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October 5, 2021 12:14 am  #1

What Was Going On With CTV Toronto's Weather Forecasts Monday?

I've seen some weird stuff on TV during the pandemic, but few things were as odd as the sight of CFTO's Michelle Jobin, the fill-in for Lindsay Morrison, now on mat leave, standing literally in the middle of nowhere on Monday's noon and six PM newscasts. 

There was no explanation for where she was and no key or super to explain even the area she was in. To make things worse, her live noon hit in front of someone's lawn (maybe her own house, hence the possible reason for no locator) was almost completely obscured by someone running what sounded like either a leaf blower or one of those duct cleaning trucks just a few feet away. It was almost inaudible. 

The sound was better on the 6, but she was still in that unnamed location with no explanation of why. 

Then came the recorded segment for the 11:30 PM nightly wrap-up. This time, they had her in what appeared to be a closed in basement with a solid and very odd looking blue-painted wall behind her (not a chroma-key colour, either.) The audio was extremely thin, echo-y and sounded like she was in a glass box, with horrendous lighting casting shadows all over her face. It was almost as bad as the noon, but in a quieter way. 

They really did owe the viewer some explanation for all this, but instead they treated it just like a normal weather cast. Which it most assuredly wasn't.

I also noted that, after firing Anwar Knight and Tom Brown earlier this year, the network flagship has left itself notably thin in the weather department. On the weekend, the anchor did the entire forecast, including the maps, the radar and the 7-day. And they sounded like they had no idea what they were talking about. Where Saron Fanel, a reporter who usually subs in the WX role on Saturday and Sunday, went to is anyone's guess.  

Instant Internet forecasts or not, weather is still a huge draw for these over-the-air newscasts and they've clearly left themselves so thin in this department (all the late-night weather is now pre-recorded because the one person working can't toil from noon to midnight five days a week) it's becoming increasingly noticeable. Especially when there are actual meteorologists working down the dial on Global. 

I hope they fix this. Otherwise, the forecast is for more embarrassing moments like Monday. And that's a pretty cloudy outlook. 


October 5, 2021 1:15 am  #2

Re: What Was Going On With CTV Toronto's Weather Forecasts Monday?

Thank-you. Glad it wasn't just me noticing the sound troubles.
I was deeply disturbed by what I was listening to for weather on the CTV 11:30 newscast. 
Why was she wearing a tin can over her mouth? She wasn't? Sure sounded like it! lol 


CityNews 24/7:
RadioWiz & RadioQuiz are NOT the same person. 
RadioWiz & THE Wiz are NOT the same person.


October 5, 2021 7:26 am  #3

Re: What Was Going On With CTV Toronto's Weather Forecasts Monday?

I choose to watch Carla Bosacki, Global Toronto's late night/weekends weather, if only for the 'unusual' clothing. 


October 5, 2021 3:10 pm  #4

Re: What Was Going On With CTV Toronto's Weather Forecasts Monday?

Michelle Jobin did today's noon weather from the same location.

Last edited by Media Observer (October 5, 2021 4:51 pm)


October 5, 2021 4:09 pm  #5

Re: What Was Going On With CTV Toronto's Weather Forecasts Monday?

Gone are the Dave Devall days and sponsored by Carrier AC's.


October 5, 2021 5:05 pm  #6

Re: What Was Going On With CTV Toronto's Weather Forecasts Monday?

markow202 wrote:

Gone are the Dave Devall days and sponsored by Carrier AC's.

Miss him and his booth announcing... "You are tuned to CFTO-TV channel 9, in Toronto cable 8."

...or, here in the Ottawa Valley, CJOH's J.J. Clarke (Shawville QC native, real name Ron Rowat) doing the 6pm weather from a random Ottawa intersection, e.g. Woodroffe & Carling.


October 5, 2021 6:39 pm  #7

Re: What Was Going On With CTV Toronto's Weather Forecasts Monday?

Looks like she is at home.  Maybe she tested positive for COVID and as a precaution she is doing the weather from outside her house?  This was common a few months back. 


October 5, 2021 6:44 pm  #8

Re: What Was Going On With CTV Toronto's Weather Forecasts Monday?

I would understand if a CTV station in a smaller market has the news anchor doing the weather, but CTV Toronto? They really couldn't find someone else, or even get the CP24 weather anchor on duty to do it? Even CTV Calgary has a weather presenter on weekends.


October 5, 2021 9:59 pm  #9

Re: What Was Going On With CTV Toronto's Weather Forecasts Monday?

ED1 wrote:

I would understand if a CTV station in a smaller market has the news anchor doing the weather, but CTV Toronto? They really couldn't find someone else, or even get the CP24 weather anchor on duty to do it? Even CTV Calgary has a weather presenter on weekends.

