This goes back to 1965, and it takes what my wonderful old grandmother used to call "chutzpah." It happened when the BBG, the Bureau of Broadcast Governors, forerunner of the CRTC, came down on CKVR-TV in Barrie for not having enough Canadian Content on their airwaves. (I wasn't aware there were any CanCon rules back then, but this story seems to prove otherwise.)
Channel 3 in Barrie riposted that their commercials, station I.D.s, promos and even all their sign-ons and sign-offs were all locally produced - and therefore counted as Canadian programming.
That takes real cojones, but guess what - according to the story below, it actually worked! I'm not sure anybody could get away with that today. But good for them for trying it!
"And our test pattern was produced in Canada, too!"
I love stuff like this, finding loopholes where stupid laws exist.
Remember the McKenzie Brothers came about this way when the CBC told SCTV that their program was two minutes short of Canadian content, so Rick Moranis and Dave Thomas came up with the idea of the McKenzie brothers, two guys would would talk about Canadian beer for two minutes just to make sure the Canadian content requirements would be met.