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July 20, 2022 8:51 am  #1

Major Report Blames CRTC For Your High Internet Bills

I'm not sure we needed a federal study to confirm what everyone here already knows - Canada's Internet bills are higher than almost any place on the planet. But now research out of Ottawa shows exactly where to place the blame - partly on the greedy Big Three, who gouge customers because they have no real alternatives. 

But also the CRTC, which made a ridiculous and controversial decision several years ago to stop a policy that allowed independent ISPs to charge a discounted rate for their services. As a result of that incomprehensible and still unexplained reversal, led by CRTC Chair Ian Scott, a former Telus lobbyist, the price you pay to get access to this and other sites is higher than it should be. 

It's all outlined in a major story in the Toronto Star on Wednesday, which includes this almost laughable promise:

"The federal department of Innovation, Science and Economic Development said in May that it plans to direct the CRTC to take a stronger stance — including on the wholesale internet market — to spur more competition, lower prices and improve services.

"Ottawa is currently consulting on that policy direction, which must be passed in Parliament before coming into effect.

“The government’s new proposed policy direction to the CRTC would require the commission to put in place new rules to improve competition and advance consumer rights, leading to lower prices and better telecommunications services for Canadian consumers,” ISED spokesperson Hans Parmar said Tuesday."

Right, because it worked so well the last time they gave the Commission those same instructions. Hold onto your wallets, folks. Because you may find a corporate gouger already has their hands in there. 

Canada’s internet prices are rising again — and critics say the CRTC’s broadband reversal is to blame