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February 11, 2019 12:40 pm  #1

Toronto Star Among Newspapers That Ran Comic Strip With Trump F-Bomb

It really doesn't matter what you think of Donald Trump. This is a bit over the top and is unfair to the supposed family newspapers that publish weekly colour comics. A strip called "Non Sequitiur" runs in papers across North America, including the Saturday Star. 

In last week's page, there is a hidden Easter egg spotted by eagle-eyed readers thal contains a not-so-clearly hidden message to the American president: At the very bottom right of a colour-this-in-kids black and white strip, is hidden this message: "We fondly say, go fuck yourself Trump." (You can see it highlighted in the box below.)

That was enough for one newspaper in the U.S. to drop the strip for good and while I'm not fan of The Donald, slipping this near-subliminal message in a cartoon that in this case was clearly aimed at kids is pretty shabby.

I wonder if the Star will issue an apology or take any action because this swear word, which they would normally not run except in extraordinary circumstances, appeared in a section aimed at children.

Newspaper fires cartoonist for hidden jibe at Trump telling president to 'f*** yourself' 


February 11, 2019 2:20 pm  #2

Re: Toronto Star Among Newspapers That Ran Comic Strip With Trump F-Bomb

Let me tell you a few things about the Toronto Star:

1/ It has degenerated into a total SJW propaganda sheet and an overall joke which few outside the Sodom and Gomorrah of the GTA take seriously. Atkinson principles are one thing, Neo Marxist nonsense, another.

2/ "Columnists" like Mallick and Dale are pathologically filled with hate for conservative views and pander to every straight white male hating radical feminist transgender SJW campaign going. They are not journalists, but rather, propagandists that are also completely phony as they preach one thing and live another.

3/ The paper has a sick, pathological hatred for not only Trump, but the entire US as well while at the same having a creepy and moist love affair for Justine Trudeau and his like minded metrosexual and radical feminist cabal of cabinet idiots who have damaged our economy-Freeland come on down- perhaps beyond immediate repair and all the while cheered  by the Star.

4/ A ridiculous Soviet era Pravada paper with former subscribers deserting them in droves because few readers want to pick up the paper, and discover how deplorable they are or read a bunch of radical socialist crap.



February 11, 2019 2:26 pm  #3

Re: Toronto Star Among Newspapers That Ran Comic Strip With Trump F-Bomb

Hm, so if the Star has a pathological hate for Trump (I believe the term "Trump Derangement Syndrome") does that mean the Sun has Trudeau Derangement Syndrome and Fox News et al had Obama Derangement Syndrome when he was president? 


February 11, 2019 2:28 pm  #4

Re: Toronto Star Among Newspapers That Ran Comic Strip With Trump F-Bomb

Good question.

Here's another: did you finish high school?


February 11, 2019 2:43 pm  #5

Re: Toronto Star Among Newspapers That Ran Comic Strip With Trump F-Bomb

Yes, unlike our Premier, I did. Not only that, I finished university too. That's why I'm able to spot a double standard from a mile away. Now, of course, if you are as quick to condemn right wing outlets such as the Sun or Fox for their fixation on Trudeau or Obama as you are to condemn the Star and others for condemning Trump, then please proceed with your criticism of the Sun, as well as conservative talk radio. 

BTW, while all newspapers are suffering from declining circulation, the Toronto Star's circulation remains the highest in Canada and greater than the Sun and Post's circulation combined. 

Last edited by Hansa (February 11, 2019 2:47 pm)


February 11, 2019 2:51 pm  #6

Re: Toronto Star Among Newspapers That Ran Comic Strip With Trump F-Bomb

Glad to hear you graduated from Trump U.

However, your journalistic ethical or moral equivalency argument is full of holes as the issue at hand here is real world transparency.

Neither right wing talk radio, or the Toronto Sun, ever claimed to be anything other than what they actually are.

The Star,on the other hand, used to be a relevant paper, which was noted as such.It is now a SJW wet dream.



February 11, 2019 2:58 pm  #7

Re: Toronto Star Among Newspapers That Ran Comic Strip With Trump F-Bomb

The Toronto Star has always been a Liberal paper (though they have endorsed the NDP twice). Most famously, on the day of the 1948 general election, the Star ran the following banner headline: "KEEP CANADA BRITISH, DESTROY DREW’S HOUDE, VOTE ST. LAURENT" - though some editions had "GOD SAVE THE KING" (Drew being Tory leader George Drew and Houde being Camillien Houde, the mayor of Montreal and Drew's presumed Quebec lieutenant). 