I've learned that CP24 employment is on a separate contract that does not involve anything on CTV.
Some sort of Union thing.  Otherwise, why not just shut down the weather department all together and go to CP24 for weather reports on Toronto's CTV news. 

CityNews 24/7:
RadioWiz & RadioQuiz are NOT the same person. 
RadioWiz & THE Wiz are NOT the same person.


October 5, 2021 10:19 pm  #10

Re: What Was Going On With CTV Toronto's Weather Forecasts Monday?

Radiowiz wrote:

ED1 wrote:

I would understand if a CTV station in a smaller market has the news anchor doing the weather, but CTV Toronto? They really couldn't find someone else, or even get the CP24 weather anchor on duty to do it? Even CTV Calgary has a weather presenter on weekends.

I've learned that CP24 employment is on a separate contract that does not involve anything on CTV.
Some sort of Union thing.  Otherwise, why not just shut down the weather department all together and go to CP24 for weather reports on Toronto's CTV news. 

Even smaller markets than Calgary like London, and Kitchener have their own weather people.  CP24 on air personalities are regularly on CTV Toronto.  I have even seen the national CTV network use CP24 reporters with live reports before.


October 5, 2021 11:34 pm  #11

Re: What Was Going On With CTV Toronto's Weather Forecasts Monday?

paterson1 wrote:

CP24 on air personalities are regularly on CTV Toronto.  I have even seen the national CTV network use CP24 reporters with live reports before.

Sorry, I meant CTV Toronto local news. Based on your logic they really  should just go full speed ahead and shut the weather department of CTV Toronto down and just go to weather from CP24 already. 
I wonder why they won't do that?  

CityNews 24/7:
RadioWiz & RadioQuiz are NOT the same person. 
RadioWiz & THE Wiz are NOT the same person.


October 6, 2021 1:02 pm  #12

Re: What Was Going On With CTV Toronto's Weather Forecasts Monday?

Never mind Where In The World Is Carmen Sandiego?

Where in the world is Michelle Jobin?

The CFTO weather fill-in spent her third day at an unidentified location and at least the audio has improved. It's very odd that they're not even providing a general location, say, Scarborough, which would not identify where she is, in case she's broadcasting from home, as some here suspect.

Also a mystery - it's clearly not an Internet/Zoom-type connection. So does that mean they're actually sending a sat truck out to get these shots? Seems like a waste of such an expensive piece of equipment and manpower.

Yes, this is completely irrelevant, but for some reason, I'm fascinated by the never-revealed reasons for it. It really shows how stupid it is to have only one weather person on your staff - and she's just a fill-in for Lyndsay Morrison, at that. Which I suppose means in a way, they really have no weather people at all anymore. 

Anyway, here she is on the noon, followed by that mysterious and ghastly-lit blue wall on the 11:30 PM cast.

     Thread Starter

October 6, 2021 6:03 pm  #13

Re: What Was Going On With CTV Toronto's Weather Forecasts Monday?

I don't know why CTV Toronto has only one weather person.  CTV Kitchener has three, and one reporter who can do weather in studio.  I think Michelle tested positive for COVID and as a precaution reports the weather from home.  Or is she not vaccinated?  The blue screen is clearly not in studio.  Also I don't know why they never mention that she is home.  CTV News Network uses one of the Kitchener weather people from time to time and  they are direct from the Kitchener studios, or outside of the studio on King Street.  


October 6, 2021 6:19 pm  #14

Re: What Was Going On With CTV Toronto's Weather Forecasts Monday?

I don't know if she has kids, but schools are a bit of a mess right now, sending kids home with even a single covid-like symptom. Entire classes being sent home after a positive test. Many broadcasters are being flexible if employees need to work from home to look after them or isolate themselves.

Last edited by RadioAaron (October 6, 2021 6:20 pm)


October 6, 2021 7:25 pm  #15

Re: What Was Going On With CTV Toronto's Weather Forecasts Monday?

Is it possible she's quarantining and privacy is the reason for the secrecy? It could be. But then consider this - she spent endless amounts of time in the weather set in Agincourt last week, mixing with all the crew and her co-anchors. Wouldn't Michelle Dube and Nathan Downer then also have to be isolated because they came into contact with her? Yet they're still live in studio.

So even if she was hypothetically diagnosed on, say, the weekend through family contact, wouldn't protocol suggest the people she works with would also have to isolate? 

This is, of course, all speculation. Chances are her health is fine and there's some other reason for this mysterious - and prolonged - absence. 

But either way, there has to be something better than that horrible blue wall as a background!

     Thread Starter

October 6, 2021 7:31 pm  #16

Re: What Was Going On With CTV Toronto's Weather Forecasts Monday?

