Barely four months after her role in the Raveena Aulakh tragedy was revealed, Jane Davenport has exited the Toronto Star.
Readers will recall how last June l’affaire Raveena went from unspeakable private tragedy to institutional scandale as Star management tried to drop the cone of silence on their epic blunders.
As first reported in Trash Magazine, Aulakh, the paper’s environment reporter, heartbroken over an office affair gone bad, committed suicide.
Star management fuelled speculation about the circumstances by not publishing her obituary. Public editor Kathy English was deployed to pen a master class in self-serving suck-and-blow, in which she clumsily relied upon Raveena’s plea for privacy (“’Please don’t talk about me. Please don’t let anyone write about me,’ she wrote.”) not only as an explanation for not running an obit, but as tacit justification for the Star’s subsequent attempts to sweep the entire HR headache under the rug.
But any hope management had of keeping the wretched matter quiet came unravelled when it was revealed that it was Jon Filson, the paper’s tablet supremo, with whom Raveena had been having an affair for several years.
grilled.cheese wrote:
I'm glad I don't pay for The red Star
I'm glad I don't pay for that gawd awful extremely blue Sun.