February 11, 2019 3:10 pm  #8

Re: Toronto Star Among Newspapers That Ran Comic Strip With Trump F-Bomb

RadioActive wrote:

I wonder if the Star will issue an apology or take any action because this swear word, which they would normally not run except in extraordinary circumstances, appeared in a section aimed at children.

This is the same newspaper that published this cartoon the day after a black man murdered five police officers in the U.S.


February 11, 2019 3:59 pm  #9

Re: Toronto Star Among Newspapers That Ran Comic Strip With Trump F-Bomb

Be careful Retaw, you are making sense.

And so the SJW lunatics will surely descend upon your head with their self righteous, phony holier than thou crap.

Don't you know that cops-especially white cops'- lives mean nothing to the cowardly idiot radical leftists?

Buck up though, as they will eventually be relegated to the trash bin of history, just like every other socialist  and Communist disaster, ever.

Then, they can all move to that gem of a country, Venezuela. And then, good friggin' riddance.


February 11, 2019 9:21 pm  #10

Re: Toronto Star Among Newspapers That Ran Comic Strip With Trump F-Bomb

Hansa wrote:

Yes, unlike our Premier, I did. Not only that, I finished university too. That's why I'm able to spot a double standard from a mile away. Now, of course, if you are as quick to condemn right wing outlets such as the Sun or Fox for their fixation on Trudeau or Obama as you are to condemn the Star and others for condemning Trump, then please proceed with your criticism of the Sun, as well as conservative talk radio. 

BTW, while all newspapers are suffering from declining circulation, the Toronto Star's circulation remains the highest in Canada and greater than the Sun and Post's circulation combined. 

...Ah yes, the double standard argument. Reserved for those unable or unwilling to do the right thing. Funny, that double standard seems to be overlooked in Virginia. What started out as post-birth murder of a baby turned into a blackface fiasco and yet the politician with the (D) next to his name is not willing to "do the right thing".

Spare me your whaling about criticism. Spend a week telling friends and strangers that you are a Conservative and Pro-Trump. By Sunday you'd begin praying for those right-of-centre to remain closeted for which their lives would not be as safe as those coming out as leftist. It's taboo to be on the right. They take plenty of criticism while the left goes unscathed without ever taking accountability for their reprehensible actions. Life isn't fair. You'd know that if you walked from under the shelter you call Liberalism.


February 11, 2019 9:30 pm  #11

Re: Toronto Star Among Newspapers That Ran Comic Strip With Trump F-Bomb

William T, I feel your pain, even if it is a little vague.

But, your hearts and minds are in the right place.

These SJWs are  social retards-phony, immature millennial dopeheads too-that would have no say at all if it were not for the  pandering crap of the ridiculous Toronto Star propping them up.

For all those dopes down on Ford ask yourself one simple question: why is he premier, and you are all still losers?


February 11, 2019 10:53 pm  #12

Re: Toronto Star Among Newspapers That Ran Comic Strip With Trump F-Bomb


Is this to become another forum lost to trolls?


February 12, 2019 1:06 am  #13

Re: Toronto Star Among Newspapers That Ran Comic Strip With Trump F-Bomb

Justalistener wrote:


Is this to become another forum lost to trolls?

No, it won't. I have no objection to people having various viewpoints, political or otherwise. Although I'm not entirely sure if they belong on a forum about local radio or TV. That said, feel free to express what you feel. What I won't put up with - nor should anyone here have to - is abuse. I learned from the cGrant experience that it alienates everyone and leads to a mass exodus that ruins a great vibe we've got going here and that I've worked really hard to maintain.

And remember I actually pay to keep this board ad free, so I have a vested interest in maintaining some semblance of sanity.

So before this gets any worse, speak your piece. Disagree if you want.

But don't do it in a way that approaches trolling or nastiness.

There's no excuse for abuse.

And this time, I won't let it go on long.

     Thread Starter

February 12, 2019 1:11 am  #14

Re: Toronto Star Among Newspapers That Ran Comic Strip With Trump F-Bomb

RadioActive wrote:

Justalistener wrote:


Is this to become another forum lost to trolls?

