There was a time that exclusivity was a Golden Rule in broadcasting. You never heard Gordon Sinclair on CKEY and Hartley Hubbs never did traffic for CHFI-FM. And only CHUM had the PAMS jingles in this city.
That was then. A whole generation of freelancers has been born over the years and now one of them is appearing on every one of the Big 3 major broadcast owners in the city. I'm not sure that's ever happened before, although I've heard John Scholes do an employment law show on AM640 one hour on the weekend, only to pop up doing another live show on NT1010 the next hour. But that's paid programming.
The new "king of all media" in this town appears to be freelancer Marc Saltzman, who I recently heard doing a weekly one minute segment for CityNews 680. He also does an hour-long talk show for CFRB on Saturdays. And his "Tech Tuesday" spot is a recurring part of Global's local noon news.
That means he turns up on Rogers, Bell and Corus properties all in the same broadcast week. Nothing wrong with that, and more power to him that he's managed to find a gig that all three will pay him for. (This is in addition to his occasional guest columns in The Toronto Star.)
Has anyone ever managed this triumvirate before? I'm hard pressed to think of another non-sponsor, (unlike, say, a Frank Leo), turning up on so many different owned radio and TV stations in the same city at the same time in the same week, presumably getting a paycheque - if not publicity - from each of them.
I have no idea what his arrangement is with any of them but you might say he's the Tech of the Town.
'Paid programming' is an automatic turn-off. Weekends are brutal.
I think you may find 1010 is a sponsored gig (Chevy and LG) the same as Tony Chapman show on Fridays on IHeart.