybe, just maybe, the credibility of the radio host?


February 28, 2019 4:44 pm  #15

Re: Tasha Kheiriddin leaving 640

Hansa wrote:

RadioActive wrote:

Charlie wrote:

With Gurney gone, and Tasha leaving, will that mean plummeting sales of 'My Pillow'?  You can't just replace such shills at the drop of a hat!

Apparently you can. I just heard Alex Pierson shilling for the prized pillow product.

I really wonder - do all the radio personalities who tout the life-changing benefits of this thing actually have to use it to do their ads? If so, it must be the most tested commercial item in history.

Isn't there a law that states people doing such testimonials about how their lives have been changed by some product are actually required to really use it as they say? Or is that just literary licence?

My Pillow is also one of the view products still buying ads on Tucker Carlson's show


And now there's this:

The guy who founded MyPillow spoke at CPAC and declared that Trump was ‘chosen by God’