This is admittedly somewhat nit-picky, but sometimes it's the little things you hear on air that drive you the craziest.
Now that Ontario is finally starting to open back up after the height of the pandemic, I keep hearing newscasters and reporters on almost every station talking about how relieved people are about getting back to "normalcy" (which is a word), "normality" (which is also a real word) and even "normalicy" (which is not a word.)
Whatever happened to just saying people want to get back to normal?
Maybe they wanted to write/say it differently each time? Maybe they're trying not to overuse that phrase, lest someone comes along and complains about that exact thing.
Oddly, I have yet to hear the word "normal" used even once in any of the reports I've monitored. It's always the other three!
Oddly? Was that a pun?
The last time things felt normal for me was September 10th, 2001
since then, it's "the new normal."
Last edited by arc23 (February 20, 2022 12:51 pm)
In a way for me too. September 11th wrapped a period of naivety for me. Life, while hard in some respects was fairly innocent and socially carefree prior to that event. I know there were world issues I wasn't completely aware of, but it didn't affect me.
When I think of Regan being inaugurated, I don't think of right-wing business interests or the effects of Reganomics, I think of a sunny winter day hearing "Looking For Clues" on 1050 CHUM. It's all perspective.
arc23 wrote:
The last time things felt normal for me was September 10th, 2001
since then, it's "the new normal."
I will never forget the top story on our station's TV newscast on Sept. 10th, 2001. It was a huge harangue about whether spanking kids in schools should be allowed. That was the lede and man, was it a slow news day.
Twenty-four hours later - and almost every day afterwards since then - it's rarely come up anywhere. To me, that speaks to one of the biggest divides right there. We went from "God, what are we going to lead with?" to "When will this nightmare end and are there more attacks coming?" in less than 24 hours.
Of course, I remember the headlines and what happened to the world that terrible day. But as far as being in that newsroom, all I can recall about Sept. 11th was being called into work early and sitting down in front of my computer by around 10 AM, and not looking back up or getting out of that chair until after 11 o'clock that night. I have no memory about what happened in between that time. We were simply too busy for anything to register. It was, and remains, a bit of a blur.