I see CTV is heavily tubthumping this Saturday's MuchMusic Video Awards, with tons of publicity and hype. My question isn't when the show is but why there's still such a show at all?
I went through the entire schedule for what was once called MuchMusic and didn't find a single show devoted to videos. Not one. There are a ton of "Friends" reruns, a slew of reality shows and a lot of cheap-to-buy American imports. But no music videos or really even any shows about music at all. Which was kind of the point of the channel in the first place.
In fact, even CTV has rebranded it as just "Much," leaving out any reference to music. (Ironic that the name "Much" was chosen because it was an anagram of "Chum," the former owner.) On demand availability of videos on the Internet is mostly to blame for that, of course, but back in the days when the aforementioned CHUM ran the place, it was a major event that promoted the channel.
And the reason now for having a show honouring videos the channel that created it no longer plays, even once a week?
Yeah, I can't think of one either. The same goes for last week's MTV Video Awards in the U.S., which made headlines more for Madonna's tone deaf "tribute" to Aretha Franklin (in which she talked mostly about herself) than for any actual winners.
It would be like CHUM still taking their History of Rock and Roll event to a school, even though they're now all sports. It makes no sense and while I'm sure it gets ratings because of the stars involved, it's raison-de-e'tre seems to be gone.
I admit I'm out of the demo, but this show has become increasingly irrelevant over the years. And yet, millions of dollars are spent on staging it, promoting it, showing it and producing it. Maybe its best before date has come. "Much" like the channel itself.
RA. The kids still line up days/hours to get a front row standing position for the awards show. I don't think many really care about the actual awards for who wins for what video. They are only there to see their favourite musical artists up close and perform their latest "hit" song. Those viewing at home are only tuning in for the same reason. Like you, I am waaaaaaaay out of the targeted demo group. I am aware of the music that is pumped out by the likes of Ariana Grande, Selena Gomez, Shawne Mendez, Nicki Minaj, Cardi B etc. I don't need to, nor do I have a desire to see these artists perform live or on tv. Bell/CTV doesn't care because i am not part of their targetted demo group. What makes me smile though, is one day all these kids will be part of the unwanted demo group we are currently in. Years ago WKSE in Buffalo occasionally aired a jingle which said KISS98.5, PLAYING THE HITS YOUR KIDS WILL HATE TWENTY YEARS FROM NOW.
There's a 6 hour video block every morning from 6 to noon.
I seem to recall Much wanting to quit airing the music videos a few years back; however the request to alter this particular (original) licence requirement was denied by the CRTC.
grilled.cheese wrote:
Who listens to, and watches videos from TV anymore?
Too true. With top 30 radio we get to watch the videos with their ass filled mewzack on the radio instead. Just as we have for 30 years. You know...the 30 years where the music industry died and in doing so took music radio with it.
Video didn't kill the radio star. It killed the reason for listening. Those cutie-pie girlies and buffed and polished non musical 'fellas' don't look so good on radio. They sound even worse. What a clown show.
One must, I mean, REALLY, must see the absolute irony in people within this board's Illuminati commenting, critiquing, and bitching about the MMVAs that clearly are way outside the target demo. Let's stick with the premise that our rose glasses and mindsets are permanently stuck with the 1957 Chum era and anything outside of that is... garbage. (not my word as I celebrate progress)
Y'o.k. Mr. know it 'all'.
Old Codger wrote:
Y'o.k. Mr. know it 'all'.
Am I wrong? Are you within the MMVAs target demo? Do you even watch the channel regularly? Can you intelligently comment on the intrinsic state of today's popular culture? Can you sing along to any of today's Top 10 Pop tunes? Can you identity with the tween and teen culture of the live participants of the audience?
If not, where am I wrong?
It is too bad that CKNT has not signed on yet with their regular programming. As a news-talk station, I'm sure they would have extensive reports about all of the commotion and traffic tie-ups caused by the crowds on Richmond Street gawking at the red carpet celebrities.
cGrant wrote:
Old Codger wrote:
Y'o.k. Mr. know it 'all'.
Am I wrong? Are you within the MMVAs target demo? Do you even watch the channel regularly? Can you intelligently comment on the intrinsic state of today's popular culture? Can you sing along to any of today's Top 10 Pop tunes? Can you identity with the tween and teen culture of the live participants of the audience?
If not, where am I wrong?
I'm too young to understand why you keep making references to 1957.