NBC special report - watch to the end
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After Reporting John McCain’s Death, NBC Cut To The Most Hilariously Awkward Scene Imaginable
I actually saw this happen live on Saturday night and I also thought it was extremely unfortunate the scene they went back to on America's Got Talent was so inopportune. Not sure what, if anything, they could have done about it because it was joined, as they say, 'in progress," but talk about great moments in bad timing.
I saw the clip. I guess I'm confused that there are people out there that don't understand what "joined in progress" means. What would you have them do? Stop the active show and cut to a moribund soundtrack of celestial-inspired harp music to visuals of doves flying in the sky?
Although it was rather odd, there's no need for folks to get upset. I'm assuming that bulletin went out across the whole network, in which case central and west coast were watching different programming. You can't really control what you're cutting in and out of.
It wasn't deliberate.
Legend has it after Ronald Reagan's assassination attempt, Q107 played "Happiness is a Warm Gun" by The Beatles. If that's true, _that_ would have been rather inappropriate.
Peter the K wrote:
Although it was rather odd, there's no need for folks to get upset. I'm assuming that bulletin went out across the whole network, in which case central and west coast were watching different programming. You can't really control what you're cutting in and out of.
It wasn't deliberate.
Legend has it after Ronald Reagan's assassination attempt, Q107 played "Happiness is a Warm Gun" by The Beatles. If that's true, _that_ would have been rather inappropriate.
How is one "inappropriate" and the other isn't? Radio music logs are generated in advance and the jock has absolutely no control over what element is airing. That's assuming there actually was a live body in the studio. Shyte happens. What's the solution? They hire someone to monitor EVERY news source for possible negative news and adjust accordingly? C'mon.
cGrant wrote:
Radio music logs are generated in advance and the jock has absolutely no control over what element is airing. That's assuming there actually was a live body in the studio.
I don't disagree about 'shit happens', but...what? The jock absolutely has the ability to change a song in a situation like that. Maybe not the authority, but I've never worked with an MD or PD who would give them trouble for that. Either way, we're talking about 1980 - so, yes, there was someone in the studio, and there's a good chance they were controlling the playlist, at least to some extent
Don wrote:
I don't disagree about 'shit happens', but...what? The jock absolutely has the ability to change a song in a situation like that. Maybe not the authority, but I've never worked with an MD or PD who would give them trouble for that. Either way, we're talking about 1980 - so, yes, there was someone in the studio, and there's a good chance they were controlling the playlist, at least to some extent
And in 1980, they had their news department tear off the rip 'n read BN copy, run into the live booth, have the jock read it and what...?!? It didn't happen. The song played. So, your theory, whilst in a perfect world would have been great, didn't even happen that way.
But, McCain didn't die alongside Reagan, he died yesterday.
Of course there was no way that Master Control had any idea what was to come. I think the real mistake here, if there was any, was that NBC did not put up one of those slates following the farewell to McCain, with a different announcer saying something like, "This concludes this NBC Special Report. We now return you to your regular programming, already in progress."
Just that small interstitial would have gone a long way towards blunting the impact of one scene immediately following the other. But for some reason, they didn't do it. And Peter The K is right that the other time zones likely didn't see it. The special was off the air after 8 PM Eastern, which means there was no network programming on out west then.
It's what people in TV news call a "hard turn," although it usually involves coming out of a happy story and then into something awful. (We used to make the sound of brakes squealing as if to avoid an accident whenever that happened.) And It happens more often than you'd think, especially on CTV's Noon News where they have weather guy Anwar Knight live somewhere doing shtick and joking around, saying, "Back to the newsroom. Alright kids, wave goodbye to mommy, daddy and Uncle Ken Shaw!" followed by yuks and laughter.
And then the camera cuts to the anchor saying, "A mother and her 4-year-old girl were killed in a house fire last night..."
Jarring, terrible and completely avoidable if the producer is watching what he or she is doing. What happened to NBC wasn't predictable, but it could have been a lot less awful if they'd been a little more careful with a buffer announcement.
RA, with respect, we really need to advance our thinking here. How many people are sitting in their grand living room watching television in REAL time? Most will PVR their viewings and fast forward to the actual program. Those waiting for Walter Crankcase to dismiss them are simply not the order of business. Times have changed and people don't consume television like they did when the Titanium Level of the Illuminati were being formed during Chum's 1957 provincial period. Eric Severide won't magically anoint the viewer and grant them the license to return to their programming already in progress.
I most highly doubt there will be throngs of people seeking PTSD coverage through their health provider because there was a jarring juxtaposition of transitions. And, bluntly, those that are scarred for life because of this change should, frankly, be institutionalized... in the secure wing of the Museum of Broadcasting.
perhaps the network screwed up, or nobody saw it due to pvr.... that's for us media junkies to debate. but american discourse these days doesn't need a reason to become immediately offended from the least little slip from left, right, or centre. what's the cliche... Tempest in a teapot? that is the bigger issue here. as with another thread, cnn vs fox, who to trust.... the one that doesn't champion this kind of petty silliness.
You guys are so defensive. I don't think I've seen anyone actually blame NBC or say it's deliberate - just comments on the awkwardness of the juxtaposition.