So before this gets any worse, speak your piece. Disagree if you want.

But don't do it in a way that approaches trolling or nastiness.

There's no excuse for abuse.

And this time, I won't let it go on long.

Thanks RadioActive.  Let the "Earl Cowan's" of the world go start their own forum where they can hateful bleat til their heart's content.

*edit* or you could show them the way to the Quad Cities forum which has essentially withered down to one single "angry old man shouting at the sky" poster.  Why even have a link to the Quad Cities forum anymore?

Last edited by g121 (February 12, 2019 1:22 am)


February 12, 2019 8:08 am  #15

Re: Toronto Star Among Newspapers That Ran Comic Strip With Trump F-Bomb

And I see that the moderator seems to be having cold feet. I was surprised he let it go this far, although he was the one who chummed the waters with the Star cartoon piece. 

What is the "cGrant experience," and why is it that everyone who expresses a conservative, anti-SJW opinion is branded as a hate troll? 

Oh well, Kanadians, even well intention minded ones are too afraid, too indoctrinated with Marxist ideology without even realising it to be react any differently. For those so afflicted, the Star is soy, to the boys.

You see, the way it works is this: left wings lunatics can say anything they want, in any way. Those with a right wing view are quickly branded as hateful and trolls. Welcome to "freedom of speech," 1984 style, in 2019. 

Hopeless, and as DJT points out from time to time: SAD!


February 12, 2019 1:50 pm  #16

Re: Toronto Star Among Newspapers That Ran Comic Strip With Trump F-Bomb

canadian newspaper should have inserted "fuddle duddle"/


February 12, 2019 2:07 pm  #17

Re: Toronto Star Among Newspapers That Ran Comic Strip With Trump F-Bomb

DRTJO wrote:

These SJWs are  social retards-phony, immature millennial dopeheads too-that would have no say at all if it were not for the  pandering crap of the ridiculous Toronto Star propping them up.

For all those dopes down on Ford ask yourself one simple question: why is he premier, and you are all still losers?

SJW, retards, millennials, etc.

Well, you're a bitter old piece of work aren't you?

And what does any of this have to do with radio and tv in Southern Ontario and Western NY?



February 12, 2019 2:23 pm  #18

Re: Toronto Star Among Newspapers That Ran Comic Strip With Trump F-Bomb

Scraps wrote:

DRTJO wrote:

These SJWs are  social retards-phony, immature millennial dopeheads too-that would have no say at all if it were not for the  pandering crap of the ridiculous Toronto Star propping them up.

For all those dopes down on Ford ask yourself one simple question: why is he premier, and you are all still losers?

SJW, retards, millennials, etc.

Well, you're a bitter old piece of work aren't you?

And what does any of this have to do with radio and tv in Southern Ontario and Western NY? 

I'm afraid I must agree. As a free speech advocate, I'm desperate not to remove permission from anyone, because all points of view, extreme or otherwise, should be welcomed.

When Iain Grant restarted this board, he issued a set of rules for it. Some here may have noticed I never changed them, because they really were solid. Among them:

"Personal attacks of any matter will be deleted. What is a personal attack? 

Easy...If I think it's a personal attack I will delete it. If it continues in any form, I'll delete you. That simple."

And then he concluded with this:

"Keep it positive and don't be an asshole. As they put it over at Quadcities, 'don't be a dick.

This is not a public service, it's not a democracy, it's not a socialist experiment. it's a private forum that users are allowed to participate in. You have no god given right to post here. If I don't like you, If I don't like your posts, either, or both will be deleted on a whim."    

I'll repeat one other thing I mentioned when cGrant was banned: It's OK to disagree. It's not OK to be disagreeable.

So let this be my final word on it. Those who choose not to follow the relatively simple rules Iain outlined can choose to follow Ziggy/cGrant or stay and contribute. It's up to you.   

     Thread Starter

February 12, 2019 2:41 pm  #19

Re: Toronto Star Among Newspapers That Ran Comic Strip With Trump F-Bomb

RadioActive wrote:

I'm afraid I must agree. As a free speech advocate, I'm desperate not to remove permission from anyone, because all points of view, extreme or otherwise, should be welcomed.