RadioActive wrote:

Is it possible she's quarantining and privacy is the reason for the secrecy? It could be. But then consider this - she spent endless amounts of time in the weather set in Agincourt last week, mixing with all the crew and her co-anchors. Wouldn't Michelle Dube and Nathan Downer then also have to be isolated because they came into contact with her? Yet they're still live in studio.

If she's positive, sure. Which is why I suggest it would be more likely an issue with kids.

Either way, it's really none of the public's business and shouldn't be addressed on air.


October 6, 2021 7:50 pm  #17

Re: What Was Going On With CTV Toronto's Weather Forecasts Monday?

I don't disagree with you about it not being anyone's business if it's a health-related matter. 

But the real lesson here is that you shouldn't have just one person in any department, in case something happens to them and they can't fill their shift properly. While it's not their fault that Lindsay Morrison became a mom, Bell made a huge error by firing all their weather people, leaving themselves so thin in that department, they have to resort to this - a single remote anchor standing in the middle of nowhere, taped forecasts at night and no one to do it at all on the weekend. 

Global has meteorologists Anthony Farnell, Ross Hull and presenter Carla Bosacki.

City TV has Natasha Ramsahai (another meteorologist), Michelle Mackey and some others, who can fill in for forecasts when needed. 

I believe CBC Toronto contracts its local TV weather out to the Weather Network for at least some of its needs, meaning they'll never be caught flatfooted because there's always someone there available to do it. 

How could Bell leave themselves with so few options or workarounds for a segment that important? It's beyond understanding, but apparently not beyond the bottom line. 

     Thread Starter

October 6, 2021 7:58 pm  #18

Re: What Was Going On With CTV Toronto's Weather Forecasts Monday?

Other than the fact that it was obviously (due to technical issues) decided on the fly, why does it matter? Your regular weather person from home is better than a fill-in from the studio. The only reason to have an actual weather person is to add another character to the cast. Most of them aren't meteorologists. The familiar and regular cast member wins.


October 6, 2021 8:13 pm  #19

Re: What Was Going On With CTV Toronto's Weather Forecasts Monday?

Having worked at a major TV station, I can tell you that being on set for a weathercast is a bonus. The presenter generally helps make up the maps, gets to review them, adds anything special they might want to point out, and by being in-set, gets to insert stop points that allows them to highlight certain aspects of the forecasts, including the approx. time rain is predicted, some weird anomaly taking place over the next 24 hours or any number of other bits of info. 

Plus, they can kibbitz back and forth with the anchors, which adds a sense of being live in the same place and a cohesion to the proceedings. 

That doesn't happen on a remote. 

I noticed on CFTO's 6 PM news that Jobin kept waiting for a temperature map that never came up. She seemed surprised by the sat map, then the winds, while continually vamping for the temperatures to show up. In the end, she gave up and just threw back to the studio - predictably, just as viewers got a glimpse of the temps that disappeared from the screen with her sign off. 

I once worked at a station that often insisted on sending its weather people out to remote locations for no other reason than "we needed a place to send our sat truck, because there was no other logical spot to put it, they didn't want to pay a reporter extra to hang around past 11 PM when his piece ran in the 6, and 'we're paying for the truck and its operator and damn it, we're going to use it!' "

Unless you were talking about a huge weather event, like a flood, a massive thunderstorm or the aftermath of a tornado, those segments never went as well in my mind. Plus it was tougher to get them to wrap it without a floor director present. Those live segments always ran too long and there wasn't much they could do about it. By the time everyone got the message, we were already heavy. 

Also - and as a viewer, I had a huge problem with Anwar Knight when he was there - too much time was spent schmoozing with a guest or a tour of the area, leaving short shrift for the actual weather - you know, that thing he was really sent there to do in the first place. 

CFTO needs a back-up weather person. Going with one anchor for a seven-day-a-week program element is a stupid and risky idea. 

     Thread Starter

October 8, 2021 12:34 pm  #20

Re: What Was Going On With CTV Toronto's Weather Forecasts Monday?

Whatever the reason for her absence, Michelle Jobin was back on set Friday. (That likely rules out anything COVID-related - a 7-day quarantine would probably not have been enough for her to return to work.) Anyway, the weather presentation was much better with her in set. 

It remains to be seen if it's anchor weather again on the weekend. 

     Thread Starter

October 9, 2021 8:04 pm  #21

Re: What Was Going On With CTV Toronto's Weather Forecasts Monday?

There was no weather person again on CFTO's weekend 6 PM newscast and it was a real mess when the anchor tried to ad lib the early look.

Rahim Ladhani first thought he was looking at tonight's lows, then realized they were actually the highs for the day. He got very tongue tied and tried desperately to get out of it, but constantly booted the thing. I don't really blame him, though. He shouldn't have been asked to do this element of the show in the first place.

