AspectRatio wrote:
A Brian Lilley piece backing up much of what we've seen written here and elsewhere, but also suggesting some indication of poor behavior from the LaFlamme (and producer) side:
From the article...
"... an old school journalist who always put the story first. At Bell Media these days, that doesn’t count as much as saving money does."
That says it all. Profits over journalism.
Last edited by Dale Patterson (August 17, 2022 8:54 am)
I'm still trying to decipher how I can blame Justin Trudeau for this.
Rosie DiManno writes that CTV News Channel anchor Jennifer Burke refused to read the news release announcing LaFlamme's departure. This resulted in her being kept off the air for the first hour of her shift, while Angie Seth was kept back an hour to make the announcement. Burke's decision did not go over well with management and could effect her freelance status.
Last edited by Media Observer (August 17, 2022 3:23 pm)
Media Observer wrote:
Rosie DiManno writes that CTV News Channel anchor Jennifer Burke refused to read the news release announcing LaFlamme's departure. This resulted in her being kept off the air for the first hour of her shift, while Angie Seth was kept back an hour to make the announcement. Burke's decision did not go over well with management and could effect her freelance status.
betaylored wrote:
this from the Globe and Mail today
Alternate link:
The local Kitchener newspaper has had a lot about Lisa's firing over the past few days. She got her start at CKCO and is from Kitchener. However interesting to note that Michael Melling also worked at CKCO years ago. He wasn't here the same time as Laflamme, she had moved on years earlier to CTV. But it is interesting to note that he is known locally here from his time at CKCO.
A person who apparently “..enjoys destroying careers...” is a very disturbed individual. This type of character just doesn’t get mad, but gets even as well. All he has succeeded in doing by terminating Lisa LaFlamme is to create anger, shock and complete disgust across the country directed at him, as well as the company that prides itself in being so in tune with mental health awareness. This man has humiliated a wonderful professional broadcast journalist who has devoted her career bringing Canadians decades of in-depth, well researched news. She has the rare talent of connecting with viewers through genuine warmth and credibility - gifts that this man will never comprehend.
I wonder what the Canadian Human Rights Tribunal, Canadian Labour Board and/or the CRTC would have to say about an executive who is quoted as saying he "enjoys destroying careers". I would imagine Bell Media higher ups would be concerned about any of these Federal agencies coming in to study their labour practices.
With the CBC getting ready to launch a FAST (Free Ad-Supported Streaming TV) News Service it might be a bit of a coup for them to sign Lisa LaFlamme as a marque anchor. It would certainly guarantee CBC a lot of free publicity for the upcoming service should this come to pass. Every news outlet and social feed would be full of the story should they sign her and instant eyeballs for the service.
Curioser and curioser, cried Alice. The Star is reporting that an internal CTV memo to staff indicates LaFlamme was offered a chance to say goodbye to viewers, but didn't take it.
Lisa LaFlamme chose not to say goodbye on CTV News, Bell Media executive tells staff
RadioActive wrote:
Curioser and curioser, cried Alice. The Star is reporting that an internal CTV memo to staff indicates LaFlamme was offered a chance to say goodbye to viewers, but didn't take it.
Lisa LaFlamme chose not to say goodbye on CTV News, Bell Media executive tells staff
You know, if this is true, then there may be a logical explanation why she used Twitter and not the CTV pulpit to say her last goodbye. If it became known it was her network swan song, it surely would have attracted a huge audience just to see her final appearance. And I'm guessing after a month of being told you're out of here, she didn't want them to benefit from it.
If you recall, the exact same scenario played out when Gord Martineau didn't get his contract renewed by Rogers at City TV after decades as their main anchor. He did his final show and left without a word, and it wasn't until after he was gone that the stunned staff learned he was never coming back. It could have been a ratings bonanza if they'd done promos for days and then feted him with clips and farewells. Instead, he was gone and it was just another newscast with no fanfare - and no extra eyeballs.
I can't say for certain that's why either one did it - but I certainly wouldn't be in the mood to do the people firing me for no real reason any favours.
RadioActive wrote:
If you recall, the exact same scenario played out when Gord Martineau didn't get his contract renewed by Rogers at City TV after decades as their main anchor. He did his final show and left without a word, and it wasn't until after he was gone that the stunned staff learned he was never coming back.
I'd forgotten about that, but it's a good comparison. Reading what you wrote here, I recalled there was some social media buzz about how he simply said "Stay tuned for 'Modern Family'" (arguably demeaning for a news anchor to have to do night after night in the best of times, but I digress) as usual for their "Modern Family" nightly syndication airing, and "that was that" for Martineau's role there.
