This month marks the 100th anniversary of the BBC and the British network is celebrating with a two-part special airing this Saturday called "How The BBC Began."
The special is set to go all the way back to 1922, beginning with radio and then graduating to TV. I can only imagine the archive of material they have - from the lesser known (in North America) Morecambe and Wise or Reginald Perrin - to The Goons, Monty Python, The Two Ronnies, Doctor Who and more. Not to mention all those famous dramas that have provided programming for PBS all these years.
I would love to see this, but I haven't found it listed on either BBC America or the Canadian version. I hope at some point it gets over here. This sounds like a truly wonderful special that - while not as familiar to a North American audience - should be highly entertaining.
Celebrating 100 years of the BBC on TV