Has anyone noticed the newest Trivago ad? There is a delay in the sound and his mouth moving, my gut feel it isn't him talking and that the actor and voice over are out of synch, it makes for a shitty advertising experience.
Here is the visual evidence. The question, does this inspire confidence in the company?
I've seen other commercials where it's clearly obvious that the dialog is dubbed over the original. The one example I can think of is a UK advert for some dishwasher cleaner. There was a Canadian commercial that I saw on a UK channel dubbed over with people with British accents. Cost savings is likely the primary reason.
Muffaraw Joe wrote:
Has anyone noticed the newest Trivago ad? There is a delay in the sound and his mouth moving, my gut feel it isn't him talking and that the actor and voice over are out of synch, it makes for a shitty advertising experience.
Not an ideal experience, I'd agree.
This particular campaign's audio work is an AI production actually - one real actor on-screen (a UK one), but multiple languages (and potentially accents like your above "US" one) generated:
Here's the French version for example:
I don't know if these ads are still on but Dove used the Canadian ads on US TV for various commercials. Saw them on US OTA TV and CNN. One ad had a shot of Thomson Hall and surrounding park area.
The oddest thing was when they showed the product at the end, the labelling still had the bilingual English/French writing. Not really prominent, but it was there. Anyway, these ads ran for about a year and may be still on in Canada. I did see them pop up occasionally on non sim subbed US network TV and CNN quite a few times in 2023.