This is a Rick Mercer special that aired in 2002 to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the CBC. For a network I thought I'd never watched as a kid, I have to admit I recognized a good number of the people in the fast cuts, including a very young Alex Trebek, an equally youthful Lloyd Robertson, a before-they-were-famous Guess Who, Ward Cornell from Hockey Night In Canada and the set of Front Page Challenge, to name a few. And that shot of Moses Znaimer interviewing Gloria Steinem is almost too much to take.
This is why I didn't always have the best impressions of the network, with some of the shows looking as cheap as I remember them. Still, it's interesting to see some of these snapshots from an earlier time again. Although I may never be able to get that horrible song about the CBC at around the 4-minute mark out of my head, so be warned!
And then there were the 70s...
CTV in the 60's wasn't exactly high budget either.