Makes total sense to me why she declined. She'd have been restricted about what she could say on that final newscast, she certainly could not say "A dickwad Bell executive didn't like that I let my real hair color appear on TV and I had to fight constantly to get the funding to maintain a quality newscast and finally he decided he didn't like a woman talking back to him so he fired me because he's an insecure piece of shit human being."
Twitter and Instagram? Say whatever you want without any executive censoring you. If she'd done the final CTV newscast and been all glowing and sentimental on-air, then turned around a day later and told the real truth on twitter, people might have seen her as two-faced.
There was a tense meeting at CTV today:
This is really getting messy. To be honest, my trust in and respect for CTV as a news organization has plummeted this week - and that is a reflection squarely on Bell Media, not the professional journalists they still have.
The Star article:CTV News holds town hall after Lisa LaFlamme exit. Here’s what employees heard
Meeting, memo underscore tensions in wake of decision to terminate award-winning broadcaster’s contract
By Maria IqbalStaff Reporter
Joanna ChiuStaff Reporter
Bell Media executives on Thursday looked to regain control of the internal narrative surrounding the end of star anchor and senior editor Lisa LaFlamme’s contract, acknowledging that there has been “damage” to CTV’s reputation as a result of the high-profile exit.
But a town hall meeting and company memo also served to highlight tensions within the newsroom
.At the afternoon meeting, Michael Melling, the company’s head of news, and Karine Moses, senior vice-president of content development and news, addressed staff.
“I know the team is hurting right now … I am sorry for anyone who has been dragged into this,” said Melling, acknowledging the furious public backlash around LaFlamme’s surprise exit.
The company decided to “move on” from LaFlamme to pursue its “vision” based on factors including audience trends, said Moses, who was behind a table with Melling.
LaFlamme announced her departure Monday through a video posted on Twitter. She said she had been “blindsided” by Bell Media’s decision to end her contract. Public reaction was swift, with critics alleging sexism and ageism as factors in the ending of the 58-year-old’s more than three decades with the company. Further criticism about the culture at CTV News subsequently emerged from staff.
At the Thursday meeting, LaFlamme’s former executive producer, Rosa Hwang, pressed the two executives to clarify whether the decision to end the anchor’s contract had to do with age or gender, asking: “What factors made you think she wouldn’t align with the vision?”“Was it her age?”
Moses replied: “No. Seriously, I’m a woman. ... I’ve been here 25 years. And do you really think I would fire a woman because she’s a woman?
”“So she was fired then?” Hwang asked.
“That’s not what I’m saying, but you know what I mean,” Moses said, before a moderator cut off Hwang’s line of questioning to move on to the next topic.
Melling said the company would co-ordinate “small team meetings” to provide further context for LaFlamme’s departure, including sharing financial data, and he invited staff to help come up with ways to “map out our future forward together.
”The meeting lasted about half an hour.
“The whole meeting was a disaster,” a staff member later told the Star, speaking on the condition of anonymity, because, they said, they fear reprisal.
“Michael Melling and Karine Moses just abruptly ended the meeting when there were still multiple people who still had questions to ask. … It was extremely disrespectful. It was such a mess; we don’t think it could have gone worse.
”“The general consensus amongst the newsroom is that meeting was a joke,” a producer told the Star. “Lots of empty words and platitudes, absolutely no substance. They called together a room full of professional, career journalists and got absolutely grilled, and had no answers ready. Nobody is happy.
”The meeting followed an internal memo Thursday morning that stated that it had been LaFlamme’s choice not to bid viewers farewell on CTV National News.
The memo to staff from Moses addressed media coverage of LaFlamme’s termination, saying it has been filled with “false narratives.
”“I also want to specifically address accusations that Lisa LaFlamme was not given the opportunity to come back into the studio and have her career at CTV be appropriately celebrated,” read the statement addressed to Bell Media news team members and leaders.
“I have the utmost respect for the contributions that Lisa has made over the last 35 years, and we all wanted to follow the customary practice you have seen in the past of giving proper on air send-off, highlighting her major career achievements.
“As Lisa mentioned in her statement, she was informed of our decision on June 29. After June 29 Lisa was allowed to and did continue to work, covering the papal visit and anchoring the National News during the week of July 25,” wrote Moses, who’s also Bell vice-chair, Québec.
“She opted to not say goodbye to the public during a CTV National newscast. While I wish things had been different, I also respect her decision.”
Several CTV employees told the Star that the memo was upsetting to them and that they were considering leaving the company. The message, one producer felt, was: “Basically ... you all have it wrong; we don’t believe how you feel to be true, mostly because my experience has been positive.”