To make matters worse, it was clear he was expecting at least another board to come up but there may have been a glitch and it never appeared. In the end, he was forced to end the "early look" by saying "more later" and getting out of it as fast as he could. 

Again, this isn't working, and there's a reason they have a dedicated person doing this. Weather is an essential part of a newscast (in Buffalo, some stations lead with it every night, regardless of what's going on) especially on a long holiday weekend. Not having anyone there is absurd. 

     Thread Starter

October 9, 2021 9:33 pm  #22

Re: What Was Going On With CTV Toronto's Weather Forecasts Monday?

RadioActive wrote:

There was no weather person again on CFTO's weekend 6 PM newscast and it was a real mess when the anchor tried to ad lib the early look.

Rahim Ladhani first thought he was looking at tonight's lows, then realized they were actually the highs for the day. He got very tongue tied and tried desperately to get out of it, but constantly booted the thing. I don't really blame him, though. He shouldn't have been asked to do this element of the show in the first place.

To make matters worse, it was clear he was expecting at least another board to come up but there may have been a glitch and it never appeared. In the end, he was forced to end the "early look" by saying "more later" and getting out of it as fast as he could. 

Again, this isn't working, and there's a reason they have a dedicated person doing this. Weather is an essential part of a newscast (in Buffalo, some stations lead with it every night, regardless of what's going on) especially on a long holiday weekend. Not having anyone there is absurd. 

It’s been a few years since I’ve lived in Toronto now, but it’s unfortunate to hear about how badly CFTO’s News product has declined since I’ve moved. I feel like they’ve taken their audience for granted.

I don’t watch the CTV station in Vancouver, but I do watch Global BC (also known for many years as BCTV). Their on-air product is far superior - multiple weather people, and multiple sports reporters and anchors. Corus has seemed to have prioritized it along with Global Calgary and Edmonton for maintaining a quality news product, while CTV is letting its crown jewel local news operation slide.


October 9, 2021 10:24 pm  #23

Re: What Was Going On With CTV Toronto's Weather Forecasts Monday?

I agree with MJ Vancouver, CTV Toronto (CFTO) has been number one for so long they are taking the audience for granted and forgetting about the smaller details.  CTV Kitchener had a live weather person on the news tonight, chatting  with the anchor before and after the forecast.  Hard to believe CTV Toronto has an anchor stumbling through the weather. But regardless the anchor should still be able to do this without butchering the forecast. 

Global always has weather people and still covers sports, CHCH does too.   CTV Toronto is letting the accountants and consultants run the show, and this could backfire on them.

Don't know what the evening local TV news ratings are.  It would be nice if one of the Toronto newspapers had the ratings in every so often, or a story about local television news.  Their readers would likely be very interested to read about this. 

CTV Toronto seems to have become indifferent to the audience with poor service at least for weather, hopefully Global or City will get points for still doing the weather properly and see an increase in their ratings.  It looks like the lucrative local news ratings crown is up for could take some time, but CFTO is vulnerable, with less service to viewers and sloppy production.    

Last edited by paterson1 (October 9, 2021 10:25 pm)


October 9, 2021 10:45 pm  #24

Re: What Was Going On With CTV Toronto's Weather Forecasts Monday?

paterson1 wrote:

I agree with MJ Vancouver, CTV Toronto (CFTO) has been number one for so long they are taking the audience for granted and forgetting about the smaller details.  CTV Kitchener had a live weather person on the news tonight, chatting  with the anchor before and after the forecast.  Hard to believe CTV Toronto has an anchor stumbling through the weather. But regardless the anchor should still be able to do this without butchering the forecast. 

Global always has weather people and still covers sports, CHCH does too.   CTV Toronto is letting the accountants and consultants run the show, and this could backfire on them.

Don't know what the evening local TV news ratings are.  It would be nice if one of the Toronto newspapers had the ratings in every so often, or a story about local television news.  Their readers would likely be very interested to read about this. 

CTV Toronto seems to have become indifferent to the audience with poor service at least for weather, hopefully Global or City will get points for still doing the weather properly and see an increase in their ratings.  It looks like the lucrative local news ratings crown is up for could take some time, but CFTO is vulnerable, with less service to viewers and sloppy production.    

They are doing something right with their weekday 6 PM newscast at least... the first commercial break doesn't roll until at least :25 past the hour. Unfortunately the 2nd half of the show they cram all the commercial breaks in, and it's just filler content. Can't say the same for their 11:30 newscast (weekday or weekend). After the first commercial break, it's just really stale content. 

The CTV local newscasts across the country haven't been the same since local sports was removed and their sports reporters laid off. 

Last edited by ED1 (October 9, 2021 10:46 pm)