When Iain Grant restarted this board, he issued a set of rules for it. Some here may have noticed I never changed them, because they really were solid. Among them:

"Personal attacks of any matter will be deleted. What is a personal attack? 

Easy...If I think it's a personal attack I will delete it. If it continues in any form, I'll delete you. That simple."

And then he concluded with this:

"Keep it positive and don't be an asshole. As they put it over at Quadcities, 'don't be a dick.

This is not a public service, it's not a democracy, it's not a socialist experiment. it's a private forum that users are allowed to participate in. You have no god given right to post here. If I don't like you, If I don't like your posts, either, or both will be deleted on a whim."    

I'll repeat one other thing I mentioned when cGrant was banned: It's OK to disagree. It's not OK to be disagreeable.

So let this be my final word on it. Those who choose not to follow the relatively simple rules Iain outlined can choose to follow Ziggy/cGrant or stay and contribute. It's up to you.   

hear hear.  *pounds desk empatically*


February 12, 2019 2:56 pm  #20

Re: Toronto Star Among Newspapers That Ran Comic Strip With Trump F-Bomb

I'm surprised it took so long!!! 

How it could be adjudicated that using slang terms at a non minority group, not a person, was defamatory, or hateful is beyond me, and frankly, reason. If I had gone on there and pounded at Ford, Trump, or any conservative, I would have been lauded as a genius.


Last edited by DRTJO (February 12, 2019 2:57 pm)


February 12, 2019 3:07 pm  #21

Re: Toronto Star Among Newspapers That Ran Comic Strip With Trump F-Bomb

Thanks for your input. After multiple warnings, it's now your output.

     Thread Starter

February 12, 2019 3:12 pm  #22

Re: Toronto Star Among Newspapers That Ran Comic Strip With Trump F-Bomb

As always, I thank you for the hard work you put into this Board, RA.

We paid our dues and them some back in the cGrant days and I for one do not want to see a return to those times.

I say this as a lifelong "small c" conservative.  The issue is decency and respect when exchanging ideas and opinions;  not ideology.



February 12, 2019 3:19 pm  #23

Re: Toronto Star Among Newspapers That Ran Comic Strip With Trump F-Bomb

Gosh, what excitement.


February 12, 2019 3:21 pm  #24

Re: Toronto Star Among Newspapers That Ran Comic Strip With Trump F-Bomb

Media Observer wrote:

We paid our dues and them some back in the cGrant days and I for one do not want to see a return to those times.

I say this as a lifelong "small c" conservative.  The issue is decency and respect when exchanging ideas and opinions;  not ideology. 

Exactly. I will defend to the death his right to say something - and if truth be told, I tend to lean more right than left on a lot of issues so it isn't about ideology at all. It's about the needless insults, "libtard" and "snowflake" references. This is like having a great neighbourhood and a person moves in next door who deliberately disrupts everything. 

I hate banning people. It runs against everything I believe in. This isn't supposed to be a political forum, although sometimes things come up that beg comment and that's fine. But insults won't be tolerated to the point I start losing valued members. People like David Lennick, Bruce Barker and more used to post here and have since left because they were tired of being abused by people like Ziggy.

Like most of you, I could see already where this was going. I wasn't going to let history repeat itself.  

Not in my neighbourhood.

     Thread Starter

February 12, 2019 3:33 pm  #25

Re: Toronto Star Among Newspapers That Ran Comic Strip With Trump F-Bomb

Thank you RadioActive.   

One or two toxic "bad apples" spreading their vile vitriol can destroy a forum.

You made the right call.


February 12, 2019 4:00 pm  #26

Re: Toronto Star Among Newspapers That Ran Comic Strip With Trump F-Bomb

RadioActive wrote:

...and if truth be told, I tend to lean more right than left on a lot of issues so it isn't about ideology at all. It's about the needless insults, "libtard" and "snowflake" references.

It's not about what is said as much as how it's said. I'll always welcome a factual and well-constructed argument regardless what side it epitomizes.

Last edited by Justalistener (February 12, 2019 4:08 pm)


February 16, 2019 2:52 pm  #27

Re: Toronto Star Among Newspapers That Ran Comic Strip With Trump F-Bomb

Ms. English' weekly-scheduled column in the Insight section deals with the matter (DRT-JO is not mentioned, however)