Another producer said the memo was being seen as an implicit threat to CTV employees who spoke critically about the company’s handling of LaFlamme’s contract: “The memo is just corporate speak for ‘How dare you say things you believe to be true about this newsroom we seemingly have abandoned with no leadership and no communication in an extremely harsh and abrupt manner.’”
In the video she tweeted announcing her departure Monday, LaFlamme said it was “crushing to be leaving CTV National News in a manner that is not my choice.”“
I guess this is my signoff from CTV,” said LaFlamme in the video. “I want to express my deepest gratitude to all of you. To my incredible colleagues for their unwavering support, my dear friends and my loving family.”
LaFlamme had been anchoring the network’s national news program since 2011, part of a 35-year, award-winning career at CTV.
LaFlamme has not responded publicly to the characterization of her departure in Thursday’s memo.
LaFlamme’s replacement, Omar Sachedina, is due to start his role Sept. 5. Until then, Sandie Rinaldo will serve as national anchor, Thursday’s memo said.
Last edited by Glen Warren (August 18, 2022 9:27 pm)
LOSat wrote:
With the CBC getting ready to launch a FAST (Free Ad-Supported Streaming TV) News Service it might be a bit of a coup for them to sign Lisa LaFlamme as a marque anchor. It would certainly guarantee CBC a lot of free publicity for the upcoming service should this come to pass. Every news outlet and social feed would be full of the story should they sign her and instant eyeballs for the service.
...except then they'll be stuck paying her salary after the 9 minutes of interest the story gets. Why would the CBC do that and not give the next gen a shot? And what's with everyone needing to resurrect this career?! She's rich! She was a monumental success, by any media standard. How many news people do you know who make it to 58 without getting laid off, fired, cancelled or removed on a stretcher? ... Or work 35 years for the same company? She had to her time. Thanks a million... next!
Peter Drake of Mississauga's letter published in this morning's Globe & Mail states that "I have the right to cease watching any and all programs on CTV. And I have done so".
That'll fix 'em!
Bell Media is caught in a backlash of their own making. And now they're promising an "independent third party review" of their newsroom, which should be revealing if they actually ever release the results of what they find. Here's their statement, posted Friday on Twitter:
my my my! It seems that all the executive poo bahs at Bell Media just keep stepping in it...
Mirko Bibic will need more than a couple of beers when this week is over....
Last edited by Glen Warren (August 19, 2022 10:32 am)
"Let's Talk" about accuracy Bell
"She would be leaving" - no she was terminated.
"Wrong impression" - no I think the impression was pretty clear however any handpicked "third party" investigator can suggest a different spin
"Regrets the way" - oh yeah we effed up.
"Toxic behaviour" - yeah who are going to turn that lens at - management, I doubt it.
Will this third party report be made public?
Right now on Global BC’s Morning News, they’ve had the same “Breaking News” headline in red on the screen about Lisa LaFlamme and Bell’s workplace review flashing for at least the past 20 minutes. Usually they rotate through a bunch of local headlines.
Probably not intentional, but…interesting coming from a competitor.
Last edited by MJ Vancouver (August 19, 2022 10:54 am)
MJ Vancouver wrote:
Right now on Global BC’s Morning News, they’ve had the same “Breaking News” headline in red on the screen about Lisa LaFlamme and Bell’s workplace review flashing for at least the past 20 minutes. Usually they rotate through a bunch of local headlines.
Probably not intentional, but…interesting coming from a competitor.
With Global owning the market in the west, I'm not sure they have much to worry about. Global's national program also doesn't run in the same time slot. If it did, I think you would see a different approach.
It makes Bell look bad to the public who care too. I'm interested in seeing their ratings post Lisa.. I have a feeling CTV will see the national news take a bit of a downturn.
Last edited by radiokid (August 19, 2022 11:48 am)
Why bother providing signatures when you can get an intern to do it. Bell Media... such a great organization. /s
Would love to get the story on which PR agency is (mis)handling this whole dumpster fire. Or perhaps Bell ignored their expert advice?
Also, whoever wrote and approved the latest statement used the word "difficult" twice, a huge 'fox paw' when it comes to any piece of writing whether you're a kid in elementary school or a giant corporation trying to cover your ass. It came across as sloppy and rushed, but then their lack of attention to detail isn't new or surprising. Deckchairs, Titanic, yada yada yawn.
There really is nothing more enjoyable than seeing Bell post their spin onto twitter and then watching the angry reaction from over 2400 people who are reaming them up the arse...
New Delhi India news and their coverage of the story.